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I have had the same conversation with kids in Canada. The one in particular thought that a machine in Safeway made beef.
I married a city girl too and it is hard to even know where to start. Sure she knew what cows and crops are, but beyond that nothing! I have had to teach her the difference between a cow, steer, heifer, and bull; and between oats, barley, wheat, and canola. We are still working on breeds of cattle and I don't think I will even attempt to teach her varieties of crops.
leanin' H said:
Back in High School in FFA we went to elementary schools and did "Foor For America". We'd spend an hour showing a movie and talking about how food gets from the farm to the plate. Then we had a feild day where all the schools would come to our ag barn and we had animals and canned fruit and such where they could see hands on what ranching and farming was like. Our high school was a town of 20000 and we would find kids in every class we went to who thought milk came from a jug and beans from a can. That was in the 80's. It can't have gotten any better. EVERYONE, from me to the check off dollars, needs to do a better job of educating folks who buy our products.

You would be suprised how little people know about where their food comes from, even in ranching states like Wyoming. HSUS and PETA spend alot of money trying to get people to quit eating meat. I am more than happy to spend $1/head for beef checkoff to "try " and keep the public educated. :wink:
Back in the days when we could afford a vacation, we found that 99% of people we met in the campground had the same question when we told them we raise cattle.

"Who's milking your cows while you are away?"

They were always surprised when we told them the calves were.

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