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obama tells his geography experts to take 8 yr break


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
Hopefully after 2012, they'll be retired. :lol:

Oops! White House fails basic geography test

Looks like someone in the White House press office needs to brush up on his or her U.S. geography.

The press office issued credentials to those reporters and photojournalists who are covering the president’s trip this week to Washington state, California, and Colorado. The credential even provides a handy graphic highlighting (in white) which states the president will visit.

The only problem?

Wyoming is highlighted, not Colorado. To be fair, both states are rectangular, nearly identical in size, and stacked next to each other. But we doubt our third grade teachers would buy that!


Eli Stokols

Political Reporter

6:24 a.m. MDT, September 27, 2011
DENVER -- More than three years after that historic night at what was then Invesco Field, when Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president, an embattled President Obama returns here Tuesday for what is, in essence, the first Colorado visit of his 2012 campaign.

The iconic 'Hope' posters are gone; and the candidate who then embodied change is now confronting a changed political landscape, with the country still mired in a prolonged economic downturn and, increasingly, blaming his administration for it.

"Whoever is sitting in the White House after some period of time owns it," said political analyst Eric Sondermann. "Barack Obama has been in the White House for the better part of three years and it is his economy; there's no way he can avoid it."

When he speaks Tuesday afternoon at Abraham Lincoln High School, Obama will continue to campaign -- at least, ostensibly -- for the "American Jobs Act", a $447 billion package of tax relief and infrastructure spending aimed at putting Americans back to work.

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Watch live streaming coverage of the speech at 2:15 p.m. on KDVR.com.

One Coloradan who could benefit from such a plan is Ron Herrera, an unemployed trucker and warehouse worker who spent Monday afternoon outside Lincoln High picking up trash.

Herrera, who came to get a ticket to the event only to be turned away because he arrived to late, simply decided on his own to ask for a trash bag so that the president is impressed with his hometown.

But, despite being out of work for the last four years, he believes Obama deserves four more years in the White House. :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o

"I think Obama, he's a good president. He's doing all he can," Herrera said. "I don't care what anybody says about him, I believe in him."

On the other side of town, three more believers spent Tuesday morning at a table outside the JeffCo Action Center, which serves as a food bank, job center and free health clinic for Lakewood and the surrounding suburbs.

One of them was Estelle Carson, who's already working hard to register voters -- and, then, to convince them to believe in Obama -- with more than 13 months remaining until next November's election.

"I want him to be reelected. We have a black man in the White House and I want him back," said Carson, who is African-American. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

While Obama's historic election in 2008 is still a point of pride for her, Carson continues to believe in his abilities and agenda, even as many others have lost the faith.

"Yes, some people are disappointed, I get that [when I knock on doors]," she said. "But he's not God; he doesn't walk on water. He's one man with a lot of people working against him.

"He has done as much as one man can do in Washington."

But Carson understands that many of her neighbors don't share that view; and she's found that many Coloradans who donated to Obama's 2008 campaign aren't ready to do so again.

And on Tuesday morning before quitting for lunch, the last person she helped register to vote chose to do so as a Republican. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Our job here is to get the word out," Carson said. "And we will. These two feet are going to be walking, and I'm going to be talking and making sure I do my part to get him reelected."
Larry, families are feeling emotional and financial stress due to obama's corporatism/fascist ways, but some will still rely on emotion to make excuses for why they voted for him in the first place, others will simply disappear from forums such as Ranchers.

Those that voted for him with any "thinkability" will have already decided they will not vote for him again, or "phone a friend" for emotional support in voting against him.
hypocritexposer said:
Larry, families are feeling emotional and financial stress due to obama's corporatism/fascist ways, but some will still rely on emotion to make excuses for why they voted for him in the first place, others will simply disappear from forums such as Ranchers.

Those that voted for him with any "thinkability" will have already decided they will not vote for him again, or "phone a friend" for emotional support in voting against him.

I know of a few hard core Democrats that are at this time suffering severe "buyer's remorse." Their foreheads are getting battered because they keep hitting themselves with the heel of their hand, saying,"Why did I vote for Obama?"

Personally, for the presidential race of 2012, my preference is for another black gentleman, but one who has considerably more smarts. If the election were tomorrow, I would vote for Herman Cain.
hypocritexposer said:
Hopefully after 2012, they'll be retired. :lol:

Oops! White House fails basic geography test

Looks like someone in the White House press office needs to brush up on his or her U.S. geography.

The press office issued credentials to those reporters and photojournalists who are covering the president’s trip this week to Washington state, California, and Colorado. The credential even provides a handy graphic highlighting (in white) which states the president will visit.

The only problem?

Wyoming is highlighted, not Colorado. To be fair, both states are rectangular, nearly identical in size, and stacked next to each other. But we doubt our third grade teachers would buy that!



Maybe they should have double checked with obama before putting this out..oh wait maybe the did. But what the heck it's hard for a busy man to keep track of all 57 states.
Soapweed said:
hypocritexposer said:
Larry, families are feeling emotional and financial stress due to obama's corporatism/fascist ways, but some will still rely on emotion to make excuses for why they voted for him in the first place, others will simply disappear from forums such as Ranchers.

Those that voted for him with any "thinkability" will have already decided they will not vote for him again, or "phone a friend" for emotional support in voting against him.

I know of a few hard core Democrats that are at this time suffering severe "buyer's remorse." Their foreheads are getting battered because they keep hitting themselves with the heel of their hand, saying,"Why did I vote for Obama?"

Personally, for the presidential race of 2012, my preference is for another black gentleman, but one who has considerably more smarts. If the election were tomorrow, I would vote for Herman Cain.

I feel the same way, Soapweed. Today I would vote for Herman Cain.
IMO, you are both correct.

......a business man, that is not a career politician. I would say Rubio for VP, but he is not a "Natural Born Citizen"

So..... a Cain/Palin ticket is looking pretty good right about now, if Palin does not throw her hat in the ring, as a Pres. Candidate.

If she does, then a Palin/Cain ticket would also be a good one.

The pendulum has to swing as far right as it has left, to correct.

Perry is not a conservative and Romney is a RINO. Both want the "big tent" and both are opportunists. Perry is a little more unpredictable and "wishy-washy"

If the US does not want a true conservative at this point, then you might as well let a Democrat/Marxist preside over the downfall. There needs to be a lot of pain in the next decade, to realize any gain. This thing of "back and forth" elections, by party, is not the solution. The only solution is to get back to true conservatism. Less "new world order", globalization/world citizen type of crap

Liberalism has gotten the US to this point, and you might as well let a progressive take credit for it, if you are not willing to go through the hardships to "right the ship"
Faster horses said:
Soapweed said:
hypocritexposer said:
Larry, families are feeling emotional and financial stress due to obama's corporatism/fascist ways, but some will still rely on emotion to make excuses for why they voted for him in the first place, others will simply disappear from forums such as Ranchers.

Those that voted for him with any "thinkability" will have already decided they will not vote for him again, or "phone a friend" for emotional support in voting against him.

I know of a few hard core Democrats that are at this time suffering severe "buyer's remorse." Their foreheads are getting battered because they keep hitting themselves with the heel of their hand, saying,"Why did I vote for Obama?"

Personally, for the presidential race of 2012, my preference is for another black gentleman, but one who has considerably more smarts. If the election were tomorrow, I would vote for Herman Cain.

I feel the same way, Soapweed. Today I would vote for Herman Cain.

same here...
loomixguy said:
Faster horses said:
Soapweed said:
I know of a few hard core Democrats that are at this time suffering severe "buyer's remorse." Their foreheads are getting battered because they keep hitting themselves with the heel of their hand, saying,"Why did I vote for Obama?"

Personally, for the presidential race of 2012, my preference is for another black gentleman, but one who has considerably more smarts. If the election were tomorrow, I would vote for Herman Cain.

I feel the same way, Soapweed. Today I would vote for Herman Cain.

same here...


you Tea Party "racists" don't even know anything about his policies and you are willing to vote for him.........

hypocritexposer said:
loomixguy said:
Faster horses said:
I feel the same way, Soapweed. Today I would vote for Herman Cain.

same here...


you Tea Party "racists" don't even know anything about his policies and you are willing to vote for him.........

hmmmm I have a bunch of his newsletters if you need any info on his policies.....LOL

I just messaged a coworker who moved to Denver and asked when did she move again?.....she wasnt laughing but I was
http://www.zcareer.com/collegesuniversities/flags/USA_map.gif Look at this map. Looks to me that the shaded areas are correct. I do not know how to post the map here that is on the website that is highlighted.
hurleyjd said:
http://www.zcareer.com/collegesuniversities/flags/USA_map.gif Look at this map. Looks to me that the shaded areas are correct. I do not know how to post the map here that is on the website that is highlighted.

Did you read that the white states are where he is going and one stop is Denver but Colorado is not white Wyoming is.

Washington, California and Colorado. :roll:
hurleyjd said:
http://www.zcareer.com/collegesuniversities/flags/USA_map.gif Look at this map. Looks to me that the shaded areas are correct. I do not know how to post the map here that is on the website that is highlighted.

Feel free to go to WYO and wait for the Messiah, hurleyjd. Maybe he meant another of the 57 states rather than WYO, though. :wink:
hurleyjd said:
http://www.zcareer.com/collegesuniversities/flags/USA_map.gif Look at this map. Looks to me that the shaded areas are correct. I do not know how to post the map here that is on the website that is highlighted.

Are you saying Colo is the same color as Calif. and Wash
I'm still chuckling at the title to the thread. Did he ever come up with a link to his claim?

Gawd I crack myself up sometimes. :lol:
hurleyjd said:
http://www.zcareer.com/collegesuniversities/flags/USA_map.gif Look at this map. Looks to me that the shaded areas are correct. I do not know how to post the map here that is on the website that is highlighted.

Can you not tell that Wyoming is ABOVE Colorado?
I guarantee you they have it wrong on the map hypo posted.

Denver is in Colorado, not Wyoming.

Do you have it figured out yet? The map is WRONG. :shock:
hurleyjd said:
http://www.zcareer.com/collegesuniversities/flags/USA_map.gif Look at this map. Looks to me that the shaded areas are correct. I do not know how to post the map here that is on the website that is highlighted.
Do you work for obama?

is this what you wanted

How many states does everyone count. Feel welcome to jump in you lefties
My mistake I thought that highlighting was usual done with a color. I missed the (white) in a the article. I will pay attention from now on.

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