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I'M still Damn Mad about this!!!!!!

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Tam- I don't know what you think is so rude
Oldtimer go back and READ what I highlighted. What part of mean spirited name calling isn't rude. I think you and Haymaker better get out of the sun for awhile as it is seriously affecting your brains. OOPS R-CALF has already affected them to the point of no return, so I guess you are safe.
Tam said:
Tam- I don't know what you think is so rude
Oldtimer go back and READ what I highlighted. What part of mean spirited name calling isn't rude. I think you and Haymaker better get out of the sun for awhile as it is seriously affecting your brains. OOPS R-CALF has already affected them to the point of no return, so I guess you are safe.

Give us a break Miss Tam,you are the one that taught me how to make insults,and other things...................good luck PS you and that ole woman called "Bill"
Tam said:
Tam- I don't know what you think is so rude
Oldtimer go back and READ what I highlighted. What part of mean spirited name calling isn't rude. I think you and Haymaker better get out of the sun for awhile as it is seriously affecting your brains. OOPS R-CALF has already affected them to the point of no return, so I guess you are safe.

Give us a break Miss Tam,you are the one that taught me how to make insults,and other things...................good luck PS you and that ole woman called "Bill"

As Sandhusker would say the burden of proof lies on the accuser so prove away Haymaker. :wink:
Northern Rancher said:
What kind of a 'man' would blame a woman for his own rude behaviour.
Well I have heard them called chicken sh**s :? If that is true I guess Haymaker better be careful, as some US producer might use him as cattle feed. :shock: :help: Wow talk about causing MAD COW, this cow would be mad and full of bullsh** :wink: :lol:
A mad cow with a texas attitude... think about that for a bit and try not to shiver..... :p
Les said:
A mad cow with a texas attitude... think about that for a bit and try not to shiver..... :p

Well if it is anything like Haymaker it will always be right and nothing will change it's mind and the only thing to do with it is keep it on the front porch and belly it up to a trough of well fermented mash. :wink: And turn it back into a HAPPY COW :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

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