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Much Needed Rain

How much did you get Ben? The electronic rain gage measured .88 so far for the day. Some of the pasture were starting to turn brown in spots and desperately needed water.
Didn't have a rain gauge, pretty good soak though. Pastures are fairly green considering, except where ledge is close to the surface. Leaving plenty of residual has really paid off. Some people were dried up a month ago, my grass was doing great. Growth rate has gone way down. One lesson to be learned here, stockpiling isn't just for late season.
We got an inch overnight - - - - great! We are dry but the good Lord keeps sending me what I need ( not what I want ) when I need it ( not when I think need it )

People around here that do not rotate pastues have been out of grass for weeks now but if you rotate and let your grass grow deep roots even in the years when everything is green then when the stress comes you have a good base to start from and grass will grow if given a chance!
I guess the Good Lord just don't like us Texans. I guess we are just a bunch of damn heathens....
nortex...rain falls on the just and the unjust all the same.
We had what I thought was a good rain only to find out we got .15 so add that to the .26 and the .24 weeee the past 2 weeks we have gotten a tick over half an inch LOLOLOL
ONly good thing is we are close to Colorado and Kansas so the prospect for getting hay is good. Too bad I dont have a storage area.....
nortexsook said:
I got news for you folks.... We are all UNJUST.......

Do you wake up every morning with a red backside or does somebody pee in your cheerios and make you irritable? :roll: Nobody was saying they were better than you or more deserving of rain! George simply mentioned one of his blessings. It sure sucks when it's a horrible drought like you folks are having down in Texas. I'd know all about not having rain and I feel terrible for all you folks needing moisture. But your snarky, childish and bitter comments sure make you look small. When it doesn't rain, you can't control that, But you sure as hell can control your attitude. I sure agree with one of your comments....we are all unjust and I am at the head of that line. Here's hoping rain falls in your country soon. Take care of yourself and smile when you can. :wink:
No I generally have a good outlook on life.

Somebody has got to wear the Dark Hat on these boards....
MsSage said:
nortex...rain falls on the just and the unjust all the same.
We had what I thought was a good rain only to find out we got .15 so add that to the .26 and the .24 weeee the past 2 weeks we have gotten a tick over half an inch LOLOLOL
ONly good thing is we are close to Colorado and Kansas so the prospect for getting hay is good. Too bad I dont have a storage area.....

really feel for you folk being affected by the drought. but isn't cheaper to move the cattle to the feed rather than moving feed to cattle?
leanin' H said:
nortexsook said:
I got news for you folks.... We are all UNJUST.......

Do you wake up every morning with a red backside or does somebody pee in your cheerios and make you irritable? :roll: Nobody was saying they were better than you or more deserving of rain! George simply mentioned one of his blessings. It sure sucks when it's a horrible drought like you folks are having down in Texas. I'd know all about not having rain and I feel terrible for all you folks needing moisture. But your snarky, childish and bitter comments sure make you look small. When it doesn't rain, you can't control that, But you sure as hell can control your attitude. I sure agree with one of your comments....we are all unjust and I am at the head of that line. Here's hoping rain falls in your country soon. Take care of yourself and smile when you can. :wink:

There is a lot of ranchers around here are little irritable. There no water for some, no grass or hay for all and cattle prices falling. Irritable just come with these. :wink:
hayguy said:
MsSage said:
nortex...rain falls on the just and the unjust all the same.
We had what I thought was a good rain only to find out we got .15 so add that to the .26 and the .24 weeee the past 2 weeks we have gotten a tick over half an inch LOLOLOL
ONly good thing is we are close to Colorado and Kansas so the prospect for getting hay is good. Too bad I dont have a storage area.....

really feel for you folk being affected by the drought. but isn't cheaper to move the cattle to the feed rather than moving feed to cattle?

Shipping is shipping its high any way. When you have the hold state in a drought it to many hd.
In theory you are right. It should be cheaper to ship cows north. But I have not heard of a lot of available land up there. People that have it, if there is any, don't seem to be willing to want to take in cattle from the south.
I think you'd be surprised. There's a lot of hay this way and I know
ranchers that would feed it to the cows from the south. There needs to
be a central place to put those needing hay and those selling hay
together. I think there is a place you can go in Montana and list
hay for sale....guess I need to look that up and post it here.
Selling hay doesn't just mean loading it on a truck and shipping
it somewhere, it CAN mean feeding it to cows that are shipped in.

I wish you guys the best of luck.....in finding feed and also that it rains
real soon. We need rain right here too; we've only had .2 since
July 2. Amazing how the grass has held up--maybe because of the
high humidity we have experienced.
What is also a bit galling is the hay sellers trying to make a killing off the folks affected by drought.

like this ad:


I am not sure my true feelings because if the market will bear it a seller should get as much as possible, I guess.

The smart thing to do is just sell cows. No way poor grass hay is worth $180 a ton before delivery will run $250 a ton after delivery.

The thing is when all the horsey folks sell out and the cattle folks sell out, who are these hay guys going to sell to next year? And the next? A one time windfall is always not what it seems....

Edited to add: Obviously the link doesn't work but $90 per bale in field for 1000# round bales.....
I sure did not intend to imply that I was getting what I deserved as I guarantee that I get much better than I deserve.

I am saved by the grace of God not by my deeds and I am grateful for every blessing I have recieved and I will keep praying for blessings for all of you. I do not pretend to understand the workings of the Lord but I am eternally grateful for every day he allows me to have.
nortexsook said:
What is also a bit galling is the hay sellers trying to make a killing off the folks affected by drought.

like this ad:


I am not sure my true feelings because if the market will bear it a seller should get as much as possible, I guess.

The smart thing to do is just sell cows. No way poor grass hay is worth $180 a ton before delivery will run $250 a ton after delivery.

The thing is when all the horsey folks sell out and the cattle folks sell out, who are these hay guys going to sell to next year? And the next? A one time windfall is always not what it seems....

Edited to add: Obviously the link doesn't work but $90 per bale in field for 1000# round bales.....

How did the cow ranchers treat the hay guys when the shoe is on the other foot. I sold hay for 48 dollars a ton when the 600 weight calves were bringing $1.26. Nobody offered me a fair price because the hay market was flooded. I even tried offering a long term contract but nobody then would even consider 70 dollars a ton. so I guess I have a really hard time feeling sorry for anyone. I made it through and if you just suck it up, quit crying and just ride it out you have a chance also.
just want to add that with all things considered diversification and staying the middle of the road will help when times are tough.

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