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Mike said:
74 degrees here today and the ryegrass is jumping! Good thing! I'm out of hay!

That rye will make good hay too Mike,you pull those mama's off of it in time,remind me tommorow and ILL tell you about fast grass ,that stuff is something else...................good luck
Warm weather sounds wonderful right now! It feels quite cold here tonight because of the wind and humidity. May can't come soon enough for me, I'm tired of winter already!
wish it was warm here in Nebraska temp -4 below with windchill of -18 gotta bundle up this morning, glad I don't have any babies yet
James, you must be living in the wrong part of Nebraska, and I know we live farther north than you do. At the moment, the thermometer reads 17 degrees above, and there is no breeze.

We didn't get any babies during the night, but have almost fifty calves on the ground from the new cows we bought. Our own start the 26th of February. We've given the Scourgard 3KC shots to the whole herd, and finished with that job on Monday. Yesterday we started sorting heavies, and need to do the same today. We did get about three inches of nice wet snow yesterday, with very little wind until afternoon. The ground was warm, so it is mostly melted off now.

Our "time bomb" of calving is just about ready to start going off. The night man reports for duty next Monday.

Our son that has the welding shop in town had an unfortunate accident yesterday. A big heavy half-inch steel endgate for a truck utility box fell on his foot, while he was hoisting the endgate into place. He severely broke his big toe, and his second toe on his right foot. It hurts just thinking about it. Last night, I told my other son, who is a sophomore in high school, I said, "wiggle your toes and enjoy doing it, you never know when it might not be possible."
Grrr ....

Snowing hard here today - sure do miss the sun.

Had the vet out yesterday - calf too big and heifer to small - bad day all round. Had to work on her outside in the snow. Saved the heifer - lost the calf. Hate the weather today and am disgusted about losing the calf.

Bring on the warm weather and the green grass!

Amazing what we wish for isn't it? You want green grass while we are wishing for a big, wet snow for all of Montana. The mountains are in dire need of snowpack. Where are you located, broke cowboy? (by your name it sounds like you would be at home right here--LOL!!!)

We don't calve until the end of March so we could use the snow right here as well. If we don't get snow, then we will hope, pray, wish, whatever, for warm rain.
Soapweed, sorry to hear about your son's foot accident. Ouch- It is amazing how only a broken little toe can throb so can't imagine what the big and second toes out of commission would feel like. :cry: Tell him all of us in 3 countries hope he's better soon.
Well ya'll..this is my first post...I"m from south east texas n I"m bout had all the rain I want.....till...oh maybe june...we've got bottom land and are bout to float away. Yes yesterday was wonderful sunshine and 80 degrees...but back to the clouds n cooler stuff today...WHENS SPRING gonna git here????
We have a small ranch..run 120 head of brangus cows. Nice to find a place to talk to others about what we do for a livin.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Well ya'll..this is my first post...I"m from south east texas n I"m bout had all the rain I want.....till...oh maybe june...we've got bottom land and are bout to float away. Yes yesterday was wonderful sunshine and 80 degrees...but back to the clouds n cooler stuff today...WHENS SPRING gonna git here????
We have a small ranch..run 120 head of brangus cows. Nice to find a place to talk to others about what we do for a livin.

well let me be one of the first to welcome you,what county do you ranch?..............good luck
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Hay Maker..we ranch mostly Grimes County but have some land in Montgomery County

yes lots of rain in that part of TexasI have some deer hunters that live in Liberty and they are always complaining about to much rain around there................good luck
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Hay Maker..we ranch mostly Grimes County but have some land in Montgomery County

yes lots of rain in that part of TexasI have some deer hunters that live in Liberty and they are always complaining about to much rain around there................good luck

Yeah..LOTS of rain...more than I care to count..somewhere in the neighborhood of about 40 inches since the first of january. Hopefully our hay will out last the rain..the grass is trying to green up but with all the wet muck the cows trompin is hindering it, hopefully once the sun starts shinin we'll be in good shape. Calves are hittin the ground fast now...n we are down to 30 bales...feeding 4 bales every other day...keepin my fingers crossed......

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