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For Albertans

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Good post Jigger. We need a different Government yesterday. My ranch is under the red area. 19 and 50 fit hand in hand with 36. We are in big trouble as the Cabinet is already circling the wagons against landowner groups and NGO's that are actively holding the SRD Minister's feet to the fire on ALSA. It is resonating at the grass routes and could push some fence sitters into being active in the political world.
If you haven't read this thread: http://ranchers.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=493296&highlight=agenda#493296 you should, it's all connected.

Environmental laws, and "central planning" are not so much local anymore, but global. They are being implemented locally, (provincially is now considered local) but are moving towards the same goal.
I was hoping I'd come back to this thread to find everyone saying its a hoax and a seriously tasteless joke. :cry:

This has got to be one of the most horrifying events that anyone would face.
I would think that this law would now devaluate land prices in Alberta.
I know I will now not consider purchasing property and move back there.

What will you do Per if they come along and take your land? How scary!!
Jigger Boss said:
I was hoping I'd come back to this thread to find everyone saying its a hoax and a seriously tasteless joke. :cry:

This has got to be one of the most horrifying events that anyone would face.
I would think that this law would now devaluate land prices in Alberta.
I know I will now not consider purchasing property and move back there.

What will you do Per if they come along and take your land? How scary!!

I might need to borrow little bow ranchers unit or mount one myself. The fight is not over yet and when a law is made it can be repealed by another set of lawmakers if the people would actually vote for someone else. Danielle Smith is very strong on property rights. We need a new leader. In the mean time several land owner and industry groups are providing pressure and advise on how the ALSA regulations (which are not done yet) should look. Unfortunately the Southern Regional Advisory Committee is under a Gag order and cannot tell us anything about what they will look like. I have two very frustrated friends on that Committee and no matter how I come at it they won't devulge anything. Very disconcerning to say the least.
There is a wide base of dissent rising up against this conservative government that is giving up our property rights in favour of industry and enviro lobby. My local MLA will not even attend the publicly organized events discussing bill 36. He had the nerve to say that he and many other MLAs were land owners and would never do anything that would affect their holdings negatively.
I attended a surface rights hearing recently which had the power company compare the adverse affect of a power line to a well sight. Thusly concluding that since you can physically fit thirty power poles into a well sight and having $1800.00 adverse affect paid for the well site means that $60 dollars a power pole is adequate compensation to the land owner for the adverse affect of a high voltage power line that dissects the property. IT IS TIME FOR US LANDOWNERS TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST THOSE THAT WISH TO TAKE OUR PROPERTY!
elwapo said:

I agree 100%, but how .. I fear the government will not be happy until we no longer exist .. They have taken all of our rights away .

How do we repeal this act/legislation ?
Talk to your MLA and tell him/her that they no longer have your vote because of :
Bill 19 - Land Assembly Project Area Act was passed to enable to allow the gov to secure large tracts of private land for public purposes. This enables the gov. to bypass the Expropriation Act which ensures appropriate compensation. This act allows the gov. to freeze the existing use of land and restrict development from occuring in the early stages of the transportation or utility corridor.

Bill 50 - Electrical Staututes Ammendmnent Act Bill 50 proposes to allow the GOVERNMENT to bypass the Alberta Utility Commision( a quasi-judicial decision making entity). This enables the Gov. to say there is a "need" for a project and that public consultation through the AUC is not required.

Bill 36 - The Land Stewardship Act This act was proclaimed into law on October 1 2009. Most MLAs, it appears, did not even read the act much less consult their constituants. This act gives broad power to the cabinat to "extinguish statutory consent". Statutory consent means a permit,licence,registration,approval,authorization,disposition,certificate,allocation,agreement or instrument issued under or authorized by an enactment or regulatory instrument. An important point here to us ranchers is that a crown grazing leaseor grazing permit is a disposition , under the Public Lands Act.
Whatever you guys do, DO NOT QUIT FIGHTING THIS.

If Alberta gets away with such laws, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Manitoba government with it's already anti-agriculture agenda will not be far behind. And to make that worse, every single rural person in this province could vote against the government, and it wouldn't make a bit of difference, because the city of Winnipeg can elect a majority without us.

I suggest that if you guys want to make some noise, talk to SADIE on agri-ville. He's been there done that on the landowner rights issue in Saskatchewan, and would be a good resource.
I urge all land owners in Western Canada to check out this organization.
little bow rancher said:
Jigger Boss said:
well put James , after what he's been through ,now he has to be concerned about something stupid like this .

yep James has been through a lot for such a young man. I have only met him a couple of times but knew his sister a little better. Great pair of kids. I remember his Grandfather at the opening of the Walsh stock yards. :)

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