I'm sick of BSE. All we do is talk about it. Fight over it. And make all our neighbors and friends mad over it. It's effected my pocket book because all the bad new hits when I'm ready to market. It's caused our packing industry to move out and lay off workers. It's cost us all our export markets and put our country into a huge trade deficit. It's made me look bad in the eyes of my fellow citizens. According to science it is not a serious problem like all the other killer diseases we have had to cope with. Yet even if I don't have it, it has destroyed my brain. It's all I can think about. It's depressing to try and manage your operation when you are always getting bombarded with bad news and when you are being hounded by bad news. So I refuse to discuss the issue, think about it, or even worry about it anymore. Hopefully science will someday come up with something meaningful but i ain't gonna loose any more sleep over it. If worse comes to worse I'll move to Canada or some place far away and start a chicken ranch.