Well-known member
I took as many pictures as I could then handed the camera off to my son, who's job was to write down newly tagged calves and any cow tags that had to be replaced. Didnt think it was such a big job, but apparently he didnt have time to take any pictures haha. Altho he did do a great job keepin records, I can't complain. Here's the few pictures I did get out of the day.
Here they come
Serious thought (note how lathered the horse is, man it was a scorcher)
View from the topside
Almost got em all sorted
Pushin em on around
Had one that was bein a hardhead and had to be roped n brought to the pens.
This ole gal only has one horn, but it needed a lil trimmin. They broke the handle out of the horn cutters and had to use a cable cutter. Was still a tuff job.
Sprayin fer flys
Sprayin somemore
These are the heifers I kept for replacements and for Amanda to pick out her Pen of 3 Commercial Heifers from for the next couple years.
"Boy I'm glad it's time to go home"
Course ya gotta talk about it after it's all over with.
My Trucks gettin new glow plugs n Sophie thinks she's a Mechanic too!!!
This lil feller lives under the doggie water barrel.
My spider lillies are just startin to bloom.
Here they come
Serious thought (note how lathered the horse is, man it was a scorcher)
View from the topside
Almost got em all sorted
Pushin em on around
Had one that was bein a hardhead and had to be roped n brought to the pens.
This ole gal only has one horn, but it needed a lil trimmin. They broke the handle out of the horn cutters and had to use a cable cutter. Was still a tuff job.
Sprayin fer flys
Sprayin somemore
These are the heifers I kept for replacements and for Amanda to pick out her Pen of 3 Commercial Heifers from for the next couple years.
"Boy I'm glad it's time to go home"
Course ya gotta talk about it after it's all over with.
My Trucks gettin new glow plugs n Sophie thinks she's a Mechanic too!!!
This lil feller lives under the doggie water barrel.
My spider lillies are just startin to bloom.