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kolanuraven said:
MsSage said:
Are you saying you agree with this in in the Declaration??????
YES I am sitting down

that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government

I swear..talk about a ' dense as a bag of hammers' :roll: :roll: :roll:

One politician is not better than another one.

Who you gonna replace the ' gov't with?


ILH said to throw them all out.....why? You won't get anything any diff.....

All this talk of ' throw the bastards out'....but replace with who?

Not one of your loons can/have answered that.

I guess if disagreeing with you makes me a loon, fine, but sitting back and letting the socialists, communists, marxist or anyone else in gov't who isn't upholding the constitution have their way with this county isn't acceptable to me.

If there are crooked self serving politicians in office, I say throw them out now. If another one takes his/her place, throw him out too. If another one takes his place, throw him out too. I don't care how many it takes to get a good one. The worst thing we as citizens can do is to let these self serving SOBs get comfortable with their jobs. Complete accountability wil bring about more honesty. Until we as citizens make them truley accountable, things will go on as they always have.
kolanuraven said:
SMN Herf said:
If there are crooked self serving politicians in office, I say throw them out now. If another one takes his/her place, throw him out too. If another one takes his place, throw him out too. I don't care how many it takes to get a good one. The worst thing we as citizens can do is to let these self serving SOBs get comfortable with their jobs. Complete accountability wil bring about more honesty. Until we as citizens make them truley accountable, things will go on as they always have.

I NOT disagreeing with you.

But you are dreaming if you think that you can keep tossin' out people and expect more people to WANT to serve in public office.

Where will you find this endless supply of people to fill the slots?

That is the question that seems to stump everyone.

Sometime you gotta take the bad with the good.

I have more faith in the people than you apparently. I have yet to see any positions go unfilled.

I understand that I will never agree with everything a politician does, but when there is more bad than good, then changes need to be made.
Sumgunzel said:
Very well stated DOC. It's very sad that some don't have the mental capacity to grasp what is going on today with this once great nation.

The last time this great nation was this divided was the Civil War. I fear this is where we are headed at this point today. We can possibly still keep the blood shed to a minimum if we can regain the attention of our elected officials that seem to have forgotten the Constitution . We are now at a point of no return, we can take back our freedoms or watch as our children and grandchildren are made into slaves of the government.

A bullet fired by your enemy will not care if you are a Democrat or a Republican.

God Bless The U.S.A.

Welcome to the board

I hope you are right about keeping the blood shed to a minimum but when you see the riots in some of the major cities I fear that may not be possible. The Tea parties you see now are peaceful people wanting back their country but wait until the radicals that are living off the government teat as Oldtimer would say, get wind of the idea their cash cow is going to get reined in if these people in the streets now get their way. I fear these Tea parties will turn very ugly fast when the two sides clash.
Tam said:
. The Tea parties you see now are peaceful people wanting back their country

Have we been invaded?

Invaded by Canada and you are their Queen?

Take back the US from WHO? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Tam said:
Sumgunzel said:
Very well stated DOC. It's very sad that some don't have the mental capacity to grasp what is going on today with this once great nation.

The last time this great nation was this divided was the Civil War. I fear this is where we are headed at this point today. We can possibly still keep the blood shed to a minimum if we can regain the attention of our elected officials that seem to have forgotten the Constitution . We are now at a point of no return, we can take back our freedoms or watch as our children and grandchildren are made into slaves of the government.

A bullet fired by your enemy will not care if you are a Democrat or a Republican.

God Bless The U.S.A.

Welcome to the board

I hope you are right about keeping the blood shed to a minimum but when you see the riots in some of the major cities I fear that may not be possible. The Tea parties you see now are peaceful people wanting back their country but wait until the radicals that are living off the government teat as Oldtimer would say, get wind of the idea their cash cow is going to get reined in if these people in the streets now get their way. I fear these Tea parties will turn very ugly fast when the two sides clash.

I hope you are right about keeping the blood shed to a minimum but when you see the riots in some of the major cities I fear that may not be possible.

You seem to find that possibility exciting, Tam? :shock:

kolanuraven said:
SMN Herf said:
I have yet to see any positions go unfilled.


Right, because the move to " throw the bastards out" has not come to pass.

And the other option is .................. I guess according to your theory is to leave them in office giving them a liscense for screwing up the country more.

This is the old theory of he may be a crook, but he is our crook and pull the lever for him.

Oh I dream for the days of gridlock in Washington again!!!
kolanuraven said:
SMN Herf said:
I have yet to see any positions go unfilled.


Right, because the move to " throw the bastards out" has not come to pass.

Term limits would be a start. That's why terms in the senate and house expire at differen times.......565 people with 7th grade educations could do better.
Term Limits HAVE TO BE MANDATORY! If you can't go to D.C. and do what you need to get done in six years you are either lazy or stupid! Orrin Hatch from Utah is a career politician who's been in forever! OUT! No more senority crap on committees! Draw names out of a hat! Put congressmen in for 6 and Senators in for 6 with elections every 6 and stagger them! Send fresh blood to D.C. who dont have to worry about re-election and can attack the issues! If they do a great job! Awesome! If they suck! OUT! Make the legislative branch serve the will of the people and not some lobbyist who contributes to a re-election run! Good or bad, the President gets 8 years! Imagine D.C. without Schumer, Boxer, Pelosi, Ried, Hatch, Bryd and a bunch of others who spend 1/2 the time on vacation and the other half campaigning!
Having been the instigator of this thread, I feel that perhaps I may interject some rhetoric and phraseology into the "discussion" that may quell the frustration which is spreading through the population of our Nation – TODAY!

Soapweed has expressed his opinions in what I feel is a very succinct manner. I agree with him – probably 89.854%. And 10.146 'disagreement' is not bad. Insofar as Kola is concerned, her Left-wing, Socialistic Prospectus, or carte du jour, is just so opposite my Political and Spiritual agenda that to attempt to ameliorate her thought processes and help her to understand MY philosophy would be as futile as the verbiage has been thus far on this thread.

Kola – you have persistently pursued the thought of "Who you gonna replace the gov't with? Who???? All this talk of 'throw the bastards out'….but replace with who? Not one of your (sic) loons can/have answered that" Well, here is a "loon" who will offer a suggestion – and that is all it is – a suggestion!

For 300 years - more or less – the difficult subject matter, or concern, of HOW to approach the difficult chore or forming a government of, by, and for the people of the greatest nation in the history of the World has baffled, perplexed and confounded the minds of literally hundreds of thousands of citizens of these United States. Some of the ideas have had merit, and have been successful, and some of them have been totally worthless – depending on one's perspective and Political thinking and leaning.

Whether some of you people like it – or not – the Constitution of the United States, at one time, was inspired by God, and in its early functioning operation, worked reasonably well – UNTIL – the greed, avarice, selfishness, wrath, anger, gluttony, lust, and the worldliness of casting GOD from our lives and our schools and our Governments allowed Satan to rule our nation came into being. When the People of this wonderful gift of God chose to worship Satan and his Demons – THAT is when we ALL lost the will and the desire to insist upon our Governmental EMPLOYEES following God's Laws instead of their own desires! If anyone thinks that our Governments (Federal, State, and Local) are not controlled by Satan and his minions, you had better get your heads out of where they are and begin asking God for direction as to who to place in authority of our futures!

To answer your repeated demand for answers, Kola, the place to start for ANYONE to represent the wishes and demands of THE PEOPLE of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is NOT politicians, and NOT preachers! We must begin with men and women who are blessed with Honesty, Integrity, Truthfulness, Character, Dedication, Devotion and Faith to God and Jesus Christ. This is supposedly a Christian Nation, and in order for it to be so, we must include Jesus Christ in the business of our Government as well as in the business of our lives! . . . And this has nothing to do with Denominations, Religiosity or Street Corner Preaching! It has to do entirely with FACTS!

Well, Kola, there is one answer from one 'loon'.

Take it – or – leave it!


I am not sure I agree with you. I believe America was founded on Christian values. But I would not say God had anything to do with building this nation or making it great (other than founding fathers basing it on his principles).

I do not believe God is going around picking favorites when it comes to nations. He has left us neutral during this time of the Gentiles to do as we please and see if we gain his favor or do not!

Like I have said before, I do not think a Politician can be a Christian, they have to make to many decisions that are not Christian like for the better of the good of the country! Example would be President Truman when he bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, no way a Christian could make that call to kill those women and Children! Was it a good decision in regards the U.S. and its allies? YES! Was it God inspired? NO WAY!
To express it in the easiest manner I know, I disagree with you aplus.

People's reasoning, ethics, and positions are based on their convictions. Those convictions can be religious or other convictions.

The protestants were fleeing the catholic church when they came to America.

There were thirteen different colonies and it was not easy to get them all together in agreement. There was conflicting opinion and there was compromise. Read some of the diaries of these people.

Having a Congress and a Senate was one such compromise to give equal representation based on population and based on an individual colony.

Religious convictions also came in to play.
backhoeboogie said:
To express it in the easiest manner I know, I disagree with you aplus.

People's reasoning, ethics, and positions are based on their convictions. Those convictions can be religious or other convictions.

The protestants were fleeing the catholic church when they came to America.

There were thirteen different colonies and it was not easy to get them all together in agreement. There was conflicting opinion and there was compromise. Read some of the diaries of these people.

Having a Congress and a Senate was one such compromise to give equal representation based on population and based on an individual colony.

Religious convictions also came in to play.

I do not doubt that decisions individual politicians made or make are based on their convictions. I would much rather a person with some Christian values be making the decisions.

But I would not say God was running this Country past or present! As I understood Doc to say.

Just don't see God picking countries over others. I don't see God running countries and leaving others at the wayside. If anything I would imagine God would want one Global World Order, we should all be brothers world wide not divided into little clicks.

The way I see it God gave us free will and allowed us to govern ourselves as we chose, now those that chose to govern based closely on Gods word would obviously have more success since it was a great foundation for how things should be. But I do not see God having anything to do with it besides the giving us the example to follow.

If anything I would agree with Doc's theory that Satan is ruling things, just I would go back to the beginning not that he took over. Remember when Satan took Jesus to the mountain top and offered him all the Kingdoms of the World? How could Satan offer him all the Kingdoms if they were not his to offer?

If God is controlling things on the earth then he has lost control and that would show him as being weak. In reality Satan was cast to the earth, it is his play ground trying to sway us,

If God was running America it would have been PERFECT he would not fix a few things but then allow so much evil to exist in other areas.
backhoeboogie said:
To express it in the easiest manner I know, I disagree with you aplus.

People's reasoning, ethics, and positions are based on their convictions. Those convictions can be religious or other convictions.

The protestants were fleeing the catholic church when they came to America.
There were thirteen different colonies and it was not easy to get them all together in agreement. There was conflicting opinion and there was compromise. Read some of the diaries of these people.

Having a Congress and a Senate was one such compromise to give equal representation based on population and based on an individual colony.

Religious convictions also came in to play.

One small correction Boogie....the folks that founded America were actually fleeing the state run "Church of England". Maryland was actually settled by "Catholics" also seeking religious freedom.
TexasBred said:
backhoeboogie said:
To express it in the easiest manner I know, I disagree with you aplus.

People's reasoning, ethics, and positions are based on their convictions. Those convictions can be religious or other convictions.

The protestants were fleeing the catholic church when they came to America.
There were thirteen different colonies and it was not easy to get them all together in agreement. There was conflicting opinion and there was compromise. Read some of the diaries of these people.

Having a Congress and a Senate was one such compromise to give equal representation based on population and based on an individual colony.

Religious convictions also came in to play.

One small correction Boogie....the folks that founded America were actually fleeing the state run "Church of England". Maryland was actually settled by "Catholics" also seeking religious freedom.

You are correct but they also evolved into Puritan influence.

Most of what I am implying can be read in the following link: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/479892/Protestantism/41569/Puritanism-in-the-English-colonies

From that source: Maryland, which had been established under Roman Catholic auspices, soon had a strong Puritan majority among its settlers. Indeed, there was no colony in which Puritan influence was not strong, and one estimate identifies 85 percent of the churches in the original 13 colonies as Puritan in spirit.
No doubt there was some Puritan influence just as protestant and Catholic churches influence one another today but those coming to America were not persecuted by the Catholic Church. Those called Puritans as well as the Catholics were persecuted by the Church of England.....At the time of the American Revolution only about 1% of the population of the US was Catholic.....Heck there were Catholic missions already needing major repairs and renovations throughout the south and southwest before the Pilgrims even landed.

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