This AM I was doctoring a few calves that we weaned a week ago. I roped a calf a little deep, and as I was watching to see if my rope was going to stick, I wasn't paying attention and missed my dallies. I pushed the calf over to a water tank and jumped off to grab my rope with the intentions of taking a wrap around a post to slow the calf up. I caught the rope as the calf took off, and the rope buzzed through my hands, and the turks head at the end of the rope swung around and whacked me in the face. There was more blood than damage done, but I did get a wrap in time to hold the calf to medicate it without anymore circus events for the day.
Trying to doctor a weaned calf alone can be a task, but the rest of the morning went well in comparison. :!:
Moral: undo the turks head back into a soft braid, or cut it off and burn the end.
Trying to doctor a weaned calf alone can be a task, but the rest of the morning went well in comparison. :!:
Moral: undo the turks head back into a soft braid, or cut it off and burn the end.