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Striped sky at night. Everything must be alright.

Cattle drive in progress

Crossing the bridge

Making a little racket as they shuffle across

Crew in action

Where's Waldo, the one who watches?

There is a beaver dam in the back.

On the move

Stepping along

The cows got a bit dusty as they plodded down the trail.

A couple of my offspring

Almost there

Shutting the gate from the back of his horse

Taking roll call before we disperse. The gang is all here. :wink:

My dad and my youngest sister at a ball game Saturday night

Ready to work some cattle

Sundown over a pond

Loading bred heifers

They will sell on Thursday in Valentine.

70 head are set to sell, which are all quite similar in size and conformation. 56 were loaded onto a truck and 14 were on our 24' trailer.
A test weight of the 14 averaged 1059 pounds. We sold and delivered 35 head of smaller heifers yesterday, and they weighed 997 pounds.

Some folks from Cody made a calendar again this year. The November picture features Sparky's shop wall.