Ours in non-irrigated. We are getting $16 per/head/month. If the gain is like the past several years, they will gain an average of 2 to 2.5 pouinds a day, depending on quality of cattle.
Steers seem to gain better than spayed heifers or heifers that are gettng bred.
Went on the gain for several years to establish what they were gaining, but it's more time consuming weighing in and out as we don't have scales here and have to truck 20 miles or more to cattle scalles and 15 to truck scales. So this year, just by the hd/month.
I was advised that I could have found yearlings at 20 per/head/month, but I know who I am dealing with and I know that their checks are good and they won't try to pull a fast one on me and leave early and leave me with unused grass that I have to try and sell to someone else.
If I ran pairs, I would have to get $ 30 a month to make it come out the same as yearlings. And I prefer yearlings.
I had a young feller come and wanted me to take 200 plus pairs and he told me he would pay a lot. When I told him I was full, but if I wasn't he would have to pay $30 a month, he never batted an eye, but he did turn kind'a green in the face!