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the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
OM Goodness!!!! I was so lost readin this thread I hadda go back and look to see what all the fuss was about. could not for the life of me figger out which one a ya'll up north was fightin fire in a white bikini. Then I seen it.............. :shock: I think she's got Poco Bueno in her bloodlines.....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Shame on you guys, here I am concerned about Hanta Yo, SW, and MCG, and you have 2 pages of talk about scantily clad girls. :roll: :shock: :eek:

Well, if you must, I suppose we can hear about both subjects. :oops: :p

Seriously, I see that there is another fire close to them, that just broke out today. I am wondering how they are faring? It is in the Bull Mountains in an old burn.
Oldtimer, I just looked at one of my cool fire websites, and I see that there is fire for 60+ miles up and down the river up there. They must have really blew up today. The cold front coming thru will probably not help much either.
Tap said:
Oldtimer, I just looked at one of my cool fire websites, and I see that there is fire for 60+ miles up and down the river up there. They must have really blew up today. The cold front coming thru will probably not help much either.

The wind switched direction today- from the west to the east-and about 6PM it picked up to 25-30 mph and the smoke really came boiling up then...

Just got shook out of bed by thunder- looks like a storm going thru us and the fire area, but the weather boys say little chance of rain- just more lightning... :( Be up all night checking for fires....

Whats the cool fire website? - like to see it....
Tap said:
Shame on you guys, here I am concerned about Hanta Yo, SW, and MCG, and you have 2 pages of talk about scantily clad girls. :roll: :shock: :eek:

Well, if you must, I suppose we can hear about both subjects. :oops: :p

Seriously, I see that there is another fire close to them, that just broke out today. I am wondering how they are faring? It is in the Bull Mountains in an old burn.

Where do you get your info about the fires???!!!! We would like to know.

We just came back from Roundup Fairgrounds, all 4-H-ers get together and clean up the fairgrounds to get ready for fair (starts this Wed). sw and I were hauling bales to the stack yard this afternoon, saw a large white puff of smoke to the SW of us, called Sheriff's Dept, the fire is on the "Divide", is an old burn area between Billings and Roundup (the "Divide" is what you have to go over to get over the Bull Mountains down to the "prairie" that takes you to Billings). HWY 87 is closed between Roundup and Billings, at the fairgrounds, people are putting their horses and other animals there because they have been evacuated. Some good friends of ours are in the neighborhood, their house is in jeopardy, along with a number of other houses in the vicinity. The fire jumped 87 (it was on the W side, jumped to the E side) so some other good rancher friends of ours were in the process of being evacuated. Our 4-H clubs weren't able to clean all the stalls, they are being used by those animals evacuated, but we'll get the job done by showtime. I worry about those people on the divide, including our banker. Coming home it really looked ugly.
Thanks for your kindness, Tap and your concern. We are now half scared to death (we women are soooooo emotional) and are diligently waiting for this little squall to go away. The winds just settled, and looked on DTN and WOOHOO the yellow/green cell has gone on by.

I sure would like to know what you use to see all these fires!!!! sw used to have a good program but we lost it when our computer died and we had to get a new one :cry:

Oh, BTW, the cause of the fire is suspect. Fire was started 400 yards up a side road from hwy 87. How sick can a person be to just throw out their cigarette, or lighted match or whatever to start these fires? They have NO IDEA the homes at stake, the grazing land that was being saved for fall grazing now burnt black to the ground. There has been arson before and the person never caught. BOY WOULD I LOVE TO CATCH THAT PERSON MYSELF!!!!

Will keep you posted, nobody hears about OUR FIRES and the setbacks those fires bring. I've been hearing about CA and I'm absolutely sick of it. Million dollar homes being burned up, geez, shoulda maybe built their house someplace safe. I can go on and on and on and on but the danger here is over and I should get to bed so we can get the rest of the bales into the stack yard tomorrow, and get ready for fair.

Thanks, all, and have a good night's sleep

Hanta Yo
Hanta----hope you are getting some well deserved rest....the local forecast for our area is calling for "isolated t-storms" starting Wednesday and lasting thru Thursday......not much mention about rain...will keep you, as always, in our thoughts and prayers that you may get much needed rain!!! I,too, am sick of hearing about the fires in California and the "million dollar homes" they are destroying!! Sheeeeshhh! Enough, already! Homes can be rebuilt, but when you lose your ranch and your livestock to fire, then you can lose your livelihood!! Yes, cows and buildings can be replaced, but the cost to your heart and soul is without number!! Best wishes for ALL in the path of these fires!!! :cry: :cry:
Sounds like things are going ok for you now Hanta Yo, and I hope they get a line around all the fires. As I sit here there is a t-storm that just went northt of us, and the fire frequency is busy with chatter. They are trying to locate whatever fires may have started this morning.

The site I use to look and see where the active fires are is:

You then click on the GIS Page link, then when it loads you keep dragging your mouse over the spot on the map you want to see, till you get it down to size.

The other one I look at has been linked here on another thread. http://www.nifc.gov/fireinfo/nfn.html

Good luck.
Tap---thanks for posting those links!! Clicked on and found out why our own sky here has that Reddish haze at night, making for some interesting sunsets!! Was not aware fo the current fire situation in Idaho!! Take care, Hanta, sw and everyon...looks like you folks are getting surrounded!! Will keep you in my prayers!!! :wink:
Thanks so very much for the links, Tap. I don't see any smoke, though the wind is blowing (again). OT I sure hope things aren't too bad up there.

Geeeeez I hate fire :cry:
Thanks Tap--I added them to my favorites...I see they are showing another new one- 11,000 acres - about 100 miles south west of me- again on the CMR...They'll probably be finding many more this morning as the heat and wind pick up- the storm that blew threw last night was all lightning and no rain....As the storm went east it looked like a solid wall of lightning strikes following the river.....

Spent half the night up looking for fires- never could see any, but the smoke smell was terrible...Not much smoke this morning from the fire area- but with the predicted 25-30 mph winds and 95-100 temps it will be showing up soon......
Big Muddy rancher said:
We were getting your smoke up here OT.

Yeah I figured that- It quit today since the wind switched around out of the north- but last night was terrible...Can't sleep very sound when you keep smelling it and wondering where its coming from- especially after another one of those lightning storms has just gone thru.....I'll bet I checked every haystack in the valley 10 times last night :roll:
I just heard on the radio that the Black Pulaski fire- that is actually 6 fires in Garfield County on the south side of the Missouri- increased with the winds and wind change during the night from 31,000 acres to now over 37,000 acres...There is one big one burning north of the Missouri- the Flat Tire fire which is now at 11,000 acres...Couple more smaller 40-50 acre fires on the north side of the river too...All are being called 0% contained...

And the wind is really starting to howl now at noon- gusting to 35mph already.....
My son called tonite and said that when he was in Miles City today there was 8-10 busloads of Indian firefighters at the gas station- they were heading for the fires north of Jordan...

I noticed today that you can now see the smoke from this fire complex on the weather satellite views.....
Just got off the phone with my 18 year old and found out why our northern horizon has been so smoky today....nice sized fire just outside of drummond....lighting up the horizon in deer lodge...lots of ranch land that way!! :cry:
Just got in a little while ago from fitting a big fire on the Phillips/Valley county line. It was within about 3 miles of some of our summer grazing. It was a bad one with winds gusting 30+ mph this afternoon. The guys that were up ahead said the fire was running faster than they could drive with their pickups. Fortunately with the winds letting up and some help from road graders and aerial water drops the fire was stopped after making about a 10 mile run in about 6 hours. Now there is just way too much fire line to watch. It flared up this afternoon from a fire that was set last night by lightening but was extinguished last evening at only about 200 acres. Don't have any idea how much burned today, but a bunch. O boy this is gonna be a long fire season I fear. Thanks for all the prayers and concern for those of us in Montana.
mtrancher- Was that in the area of the Content road? My daughter called and said the trucks had gone west again this afternoon- and then later when I was looking at the weather satellite pictures, it appeared as tho it was showing a smoke cloud from down there about Content Road area....

And you are right--It will be a long fire season if we don't get some rain soon......
Yes, the fire started just east of the Content road, but by the time we mopped up all along the sw side we were right down to the larb creek road in Valley county. Really a huge contingency of people on the larb creek road!! Well another day, I'm ready for fall and cooler weather. I wish it was the end of August instead of July.
Sounds like mtrancher didn't get a quiet day- as the fire flared back up this morning and Valley county sent 4 firecrews down to assist the BLM and Indian crews...

Stopped at the firehall and talked to the firewarden about 3PM and they must have been getting a handle on it or enough people in there to handle it as they were starting to release the County crews......He said they were bringing in Indian crews from as far away as Arlee (close to 400 miles)....
mtrancher- How are things doing down there now? I just talking to the Sheriff today and heard that the fire had took a 12-15 mile run and jumped the Larb Creek road and burned out the house, corrals and machinery on Jack McKewons old place....

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