My dad had the flu one January, and while he was house-bound and bored, he got the idea of having a local cattle tour to see how area ranchers were wintering their cattle. He mentioned the idea to the Bennett County South Dakota extension agent, and got cooperation from that standpoint. The first tour was held close to twenty years ago, and quite a few ranches were on display that day. My mother served the dinner for approximately forty participants of the first tour, and food was donated by area banks and businesses.
It seems like there were four tours affiliated with Bennett County, and then while Dad was a director on the board of the Sandhills Cattle Association, headquartered in Valentine, Nebraska, he presented his idea to them. They took up the tours, and close to fifteen annual events have been held in January of each ensuing year. Some of the days have been a bit brisk, but so far none of the tours have had to be cancelled due to the weather. It is always fun and intesting to check out different cattle operations, and a person always picks up some good ideas by seeing how other people do things.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words. Hopefully more pictures of different cattle programs will start to be posted on Ranch Talk. Sounds good to me.