James, you must be living in the wrong part of Nebraska, and I know we live farther north than you do. At the moment, the thermometer reads 17 degrees above, and there is no breeze.
We didn't get any babies during the night, but have almost fifty calves on the ground from the new cows we bought. Our own start the 26th of February. We've given the Scourgard 3KC shots to the whole herd, and finished with that job on Monday. Yesterday we started sorting heavies, and need to do the same today. We did get about three inches of nice wet snow yesterday, with very little wind until afternoon. The ground was warm, so it is mostly melted off now.
Our "time bomb" of calving is just about ready to start going off. The night man reports for duty next Monday.
Our son that has the welding shop in town had an unfortunate accident yesterday. A big heavy half-inch steel endgate for a truck utility box fell on his foot, while he was hoisting the endgate into place. He severely broke his big toe, and his second toe on his right foot. It hurts just thinking about it. Last night, I told my other son, who is a sophomore in high school, I said, "wiggle your toes and enjoy doing it, you never know when it might not be possible."