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I'M still Damn Mad about this!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog.
"The message of the promotional campaigns is effectively controlled by the federal government itself," Even though the ads say "Funded by America's Beef Producers.
"And guess who the federal government is?and how they use our money to #1 justify their existence # 2 Promote the AMI/packer programs,thats the falsity of the whole thing.
And what does the sumpreme court do?Perpetuate it.This is a good example of the beef board/ncba/packers at work.
These parasites are so entrenched in the government agencys I dont know what it will take to get them out ,right now there is only one cattle mans group that is fighting for fairness thats "R CALF"support the folks that support you...............good luck
Big Muddy rancher said:
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? :mad:

NO,just looking thru some receipts and going over some paper work ,see what I can do to keep my pencil sharp.In the beef buisness you always look at what you are getting for what you are recieving,and I can tell you with certainty I dont like being a part of "packer Programs"................good luck
More than likely his brother rolled over and he fell out.

Haymaker: "The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog."

Injecting your own comments within R-CULT propoganda again?

You're a dandy!

Provide me with one example of misuse of checkoff dollars Haymaker!

Just one!

Let's see if you can do any better here than you did at defining captive supplies!

~SH~ said:
More than likely his brother rolled over and he fell out.

Haymaker: "The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog."

Injecting your own comments within R-CULT propoganda again?

You're a dandy!

Provide me with one example of misuse of checkoff dollars Haymaker!

Just one!

Let's see if you can do any better here than you did at defining captive supplies!


Money,that is paid into the "check off fund"is used to pay packer loyalists salaries and promote packer programs ,you know that and so do I.The question really is how to remedy this? The cattle mans best chance is "R CALF" the finest cattle mans group in existence,that's why you see the dramatic membership numbers,believe I heard some where "in any Democracy the majority rule?"its just a matter of time...............good luck
PS.. stay away from "captive supply theories till you understand it better.
~SH~ said:
More than likely his brother rolled over and he fell out.

Haymaker: "The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog."

Injecting your own comments within R-CULT propoganda again?

You're a dandy!

Provide me with one example of misuse of checkoff dollars Haymaker!

Just one!

Let's see if you can do any better here than you did at defining captive supplies!


Money,that is paid into the "check off fund"is used to pay packer loyalists salaries and promote packer programs ,you know that and so do I.The question really is how to remedy this? The cattle mans best chance is "R CALF" the finest cattle mans group in existence,that's why you see the dramatic membership numbers,believe I heard some where "in any Democracy the majority rule?"its just a matter of time...............good luck
PS.. stay away from "captive supply theories till you understand it better.

Haymaker have you ever been out of Texas. How do you know R-CALf is the finest yada yada yada. Have you belonged to them all or are you just Brianwashed.
BMR, I dont have to leave TX to see what is black and white,its been proven many times how the "beef buisness " will break a cattle man with all their shell games,are you short memoried? Seems to me I heard of a little problem in canada with packers?..................good luck PS I will say this again R CALF is full of folks that have nothing against the canada cattle man. And yes I am well traveled.
When is yor fine group going to start holding those cull cows and bull's off the market since your leaders say they are unsafe????? That should open the markets for more South American and Australian product. Are you signing any of those producers up at r calf, they sure apreciate your fine work :p
Haymaker: "Money,that is paid into the "check off fund"is used to pay packer loyalists salaries and promote packer programs."



I want specifics!

Tell me who these "so called" packer loyalists are and what they are being paid?

Promote packer programs?

New product development benefits the entire beef industry not just packers?

The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog.
"The message of the promotional campaigns is effectively controlled by the federal government itself," Even though the ads say "Funded by America's Beef Producers.
"And guess who the federal government is?and how they use our money to #1 justify their existence # 2 Promote the AMI/packer programs,thats the falsity of the whole thing.
And what does the sumpreme court do?Perpetuate it.This is a good example of the beef board/ncba/packers at work.
These parasites are so entrenched in the government agencys I dont know what it will take to get them out ,right now there is only one cattle mans group that is fighting for fairness thats "R CALF"support the folks that support you...............good luck
This Haymaker was a very rude and uncalled for comment and I think you owe someone if not every poster on here an apology for your mean spirited comments past and future. :x
Tam said:
The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog.
"The message of the promotional campaigns is effectively controlled by the federal government itself," Even though the ads say "Funded by America's Beef Producers.
"And guess who the federal government is?and how they use our money to #1 justify their existence # 2 Promote the AMI/packer programs,thats the falsity of the whole thing.
And what does the sumpreme court do?Perpetuate it.This is a good example of the beef board/ncba/packers at work.
These parasites are so entrenched in the government agencys I dont know what it will take to get them out ,right now there is only one cattle mans group that is fighting for fairness thats "R CALF"support the folks that support you...............good luck
This Haymaker was a very rude and uncalled for comment and I think you owe someone if not every poster on here an apology for your mean spirited comments past and future. :x

What makes you think #1 I give a tinkers damn what you think I should do? #2 That you talk for the board? the only people that you talk for is yourself and a few packer lovers,that promote this fear mongering theory that R CALF is diminishing consumer demand,tell us when is this domestic comsumer demand gonna start diminishing? .................good luck
Tam said:
The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog.
"The message of the promotional campaigns is effectively controlled by the federal government itself," Even though the ads say "Funded by America's Beef Producers.
"And guess who the federal government is?and how they use our money to #1 justify their existence # 2 Promote the AMI/packer programs,thats the falsity of the whole thing.
And what does the sumpreme court do?Perpetuate it.This is a good example of the beef board/ncba/packers at work.
These parasites are so entrenched in the government agencys I dont know what it will take to get them out ,right now there is only one cattle mans group that is fighting for fairness thats "R CALF"support the folks that support you...............good luck
This Haymaker was a very rude and uncalled for comment and I think you owe someone if not every poster on here an apology for your mean spirited comments past and future. :x

Tam- I don't know what you think is so rude--Go look at the rules that make up the membership of the Beef Board- NCBA loaded all the way... Come down next time the checkoff puts on a presentation - and you will see NCBA muckymucks that haven't been seen in months or years all strutting all over the place telling us "uninformed" what the NCBA's checkoff has been doing for us- I've ate NCBA "originated" beef bacon, finger steaks, beef ham, etc,etc--Never mentioned it was done with my checkoff dollars...Just more NCBA/Packer BS like the flipflop they did on M-COOL and the fraud they want to allow Packers/Retailers to do to consumers-- We'll tell them thar dum folk what they should know :mad:
All the while they are handing out NCBA material and membership forms--Been there, seen it.....Didn't really bother me until NCBA decided to become a Political Action Group and outright donate and endorse political candidates- and that is wrong and illegal- It will catch up with them and eventually lose the US the checkoff......
Haymaker and SH:
Please explain to me when we "Pee" all the Packers off and they move most of their operations to Canada or even worse South of the border who is going to kill all this "contaminated unsafe beef left here in the USA??? I am sure the Big 3+ auto makers pays marketing guru's a lot of money to sit around and figure out ways to "Pee" off the American Auto Buyers!! :roll: So why should NCBA or any other group not try and communicate with the Packers, Retailers, ETC! It is a free economy....he who has a product wants more.....he who wants the product wants to pay less. IT IS CALLED NEGOTIATING A SELLING PRICE!!! What is so novel about that?? If you hate the Packers so bad.....find yourself a ilttle packing plant and buy it! Sell your Cattle in YOUR branded Beef Program! Since marketing BEEF is so darn easy and so profitable....get in the business! :roll: Does biting the hand that feeds you mean anything ??? If you do not TALK ....YOU DO NOT GET ANYWHERE! :roll:
CattleCo said:
Haymaker and SH:
Please explain to me when we "Pee" all the Packers off and they move most of their operations to Canada or even worse South of the border who is going to kill all this "contaminated unsafe beef left here in the USA??? I am sure the Big 3+ auto makers pays marketing guru's a lot of money to sit around and figure out ways to "Pee" off the American Auto Buyers!! :roll: So why should NCBA or any other group not try and communicate with the Packers, Retailers, ETC! It is a free economy....he who has a product wants more.....he who wants the product wants to pay less. IT IS CALLED NEGOTIATING A SELLING PRICE!!! What is so novel about that?? If you hate the Packers so bad.....find yourself a ilttle packing plant and buy it! Sell your Cattle in YOUR branded Beef Program! Since marketing BEEF is so darn easy and so profitable....get in the business! :roll: Does biting the hand that feeds you mean anything ??? If you do not TALK ....YOU DO NOT GET ANYWHERE! :roll:

You hit the nail on the Head :!: That's what I was wondering, why doesn't R-CALF organize and buy a packing plant and sell scource verified USA beef and make their members rich.
Tam said:
The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog.
"The message of the promotional campaigns is effectively controlled by the federal government itself," Even though the ads say "Funded by America's Beef Producers.
"And guess who the federal government is?and how they use our money to #1 justify their existence # 2 Promote the AMI/packer programs,thats the falsity of the whole thing.
And what does the sumpreme court do?Perpetuate it.This is a good example of the beef board/ncba/packers at work.
These parasites are so entrenched in the government agencys I dont know what it will take to get them out ,right now there is only one cattle mans group that is fighting for fairness thats "R CALF"support the folks that support you...............good luck
This Haymaker was a very rude and uncalled for comment and I think you owe someone if not every poster on here an apology for your mean spirited comments past and future. :x

What makes you think #1 I give a tinkers damn what you think I should do? #2 That you talk for the board? the only people that you talk for is yourself and a few packer lovers,that promote this fear mongering theory that R CALF is diminishing consumer demand,tell us when is this domestic comsumer demand gonna start diminishing? .................good luck

It has already stated Haymaker. The decline started last year and accelerated during the first quarter. Wait until R-Calf and their associates BS hits the press during the trial. What will the excuse be then and who will you blame? How much has the beef cut-out declined in the past eight weeks? BTW, was my information correct on that Texas (domestic) cow or were your contacts just misled by packers?!!!
CattleCO: "Haymaker and SH:..."

I'm assuming that should have been addressed to Haymaker and OT (the packer blamers) because I agree with you.

Good post!

OT: "Come down next time the checkoff puts on a presentation - and you will see NCBA muckymucks that haven't been seen in months or years all strutting all over the place telling us "uninformed" what the NCBA's checkoff has been doing for us- I've ate NCBA "originated" beef bacon, finger steaks, beef ham, etc,etc--Never mentioned it was done with my checkoff dollars...Just more NCBA/Packer BS like the flipflop they did on M-COOL and the fraud they want to allow Packers/Retailers to do to consumers-- We'll tell them thar dum folk what they should know
All the while they are handing out NCBA material and membership forms--Been there, seen it.....Didn't really bother me until NCBA decided to become a Political Action Group and outright donate and endorse political candidates- and that is wrong and illegal- It will catch up with them and eventually lose the US the checkoff......"

What a chronic bitcher!

I bet you never lifted a finger to recommend better use of checkoff dollars and I'll bet you can't recite one example of misuse of checkoff dollars. Did you need a little pat on the back for your contribution to value added beef products? Even after all this time you are still parroting the NCBA blaming rhetoric about checkoff dollars being spent on political lobbying.

You are right about their flip flop on "M"COOL. They should have never supported such a lame brain scheme in the first place. Differentiate 5% of our beef as a novelty item without a traceback system in place to enforce it paid for with lower cattle prices. GOSH, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT????

Keep bowing that R-CULT turbin OT, you obviously can't think for yourself!

Oldtimer said:
Tam said:
The packers/beef board are full of parasites like MRJ,that create cushie jobs for themselves and friends,remind me of a 10 pound tick on a five pound dog.
"The message of the promotional campaigns is effectively controlled by the federal government itself," Even though the ads say "Funded by America's Beef Producers.
"And guess who the federal government is?and how they use our money to #1 justify their existence # 2 Promote the AMI/packer programs,thats the falsity of the whole thing.
And what does the sumpreme court do?Perpetuate it.This is a good example of the beef board/ncba/packers at work.
These parasites are so entrenched in the government agencys I dont know what it will take to get them out ,right now there is only one cattle mans group that is fighting for fairness thats "R CALF"support the folks that support you...............good luck
This Haymaker was a very rude and uncalled for comment and I think you owe someone if not every poster on here an apology for your mean spirited comments past and future. :x

Tam- I don't know what you think is so rude--Go look at the rules that make up the membership of the Beef Board- NCBA loaded all the way... Come down next time the checkoff puts on a presentation - and you will see NCBA muckymucks that haven't been seen in months or years all strutting all over the place telling us "uninformed" what the NCBA's checkoff has been doing for us- I've ate NCBA "originated" beef bacon, finger steaks, beef ham, etc,etc--Never mentioned it was done with my checkoff dollars...Just more NCBA/Packer BS like the flipflop they did on M-COOL and the fraud they want to allow Packers/Retailers to do to consumers-- We'll tell them thar dum folk what they should know :mad:
All the while they are handing out NCBA material and membership forms--Been there, seen it.....Didn't really bother me until NCBA decided to become a Political Action Group and outright donate and endorse political candidates- and that is wrong and illegal- It will catch up with them and eventually lose the US the checkoff......
Do you think it could be the first line of the mouth from south's post? If Haymaker isn't calling a woman who disagrees with him a Hussie then she's a parasite. If you think that's fine OT so be it.
Thanks, Tam, SH, bill and anyone else who came to my defense when Haymake made another of his usual baseless, stupid false statements.

He really is rather pathetic. What a caricature of the "BIG TEXAS RANCHER". The REAL Texas ranchers are gentlemen, as well considerably wiser ranchers than what he exhibits here, thank goodness!

I really am curious about those "cushie jobs" though. Can't say I've ever seen a staff person who was anything less than very productively busy. I also put a sizeable amount of my own money into the year I served on the SD Beef Council and did not request re-imbursement due to me because I knew the money was needed for other projects. It was definitely a personal sacrifice which I believe well worth the cost. No volunteer serving on the various boards receives more than basic re-imbursements of travel costs, and most probably do not submit all such costs, from what we have observed.

Never have heard of a "packer beef board" either. I have heard of CBB projects where someone, probably from NCBA, talked the packers and other businessmen into putting in a big pile of their own money to accomplish things there simply are not enough checkoff dollars to do. Currently the partnership with Boston Market restaurants putting in a line of excellent sirloin entrees is a very exciting one.

Haymaker, didn't you once on this site complain that your ire with NCBA goes back to some "bad advice" they gave you that cost you money? If that was you, or whomever it was making such a complaint, shouldn't the blame properly be placed on the guy TAKING that bad advice?

OT, what rules, specifically do you believe show the CBB to be "loaded" with NCBA members. There is NO requirement for NCBA membership on the CBB.


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