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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
west chilcotin bc

Debbie and I are going to TOWN tommorow...... to a bred cow and heifer sale. First time in over a year we've been able to leave together. Roy is holding down the fort.

If you want to register to watch you can do so on T.E.A.M. sales. There are a few heifers for sale that originated here. We may buy some cattle if the price and quality are right.

See you in a couple of days.
Faster horses said:
I hope you let her sleep inside...and I don't mean the inside of the pickup. :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :p


... and if Mother Nature calls please stop so she can answer :shock: [genetically speaking a man has a bladder one thousand times larger than a woman] :p

Well i can say that the gcreek famiy reunion was a success, the grand parents got to hold their grand son while having a good visit with freinds from around the cariboo/chilcotin.dave even managed to own a few more cows& heifers although his taste and mine differ for his management style he got some functional cattle.I
was fussier and bought 2 red simmie hfrs for 1350 each in time we.ll see who made the better choice.




Faster horses said:
Were there supposed to be some pictures there miocene?

Or is it some code you guys use? :p :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It might have been snowing? 8) :wink: :cowboy: :mrgreen:

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