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Connecticut School Shooting

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leanin' H

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2007
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Western Utah Desert
My thoughts and prayers are with the kids, the teachers and the parents of the school shooting victims in connecticut right now. I cannot beleive someone could do that to children. Just sucks and makes no sense. All we can do is turn it over to the Lord and pray for comfort for everyone involved. Please join me with your prayers all day today and for the next weeks. Can't imagine the pain and torment they must be going through.

And i hope there is a special place in hell for that worthless, miserable coward who shot them. Some folks arent worth saving.
Amen, We all need to pray for the families tonignt. I know when I get home I will give my kids a lot longer hug.
While I am praying for the families involved in the shooting in Connecticut, I have to think about when I was in school. Shayne Zutavern, a classmate of mine, always had some kind of firearm in his car. We all carried pocket knives. I saw more then once, where Herb Gerhard, my Vo Ag teacher, had a gun in his office. An armed gunman wouldn't have stood much of a chance at killing many people, is my opinion. Yes it is a sad thing that has happened, but what is even sadder, is there was NO one there to protect those kids. We have taken away an individuals right to defend themselves!
LazyWP said:
While I am praying for the families involved in the shooting in Connecticut, I have to think about when I was in school. Shayne Zutavern, a classmate of mine, always had some kind of firearm in his car. We all carried pocket knives. I saw more then once, where Herb Gerhard, my Vo Ag teacher, had a gun in his office. An armed gunman wouldn't have stood much of a chance at killing many people, is my opinion. Yes it is a sad thing that has happened, but what is even sadder, is there was NO one there to protect those kids. We have taken away an individuals right to defend themselves!

I believe there is not place for guns in kindergarden. When I was in school during hunting season there were multiple rifles and shotguns in the back seat of cars or on gun racks in the trucks. Today students would be expelled for bringing a gun onto school grounds. I pray for the families that lost loved ones. I have 6 year old daughter and a shiver runs down my spine thinking this could happen at the local schools.
This is a little long. I took the time to write down some thoughts on the shooting in Connecticut as well as thoughts about our society. Hopefully you can stand to read it all.

Today one of the most incredibly horrible acts a person could ever commit took place in a small town in Connecticut. To add to the pain and sorrow of the families that were involved in this tragedy, the media has turned this into a nationwide gun control debate. Unfortunately, we often look for a quick solution to a problem and very much emotion is involved in the criticism of the day's event. I would like to bring a point to the attention of the people of this country. I would like for the people of our Nation to search their souls for the true problem we are facing
I started kindergarten 30 yrs ago; lots of things have changed between then and now. There have been a lot of good changes to our educations system, also some not so good. Good changes have been made in the spirit of a better education; the bad changes have been made in order to keep from offending someone that may not share the same mindset or beliefs. People need to search their souls and think about what has truly changed in our Country. I cannot remember ever hearing of tragedy like today's events until the Columbine Massacre in 1999, 3 years after I graduated high school. Since that time there have been several similar acts committed in a variety of different settings. So what has really changed is it the number of gun owner to non gun owner ratio, I really doubt it. I am not interested in defending my right to or not to bear arms. I feel like the way that our nation is parenting their children has been one of the most drastic changes this country has ever seen. It is easy to look for someone else or something else to blame. In the end the only thing that can be responsible for any act good or bad is a physical being that has the capacity of conscious thought. So where does that leave responsibility, to the people that commit those acts and to those people that shaped the minds and lives of those people as they were developing. The only people that can be held accountable for the development of a child's beliefs and values are their parents. In the end those morals and beliefs shape the decisions that those children make when they become adults. It is time for people to take responsibility and raise their children to be productive, compassionate, and most of all loving people, who have self respect and respect others. I truly belief that the biggest change this country has seen is the anti-Christian movement. People are more worried about placing blame on their neighbor, our Nation's leaders, etc. for their situation than they are taking responsibility for their lives. We can no longer discipline our children because it is abuse. We shelter our children from reality because it isn't fair, then they grow up and find out the hard way that life isn't fair. We leave parenting to daycare and the school system, yet we do not give them any power to discipline or correct our children. We no longer teach respect for elders or manners in general because we do not want anyone telling us how we should live our lives or raise our children. If we have misfortune in our lives we can always find someone or something to blame instead of being accountable and looking within ourselves for the answer. We no longer stand up for what we believe in for fear of offending someone or having to answer to our justice system. We have absolutely no compassion or regard for the well being of our neighbors because we have become self consumed in our own wants and desires. The reality of it is not one of us can exist without society as a whole. It is time that we take control of our Nation, our law making bodies, our justice system and start by holding ourselves accountable then start climbing up the ladder all the way to the leaders of our nation. Our country was founded on a standard of beliefs and morals. All of which were based on a Christian platform. That platform was the same platform that families used every day to raise their children. The roots of Christianity are what have developed the United States into the great Country that it is. In my opinion if you look at history, when we started to exclude Christianity in Society our country began to have serious problems. There is no longer a strong public representation of Christianity or its beliefs and moral standards. People are no longer concerned with being accountable for their actions because they can use our justice system to protect their right to do whatever they want with blatant disregard for how it affects someone else. Ultimately, no one is any longer concerned with how their actions affect anyone else because they do not have to answer to anyone. The one thing that has changed for certain is the number of people that are truly concerned for their salvation and being held accountable for their life on their judgment day. In the end if we do not answer to a greater power and do not feel like we will one day be held accountable for our actions by our creator, it doesn't really matter what we do.
I am praying for the victims of today's horrible tragedy. I have also been praying and will continue to pray for the salvation of this country. It is time to take a stand and take control of our future. Hold yourselves and your neighbors accountable for their actions. Distinguish the difference between what is right and your own selfish desires. Do not become consumed with selfish desires and self pity; become consumed with the future of our Nation's children. Make a difference, it will not always mean taking the easiest route. Stand up for what you believe in and take a long hard look at who you are and where you stand. You are the only person that has the power to change your life and its circumstances, just remember how it may affect you later. Where have we gone wrong? Today's tragedy was not caused by owning a gun or teaching a child how to use it, but by not teaching a child responsibility, self respect, and ultimately respect for others as well as life.
I hope that people will take time to read this and reflect on their lives and who they are. Please feel free to share my comments. I feel like it is time to try to make a difference. I have 3 children, the oldest is a kindergartner. This is part of my contribution to her future.

Ryan Sexson
Nenzel, NE
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims families. Schools should be a safe haven for our young.

Something that I have not heard mentioned in these recent shootings is how many of the shooters have or where on pschiatric prescription drugs at a young age. I have a hunch that it is a high percentage. Our society has forgotten how to raise boys into men so these drugs make it easier for parents and teachers to control young boys the side effect is what we saw yesterday. We will see more of these unfortunately.
We need to get on the offence on this - - - If several (or all ) teachers and principles were trained in CCW the schools would no longer be viewed as a shooting gallery by the nuts that are always going to be in our world.

I feel that this should be the time we again state that "Gun Free Zones" are where the nuts go to roll up a numbers toll - - - If some of the teachers had been trained the toll would have been much lower - - - or if the gunman knew they were trained and waiting he would not have gone in the first place!!!!

This video goes a long way to explaining the false hood of gun free zones


I should add that I have rarely been without a firearm since I joined the Sheriff's Dept in 1975 - - - I carry every where and train safe defence - - - I feei if I was not able to respond in a situation like that I would have almost as much blame as the killer. I would like to feel no one would ever try this again but I am logical enough in my thinking that it will happen again as long as the nuts feel they can roll up a high number count.

I used to noy carry in Church but what if a bad guy came in and I could not defend my family and my church family. I pray I never have to use my training but I must be prepared!
I feel that the liberal frame of mind is partly resposible for this..aS WELL as the movies today that depect so much violence...and the vidieo games that seem to depict all you have to is pull the trigger and you are the KING.....took my grandson out to shoot awhile back..let him shoot .22 at first, all good,,upped to a 9mm,,,he looked at me as if to say..this isn't hard shooting at targets..put a clip in and let him have a go!!!attitude chane as tghe gun climbed on him quickly,,,,,,gave him a 357 OHHHHH that hurt(((the kick)))
the 44 mag ended all his desire to play bad guy when his arm rotated around his head....playing with a game gun is like riding a stick horse instead of a real one..
BAN that junk....
Steven Segal and that bunch is to blame as well... :mad: :mad: :mad:
This isn't a republican or demarcate thing and to bring up that the liberals are to blame is the exact reasone our country is in the state that we are in. Go back and read flyings post. We have got to come together as one group of people and stop blaming everyone else. Flyings post is so spot on. My wife is a high school math teacher and comes home every night telling me of kids that didn't do there homework or failed a test and want to blame her or what ever and not themselves, but it's them that didn't put in the time or work to make them successful. No parent wants to put blame on there kids for not doing there work. As a parent it's your responsibility to teach your children the difference between right and wrong and what's reality or fake. And take responsibility for there actions.

I don't think that we can ever say why someone does something like this. Or what would cause someone to do this.

Sorry for the rambling but hopalong post just struck a cord with me.
didn't mean to strike a chord with you........but think back when the teachers punidhment was nothing comp[ared to what you got at home!!!!!
Now the teachers cannot even verbally reprmand for fear of getting i trouble,,,the kids know that....and they use that!!!
That is what i meant about the liberal state of mind that has taken control of our county..
I know when i was growing up if i was disrespectful to a teacher, a neighbor, or any one, i would feel the rath of my parents.

Today it is what ya gonna do about it!???????

Thanks DR spock...Thanks to those that siad you cant disipline my kid!!!!

Just mho that we have gone down hill since these were put in place,,,and elders get no respect
Nothing could hurt worse than losing a child in such a senseless, vengeful, EVIL way!

Our love and prayers go out to all who are hurting from this event.

Certainly, it SEEMS that such acts are far more common than ever before in history, certainly the history of this country.

And yet.......there are so many more people now, and evil acts DID take place in the past, so on a per capita basis, I doubt it is much different.

Just heard last night of an incident, I believe in the 1920's, where an angry man (illness of his wife had bankrupted him) filled a school, of which he was treasurer, with dynamite and set it off hoping to kill huge number of people. He was only partially successful, but many were killed, dozens, I believe. Didn't catch the whole story..

It just serves to remind us that evil has been with us always, and unfortunately, always will be.

Not that we should despair and do nothing, that there is no earthly win in this war against evil. We can and must do all we can to improve society, and demand better behavior, responsibility, and civility tolead and show the way with our own actions living our faith.

mrj said:
Nothing could hurt worse than losing a child in such a senseless, vengeful, EVIL way!

Our love and prayers go out to all who are hurting from this event.

Certainly, it SEEMS that such acts are far more common than ever before in history, certainly the history of this country.

And yet.......there are so many more people now, and evil acts DID take place in the past, so on a per capita basis, I doubt it is much different.

Just heard last night of an incident, I believe in the 1920's, where an angry man (illness of his wife had bankrupted him) filled a school, of which he was treasurer, with dynamite and set it off hoping to kill huge number of people. He was only partially successful, but many were killed, dozens, I believe. Didn't catch the whole story..

It just serves to remind us that evil has been with us always, and unfortunately, always will be.

Not that we should despair and do nothing, that there is no earthly win in this war against evil. We can and must do all we can to improve society, and demand better behavior, responsibility, and civility tolead and show the way with our own actions living our faith.


AMEN mrj- I agree... Having spent years going over old crime records/reports- I have to agree...Horrendous old stories like the one of a mother 70+ years ago taking 6 kids to the bridge- hitting them in the head with a hammer and throwing them over the bridge.. One survived...

The difference was that back then we didn't have instantaneous worldwide communication and tabloid media made up of dozens of worldwide news organizations fighting for the top shock story of the day that they can hype...

That story 70 years ago- didn't even make national news...

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