Some of the guys around me over seeded their Bermuda Grass hay fields with Rye Grass last fall hopping for an early cutting this spring. A mild winter with plenty of rain has made some of the best-looking fields of rye grass I have seen in years. The only trouble is they can't get the weather to cut it. They should have cut two weeks ago and now it has gone to seed and been blown over. Although it would still make good hay if cut toady I don't see them getting it dry. Rain today and rain forecast every 3 days for the near future. The ground is saturated and with cool temps I dought if they will get in for several weeks to come. I suspect this will cause damage to the underlying summer grass and will surely delay its growth.
I bush hogged the scattered wild cheat and rye grass that comes up every year yesterday and got my fertilizer out. I put out 16-12-22 at 400 pounds to the acre at a cost of $285 a ton. And with fuel costing $2.00, a gallon I am going to have to go up on my 5 x 5 rolls from $25 to $30 a roll just to cover cost. I guess I get to cut hay for free this year. At least cover the cost to feed hay to my cows for the winter.
I bush hogged the scattered wild cheat and rye grass that comes up every year yesterday and got my fertilizer out. I put out 16-12-22 at 400 pounds to the acre at a cost of $285 a ton. And with fuel costing $2.00, a gallon I am going to have to go up on my 5 x 5 rolls from $25 to $30 a roll just to cover cost. I guess I get to cut hay for free this year. At least cover the cost to feed hay to my cows for the winter.