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Haymaker doesn't know Jack.

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Murgen, that pup's fur looks like a perfect stuffed animal in a toy shop!
Those eyes are unusual and amazing, too. Please post updates as he grows.
Thanks nr, she's already growed up. Niki's 5 now and she is not a working dog, just a pet, I've linked some more pics if anybody is interested. Let me know if these work. Just didn't want to take up too much space on here by posting the pics.



oops, hit submit before I had all the links posted. Here's a couple more.

Funny story about the Border in these pics. We were camping one time and I took "Max" down to the water with me. It was about 7:30pm and there were three ladies out swimming. Max having that natural instinct and loving water, went out and starting herding them in the water. They thought it was cute until he wouldn't come back in.

I asked them to come to shore, so I could grab him and go back to our campsite. "They had a problem" and since this day he has been known as the only dog that rounds up Naked women!



Murgen, you must be a real gentleman. None of those pictures were of the nakedwomen! lol
Hey, Murgen...my birthday was the first of march and i did not even get a card from you, so to make up for it, you can simply put a ribbon on niki and send to her me and I will forgive you :wink: :wink:
Murgen said:
Sorry Ranchwife, she's not going anywhere. I'll send flowers instead! :)

dammit!!! flowers DIE!!! you could always get yourself a new puppy....i'm afraid it is a case of love at first sight!!! i could tell by the way she looked at me in those pictures that she thinks the same :wink: :wink: i will be waiting patiently for the fedex or UPS guy :D
This thread has been on here sooo long it must be time for a NEW picture of Jack.
Yes nr, post it. even better go to photobucket again and create an album, works great!

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