Johanns is in Disneyland........
He sold out to private industry why would you keep data in a private database when the Gov is going to have the "Mother House"???? WHAT take a calf to the livestock market, with a RFID tag, they read the tag ( if the number on the outside matched the chip???) and the market reports it to???????????????? (A) private data warehouse of their choosing. (B) A state vets office. (C) A National USDA Database.
(D) Rush Limbough
After all this listening session.................we still do not have a clue ON THIS ISSUE!
SO...............if you have a diseased dead animal RFID tagged on the floor......the Gov is going to e-mail the 100+ datawarehouses and say.....who has 176768765654342 ???????????????? OR will the Gov be plugged into all these databases????? Talk about Government access to PRIVATE DATA???? You can't have it both ways folks!!1
USDA's four guiding principles for the NAIS are as follows:
The system must be able to allow tracking of animals from point of origin to processing within 48 hours without unnecessary burden to producers and other stakeholders.
The system's architecture must be developed without unduly increasing the size and role of government.
The system must be flexible enough to utilize existing technologies and incorporate new identification technologies as they are developed.
Animal movement data should be maintained in a private system that can be readily accessed when necessary by state and federal animal health authorities.
He sold out to private industry why would you keep data in a private database when the Gov is going to have the "Mother House"???? WHAT take a calf to the livestock market, with a RFID tag, they read the tag ( if the number on the outside matched the chip???) and the market reports it to???????????????? (A) private data warehouse of their choosing. (B) A state vets office. (C) A National USDA Database.
(D) Rush Limbough
After all this listening session.................we still do not have a clue ON THIS ISSUE!
SO...............if you have a diseased dead animal RFID tagged on the floor......the Gov is going to e-mail the 100+ datawarehouses and say.....who has 176768765654342 ???????????????? OR will the Gov be plugged into all these databases????? Talk about Government access to PRIVATE DATA???? You can't have it both ways folks!!1
USDA's four guiding principles for the NAIS are as follows:
The system must be able to allow tracking of animals from point of origin to processing within 48 hours without unnecessary burden to producers and other stakeholders.
The system's architecture must be developed without unduly increasing the size and role of government.
The system must be flexible enough to utilize existing technologies and incorporate new identification technologies as they are developed.
Animal movement data should be maintained in a private system that can be readily accessed when necessary by state and federal animal health authorities.