Well-known member
I am still among the living. Soapweed called last night to check up on me. It has been real trying times around here the last couple of weeks. Jan lost an aunt, and flew to California for the funeral. before she got home, a close friend and neighbor died. She was planning the funeral dinner (about 300 in attendance), when we got a call that my grandson was in ICU. Other ladies stepped up to the plate for her, and we went to the hospital. He was ill and dehydrated when they took him to emergency and discovered his blood sugar was 1400. It should run 80 - 120. He went into diabetic shock, and we had a scare. He was better the next day, but that evening had a seizure. He was unresponsive, and we were pretty worried. about 30 minutes later, he came out of it. His first words were "Momma, I touched the face of God." He then was making all kinds of weird faces, when my daughter asked "Brady are you alright?" He replied that he was trying to get her to smile instead of cry! He has steadily improved since, and is now learning to live with juvinile diabetes. Will be on insulin shots for life. Well he was just at the face making place when I got a call from my neice in Oklahoma saying if I wanted to come see my sis, now would be the time. She was undergoing chemo for leukimia. She also was in ICU. It appeared that Brady was getting better, and sis was getting worse, so we drove all night to Tulsa. For 3 days, she was very weak and slept most of the time. Her word were not understandable. I have never seen anyone that weak recover, but I had never seen any one that weak look up and in a weak whisper say "I'm going to make it." Her blood count began rising, and went from 0 on platelets to about 300. She got some, and her body acdcepted them so her count went to 1100. The next day it was 2300, and she was much stronger. Her bone morrow was working! The next morning it went to 2800, and we came home. It is now 4800, and she is out of ICU and sat up today for a good hour! lI got home, and spent the day looking at stock. We are pretty washed out. God truley will carry you through times like this -praise His Name. That is my excuse for not posting Good Sunday Mornin'. Thanks, John for covering my hinney.