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Lybia back in the News

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Feb 10, 2005
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Carter was a Democrat
Obama is a Democrat
Carter had a drunk for a brother
Obama has a drunk for a Uncle
Carter had a problem with Lybia
Obama now has a problem with Lybia
Carter was the worst President in Us History
Obama may be knocking Carter off that list. :roll:

Let's pray Carter was a One term President and Obama will be too.
Can you find printed where the administration said the "protestors" were justified for the attack? its been changed and I cant find the quote anymore........
Mitt Romney came out firing this evening against the Obama administration's feckless response to the attacks on American embassies in Libya and Egypt. His campaign just released his statement moments ago:

I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.

When Romney mentions the Obama administration "sympathizing" with "those who waged the attacks," he refers to this statement, released prior to the Embassy storming in Cairo by the Embassy:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Romney is right to hit back hard against the Obama administration's actions on the eleventh anniversary of September 11. Obama has spent the past four years emboldening America's enemies and undercutting her allies, especially the Muslim Brotherhood. Today's disastrous occurrences in the Middle East only underscore that fact.

obama said:
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy.
so as we grieve those who passed. the muslim cowards attack the funeral procession.. and on Sept 11, 2012 add four more innocent Americans to the toll of those killed by Islam.

This is not "the fitting response to the enemies of democracy".

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims –

and we apologize. again..
While I was watching the news a few minutes ago it was reported that the administration had no prior knowledge that the embassy was going to make such a statement.

On Fox news Peggy Noonan of the WSJ said (basically) In times such as these, Gov. Romney should have used a little more discretion in his remarks and did himself no favors today.

I actually thought Sec. Clinton had the best response. It will be interesting to see if these cowards are brought to justice,hopefully in a raid mirroring that of Bin Laden's, and what role the Libyan gov. will play in such an endeavor.
TSR" I actually thought Sec. Clinton had the best response. It will be interesting to see if these cowards are brought to justice said:
While condemning the attacks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also apologized for Muslims getting their "feelings" hurt. Referring to the movie, she condemns "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims." (via Washington Post)

Best response? Are you as daft as you seem?
TSR said:
While I was watching the news a few minutes ago it was reported that the administration had no prior knowledge that the embassy was going to make such a statement.
TSR said:
While I was watching the news a few minutes ago it was reported that the administration had no prior knowledge that the embassy was going to make such a statement.

On Fox news Peggy Noonan of the WSJ said (basically) In times such as these, Gov. Romney should have used a little more discretion in his remarks and did himself no favors today.

I actually thought Sec. Clinton had the best response. It will be interesting to see if these cowards are brought to justice,hopefully in a raid mirroring that of Bin Laden's, and what role the Libyan gov. will play in such an endeavor.

So what you are saying is the Administration is LEADING FROM BEHIND. AGAIN, when a US Embassy comes out and makes a statement and the US voters say WHAT????? Obama came come out and say I didn't approve of the statement. Just like in the Bin Laden raid he tells those involved do as you like and when things go right and the reaction is one of glory Obama takes credit but if the reaction would have been the other way he could have blamed others and said The Administration had no prior knowledge of this operations.

This was a planned attack and if Obama would not drone attack everyone on his personal KILL LIST and take some of them alive and waterboard the sh*t out of them, like Bush did to get the intel that lead to the BIN LADEN RAID that Obama is using for a Campaign bumper sticker, maybe the US would have some Intel to stop the assassination of US Diplomats under his Presidency and for the next ten years. :x
While I was watching the news a few minutes ago it was reported that the administration had no prior knowledge that the embassy was going to make such a statement.

Or so they say, Lies Lies and more Lies. Then we have a few that still believe anything they say. Their track record points to a Lie
Larrry said:
While I was watching the news a few minutes ago it was reported that the administration had no prior knowledge that the embassy was going to make such a statement.

Or so they say, Lies Lies and more Lies. Then we have a few that still believe anything they say. Their track record points to a Lie

This incompetent Administration have been saying one thing and then having to take it back since they took office, Great example the Fort Hood Shooting was not a TERRORIST ATTACK. even though the guy had a history of radical Islam while in the US Army. The you have the Undie Bomber that wasn't a terrorist attack it was a single lone wolf who just happens to have ties to Yemen and the system worker to stop him. I really didn't know the system was passengers taking down the bomber and holding on to him until the police got there to arrest him. And didn't the Obama Administrations have warning from the kids own dad to watch him? Domestically you have the The Cops acted stupidly, Travon was shot due to Racism. It never ends with this Administration. They open their mouths and say what ever comes out and then have to deal with the uproar once the TRUTH hits the airwaves and Internet. :roll:

This was not about a youtube video that only a couple thousand saw, it was about MUSLIM RADICALS HATING THE US AND WANTING TO KILL THEM ON 911. :roll: And Obama not having a handle on what HIS PEOPLE ARE SAYING to the media

BTW maybe Joe should be standing at every campaign rally yelling at the top of his lungs GM is alive and OSAMA IS DEAD. Especially when the Terrorists that carried out this attack were yelling OBAMA OBAMA WE ARE ALL OSAMA'S. We have hear over and over about how GITMO is a recruiting tool for Al Queda just what the hell is Joe's Bumper sticker?

Seal Team Six members have been targeted due to this Administrations need to show off his foreign affairs abilities and this is another example of Obama's success in foreign affairs. :x
Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack

September 12, 2012

Governor Gary Johnson released the following statement regarding the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya:

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can't afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm's way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don't want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders' most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.
Oldtimer said:
Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack

September 12, 2012

Governor Gary Johnson released the following statement regarding the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya:

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can't afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm's way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don't want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders' most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.

I would agree with most of what he is saying if the violence had stayed over there... and we didn't have allies in the region.. and freedom wasn't a value we want to stand for.

Haven't many already learned from history that isolationism led to the last two world wars?

had he not made himself into a self appointed spoiler many might actually pay attention to what he is saying..
Oldtimer said:
Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack

September 12, 2012

Governor Gary Johnson released the following statement regarding the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya:

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can't afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm's way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don't want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders' most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.

yes,... Obama sure bungled the middle-eastern policy.. :?
Mike said:
TSR" I actually thought Sec. Clinton had the best response. It will be interesting to see if these cowards are brought to justice said:
While condemning the attacks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also apologized for Muslims getting their "feelings" hurt. Referring to the movie, she condemns "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims." (via Washington Post)

Best response? Are you as daft as you seem?

Which response did you like best??? Surely some Rep.'s had a response.
Steve said:
Oldtimer said:
Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack

September 12, 2012

Governor Gary Johnson released the following statement regarding the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya:

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can't afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm's way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don't want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders' most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.

yes,... Obama sure bungled the middle-eastern policy.. :?

Well while I agree with Johnson that the first bungle began with invading and trying to go nationbuilding in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11- which totally screwed up the whole balance of power in the mideast (especially with Iran) we would probably have been better off keeping ourselves out of all of them.... Building/financing GW Bush International highways/bridges in a sandpile is what helped to bankrupt this country with the Bush Bust....

But after the dispatching of Osama- and all the other extremist Muslims that has happened with our current administration- I'm sure they realize there is much better chance of them going to get their virgins under Obama and his administration rather than any prior administrations....
Oldtimer said:
Steve said:

yes,... Obama sure bungled the middle-eastern policy.. :?

Well while I agree with Johnson that the first bungle began with invading and trying to go nationbuilding in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11- which totally screwed up the whole balance of power in the mideast (especially with Iran) we would probably have been better off keeping ourselves out of all of them.... Building/financing GW Bush International highways/bridges in a sandpile is what helped to bankrupt this country with the Bush Bust....

But after the dispatching of Osama- and all the other extremist Muslims that has happened with our current administration- I'm sure they realize there is much better chance of them going to get their virgins under Obama and his administration rather than any prior administrations....

Do you REALLY BELIEVE the bull excrement you write?

You are as dumb as you are old....... :roll:
From the Religion of Peace. The Ambassador was raped before he was killed. Sickening.

I've been saying all along that these Hadji's are butt sharks, azz pirates, rump rangers, whatever you want to call them. Arafat wasn't poisoned, he died of AIDS.

Now Obeezey can apologize for this, too......... :roll: :roll: :roll:
Just thinking how good it would be if these countries had some strong leaders who could crack down on the more violent factions.Oh ya! they did until some folks ,conservatives and liberals,wanted democracy and killed them all! :mad:
One of the American diplomats killed Tuesday in a bloody attack on a Libyan Consulate told pals in an online gaming forum hours earlier that he'd seen suspicious people taking pictures outside his compound and wondered if he and his team might "die tonight."

Sean Smith, a foreign service information management officer assigned to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, was well known in the online gaming forum EVE Online, where he went by the name "vilerat," and was seen as a leader by his fellow gamers. Smith was killed along with three others, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, when the consulate was attacked by an angry mob.

But hours before the bloody assault, Smith sent a message to Alex Gianturco, the director of "Goonswarm," Smith's online gaming team or "guild."

"Assuming we don't die tonight," the message, which was first reported by Wired, read. "We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures."

Within hours of posting that message, Smith, a husband and father of two, was dead. Gianturco, who could not be reached for further comment, got the word out to fellow gamers, according to Wired.

"My people, I have greivous [sic] news," wrote Gianturco. "Vile Rat has been confirmed to be KIA in Benghazi; his family has been informed and the news is likely to break out on the wire services soon.

"Needless to say, we are in shock, have no words, and have nothing but sympathy for his family and children. I have known Vile Rat since 2006, he was one of the oldest of old-guard goons and one of the best and most effective diplomats this game has ever seen."

On Wednesday, as word spread throughout the guild, tributes poured in for the foreign service information management officer who also was a moderator at the Internet community Something Awful, which is known for posting disturbing photos and videos. Nearly 500 posts to themittani.com, a site run by a the director.

"To your wife and children, know that the love of thousands of video game nerds, the world over, fall to your shoulders," wrote one poster.

"Vile Rat was a shining example of life lived to its fullest," wrote another. "A great man in all respects and will be missed by many. Not even 12 hours ago we were talking in jabber, he had made a joke about the lack of security in such places and crappy Internet. The whole thing seems surreal."

Meanwhile, President Obama vowed on Wednesday to apprehend the killers with the aid of the Libyan government.

"Make no mistake. We will work with the Libyan government to bring justice to killers who attack our people," Obama said, adding: "There is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/12/diplomat-killed-in-libya-to-fellow-gamers-assuming-dont-die-tonight/?intcmp=obnetwork#ixzz26UpQzkYf

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