Let's Review…
In response to the recent article in the Wyoming Roundup concerning the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) and their alliance with consumer groups and the accusations from Wyoming Stockgrower Vice President Jim Magagna, Rob Hendry and Jim Graves.
Let's review the cold hard documented facts concerning the abrupt trading halt with the Pacific Rim countries. The United States had enjoyed and benefited from a healthy relationship with these trading partners up until a Canadian born cow in Washington state tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Trade with those countries came to an abrupt halt AFTER the Canadian imported cow tested positive. That is, later, following the fact, subsequent to the positive finding.
Japan trusted U.S. beef and purchased millions of dollars worth each year BEFORE one single documented case of non-native BSE was found in the U.S.
How in the world can we open the Canadian border thinking that will do the trick to open trade exports to the Pacific Rim? What part of this media reported, hard fact, documented scenario isn't getting through? We have never opened our borders to any country that has BSE. Why would we lower the bar now and why Canada in particular? We can sum that up in two words, "packer power".
R-CALF USA President Leo McDonnell put it best in the Wyoming Roundup, "But the U.S. has been importing boxed beef from Canada for two years now, and it hasn't spurred the rest of the world to halt their import bans on U.S. beef".
Mr. Graves states, "The U.S. can't expect to regain exports to the Pacific Rim if it isn't willing to accept imports from Canada". Which part about why the border closed in the first place does Mr. Graves not understand? He also goes on to say, "Canadian cattle are no different, in terms of BSE risk, than those found right here in the U.S.".
If Mr. Graves knows more about U.S. BSE than the rest of us, you have to question where he got his information and is it based on science? That is an accusation that should not be thrown around lightly. Mr. Graves, if this is a scare tactic targeted toward R-CALF and their members, it isn't working. The only thing you are accomplishing is degrading consumer confidence, the very thing you profess to be protecting. Mr. Graves do you really think it is in the best interest of the cattle industry and consumers to spout that kind of reckless, undocumented or at least unpublished, information?
Another fact that seems to go beyond the scope of these men's thinking, R-CALF USA is fighting FOR the U.S. cattlemen and the future of our entire industry. In fact, so far into the future that not only can these three gentlemen not see it or fathom it but neither can the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Mr. Hendry and Mr. Graves, did you not enjoy the history making market of the past two years? Yes, the opening of the Canadian border will result in a down market. Yes, U.S. consumers will react violently to the possibility of tainted beef in their local stores and who could blame them?
Mr. Magagna is quoted in the Wyoming Roundup as stating, "We are concerned about making consumer confidence an issue in discussions over the Canadian border". In all due respect, that is the issue, the only issue. Plain and simple.
Those of us in the cattle industry should be even more concerned than our consumers are. They can choose to eat beef or not, but their paychecks will continue coming while they eat chicken, pork or tofu. Our paycheck will decline or worse yet, stop. Their choice will affect our life and the lives of our future cattle generations. Our consumers wield the ultimate purchasing power.
In their zeal to try and prove R-CALF USA wrong, Mr. Magagna, Mr. Hendry and Mr. Graves have apparently forgotten who eats our beef. With the inevitable opening of the Canadian border, consumer confidence will drop, along with their beef spending dollars. Without MCOOL, they cannot discern north of the border from south of the border. So having said this, why would we not align ourselves with our most important asset…our beef consumer?
We respect cattlemen's choice of either R-CALF USA or NCBA. Mr. Hendry has crossed the line and insulted the integrity of all these cattlemen, regardless of their affliation choice. According to scores of cattle producers across the country, R-CALF is on the right path as reported recently in the Wyoming Roundup. R-CALF USA has had a record year of financial support, not from federally mandated assessments as the NCBA, but from funds raised by voluntary donations.
After R-CALF led the charge in a Montana court, our own Wyoming Senators have led the charge in Washington D.C. to keep the border closed. And thank the Lord, many more across the nation agreed, as recorded recently in the Senate Joint Resolution 4 vote of 52-46 to keep the border closed. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Senators Thomas and Enzi. We have confidence that Representative Cubin will also step up to the plate when this issue is brought to a vote in the house. Ms. Cubin has been an advocate for Wyoming Ag in the MCOOL fight all along.
Referring to R-CALF USA, Mr. Hendry is quoted in the Wyoming Roundup, "Let's face it, they are worried about the market, not about food safety". What part of your support for opening the Canadian border is about food safety? Can you really have both Mr. Hendry, an open border with a BSE country and a safe food supply? How does that make any sense scientifically or economically?
Last but no less important, is the arrogant cavalier attitude of Mr. Hendry concerning BSE in the world. Would you have a different opinion of it sir if one of your loved ones contracted it? Does this make it any less important to the people that have contracted it and died and the family that mourns them? What compounds the grief is the fact that they could have avoided it in their food source had they known. Not everyone has the opportunity to raise their own beef. You sir are one of the fortunate ones who has a choice to eat beef that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt is safe. Apparently the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) doesn't agree with you and your assessment of the number in the world that died from BSE infected beef either. They set the scientific standards for BSE in the first place and consider even one death from BSE a tragedy and totally unacceptable. As do the rest of us with any moral thread of diginity.
Of course there is the subject of Mr. Hendry comparing R-CALF USA with PETA. Well, that is so far off it doesn't even warrant a rebuttal.
In response to the recent article in the Wyoming Roundup concerning the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) and their alliance with consumer groups and the accusations from Wyoming Stockgrower Vice President Jim Magagna, Rob Hendry and Jim Graves.
Let's review the cold hard documented facts concerning the abrupt trading halt with the Pacific Rim countries. The United States had enjoyed and benefited from a healthy relationship with these trading partners up until a Canadian born cow in Washington state tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Trade with those countries came to an abrupt halt AFTER the Canadian imported cow tested positive. That is, later, following the fact, subsequent to the positive finding.
Japan trusted U.S. beef and purchased millions of dollars worth each year BEFORE one single documented case of non-native BSE was found in the U.S.
How in the world can we open the Canadian border thinking that will do the trick to open trade exports to the Pacific Rim? What part of this media reported, hard fact, documented scenario isn't getting through? We have never opened our borders to any country that has BSE. Why would we lower the bar now and why Canada in particular? We can sum that up in two words, "packer power".
R-CALF USA President Leo McDonnell put it best in the Wyoming Roundup, "But the U.S. has been importing boxed beef from Canada for two years now, and it hasn't spurred the rest of the world to halt their import bans on U.S. beef".
Mr. Graves states, "The U.S. can't expect to regain exports to the Pacific Rim if it isn't willing to accept imports from Canada". Which part about why the border closed in the first place does Mr. Graves not understand? He also goes on to say, "Canadian cattle are no different, in terms of BSE risk, than those found right here in the U.S.".
If Mr. Graves knows more about U.S. BSE than the rest of us, you have to question where he got his information and is it based on science? That is an accusation that should not be thrown around lightly. Mr. Graves, if this is a scare tactic targeted toward R-CALF and their members, it isn't working. The only thing you are accomplishing is degrading consumer confidence, the very thing you profess to be protecting. Mr. Graves do you really think it is in the best interest of the cattle industry and consumers to spout that kind of reckless, undocumented or at least unpublished, information?
Another fact that seems to go beyond the scope of these men's thinking, R-CALF USA is fighting FOR the U.S. cattlemen and the future of our entire industry. In fact, so far into the future that not only can these three gentlemen not see it or fathom it but neither can the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Mr. Hendry and Mr. Graves, did you not enjoy the history making market of the past two years? Yes, the opening of the Canadian border will result in a down market. Yes, U.S. consumers will react violently to the possibility of tainted beef in their local stores and who could blame them?
Mr. Magagna is quoted in the Wyoming Roundup as stating, "We are concerned about making consumer confidence an issue in discussions over the Canadian border". In all due respect, that is the issue, the only issue. Plain and simple.
Those of us in the cattle industry should be even more concerned than our consumers are. They can choose to eat beef or not, but their paychecks will continue coming while they eat chicken, pork or tofu. Our paycheck will decline or worse yet, stop. Their choice will affect our life and the lives of our future cattle generations. Our consumers wield the ultimate purchasing power.
In their zeal to try and prove R-CALF USA wrong, Mr. Magagna, Mr. Hendry and Mr. Graves have apparently forgotten who eats our beef. With the inevitable opening of the Canadian border, consumer confidence will drop, along with their beef spending dollars. Without MCOOL, they cannot discern north of the border from south of the border. So having said this, why would we not align ourselves with our most important asset…our beef consumer?
We respect cattlemen's choice of either R-CALF USA or NCBA. Mr. Hendry has crossed the line and insulted the integrity of all these cattlemen, regardless of their affliation choice. According to scores of cattle producers across the country, R-CALF is on the right path as reported recently in the Wyoming Roundup. R-CALF USA has had a record year of financial support, not from federally mandated assessments as the NCBA, but from funds raised by voluntary donations.
After R-CALF led the charge in a Montana court, our own Wyoming Senators have led the charge in Washington D.C. to keep the border closed. And thank the Lord, many more across the nation agreed, as recorded recently in the Senate Joint Resolution 4 vote of 52-46 to keep the border closed. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Senators Thomas and Enzi. We have confidence that Representative Cubin will also step up to the plate when this issue is brought to a vote in the house. Ms. Cubin has been an advocate for Wyoming Ag in the MCOOL fight all along.
Referring to R-CALF USA, Mr. Hendry is quoted in the Wyoming Roundup, "Let's face it, they are worried about the market, not about food safety". What part of your support for opening the Canadian border is about food safety? Can you really have both Mr. Hendry, an open border with a BSE country and a safe food supply? How does that make any sense scientifically or economically?
Last but no less important, is the arrogant cavalier attitude of Mr. Hendry concerning BSE in the world. Would you have a different opinion of it sir if one of your loved ones contracted it? Does this make it any less important to the people that have contracted it and died and the family that mourns them? What compounds the grief is the fact that they could have avoided it in their food source had they known. Not everyone has the opportunity to raise their own beef. You sir are one of the fortunate ones who has a choice to eat beef that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt is safe. Apparently the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) doesn't agree with you and your assessment of the number in the world that died from BSE infected beef either. They set the scientific standards for BSE in the first place and consider even one death from BSE a tragedy and totally unacceptable. As do the rest of us with any moral thread of diginity.
Of course there is the subject of Mr. Hendry comparing R-CALF USA with PETA. Well, that is so far off it doesn't even warrant a rebuttal.