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OK, who ordered up this crappy weather???

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Our rain guage registers 1.75 inches of rain in the past two days. This includes one large bug, one small one, and a spider web, so actual moisture is probably about an inch and a half. It is still raining, the wind is blowing about twenty miles per hour, and the temperature is holding at 38 degrees. We were getting very dry, so this weather event is quite welcome. The corrals won't be so dusty for upcoming cattle work, and now we need to drain the fire-fighting sprayers.
Oldtimer said:
Hanta Yo said:
We needed the moisture- but if I had my druthers I'd druther have had rain...

Me, too

The bright side- we won't have to worry about dust pneumonia for awhile :D :wink:
My son was going to move the backhole and loader up this weekend and start cleaning out a few springs and building up some dry dams...This will stop that for awhile...

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Well, the weather finally turned on us here last night. Cold, foggy, and a sure sign summer is long gone. Also, when we woke up this morning, it was freezing and misty. Went to work and we had to run pick up a tractor north of Kiowa. Raining, cold, and an overall rating of about 8.5 for miserable. I love Colorful Colorado!
Well our snowstorm finally quit about 6AM- and now the sun is shining, but it isn't very warm out..Temp is 27...

Weather bureau says we ended up with 14 inchs of snow and about an inch of moisture- (altho it seems more than that as huge as the water puddles are under the snow when you walk thru it)...Still have about 10 inchs of snow on the level...More than we get a lot of winters..

Sure be nice to get a nice long Indian Summer now that would last til about January..
The Sandhill cranes must have seen enough- and think winter is on its way...Flock after flock of them going over today headed south...Can't hear yourself think for all their chirping...

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