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OT, who was the Speaker of the House when.....

hypocritexposer said:
....the budget was last balanced?

The fellow that handed his wife her divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed following surgery to remove a tumor - so he could run off and marry his girlfriend (that he had carried on an affair with for sometime)-- and who while leading the Monica Lewinsky hearings was hypocritically carrying on a dalliance with his own young girlfriend which he married after divorcing his second wife...

And now that he wants again to be President is saying his examples of "family values" should not matter !!! :roll:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
....the budget was last balanced?

The fellow that handed his wife her divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed following surgery to remove a tumor - so he could run off and marry his girlfriend (that he had carried on an affair with for sometime)-- and who while leading the Monica Lewinsky hearings was hypocritically carrying on a dalliance with his own young girlfriend which he married after divorcing his second wife...

And now that he wants again to be President is saying his examples of "family values" should not matter !!! :roll:


answered exactly the way anyone that knows you would have guessed.

Why are you so concerned with what others do in their bedrooms?
hypocritexposer said:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
....the budget was last balanced?

The fellow that handed his wife her divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed following surgery to remove a tumor - so he could run off and marry his girlfriend (that he had carried on an affair with for sometime)-- and who while leading the Monica Lewinsky hearings was hypocritically carrying on a dalliance with his own young girlfriend which he married after divorcing his second wife...

And now that he wants again to be President is saying his examples of "family values" should not matter !!! :roll:


answered exactly the way anyone that knows you would have guessed.

Why are you so concerned with what others do in their bedrooms?

I'm not-- but he flouted it in public-- while being a leader of the cult that spouts "family values" and looks down on people that don't follow their values as they say they should... "Do as I say-but let us do what we want to" values.....

A perfect candidate for you-- both Hypocrits :wink: :lol:
I bet Newt can produce a valid long form BC. :wink:

Methuselah will crucify Newt for what he did, yet Bammie gets a pass from Old Gas Passer where his membership in a homosexual men's "club" is concerned. :shock:

You are not just out of touch, Gas Passer, your mind and thought process is twisted. :roll:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
....the budget was last balanced?

The fellow that handed his wife her divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed following surgery to remove a tumor - so he could run off and marry his girlfriend (that he had carried on an affair with for sometime)-- and who while leading the Monica Lewinsky hearings was hypocritically carrying on a dalliance with his own young girlfriend which he married after divorcing his second wife...

And now that he wants again to be President is saying his examples of "family values" should not matter !!! :roll:

That's a lie....... Wrong!!!! Again you old fool!!!
For almost three decades, Newt Gingrich has been dogged by a single devastating anecdote from his past, one that has been repeated in the national press hundreds of times and that has arguably come to define his political persona. After being elected to Congress in 1978 on a family values platform, the story goes, he visited his wife Jackie, who was in the hospital recovering from an operation for uterine cancer, and demanded that she discuss terms of their divorce.

It’s a story that, remarkably, Gingrich disputes to this day. Testament to how deeply it has reverberated, some version of the story — often rendered as Gingrich “serving divorce papers” to his wife in the hospital — has been cited in the last month alone by Slate, MSNBC, Politico, Commentary and the New York Times, among other outlets.

The pattern of attention on the episode when Gingrich is in the news — this time for exploring a presidential bid — has been repeated ever since the anecdote originally appeared in the first big national profile of the then-Georgia congressman. That was a 1984 piece in Mother Jones written by David Osborne and headlined “Newt Gingrich: Shining Knight of the Post-Reagan Right.”

“We thought it was going to be a piece about an intellectually interesting Republican,” Osborne, who later worked for Vice President Al Gore and is now a consultant, told me. But when Osborne started talking to former Gingrich staffers and his ex-wife Jackie, he got some explosive material on Gingrich’s alleged hypocrisy and moral failings, and the magazine rushed the story to publication before the 1984 election.

Here’s how Mother Jones recounted Newt’s hospital visit with Jackie, who was her husband’s former high school math teacher:

Jackie had undergone surgery for cancer of the uterus during the 1978 campaign, a fact Gingrich was not loath to use in conversations or speeches that year. After the separation in 1980, she had to be operated on again, to remove another tumor While she was still in the hospital, according to Howell, “Newt came up there with his yellow legal pad, and he had a list of things on how the divorce was going to be handled. He wanted her to sign it. She was still recovering from surgery, still sort of out of it, and he comes in with a yellow sheet of paper, handwritten, and wants her to sign it.

The source was Lee Howell, a former Gingrich campaign press secretary who had been the editor of the student newspaper at West Georgia College, where Gingrich was a history professor. As Osborne told me this week: “Most Gingrich staff people felt burned by the time they left. Howell was one of those people. But I also got [the story] from Jackie.”

Interestingly, the hospital bed visit was hardly the most salacious detail in the piece — though some of the other material was based on anonymous sources:

One former aide describes approaching a car with Gingrich’s daughters in hand, only to find the candidate with a woman, her head buried in his lap. The aide quickly turned and led the girls away. Another former friend maintains that Gingrich repeatedly made sexual advances to her when her husband was out of town. On one occasion, he visited under the guise of comforting her after the death of a relative, and instead tried to seduce her. In certain circles in the mid-1970s, Gingrich was developing a reputation as a ladies’ man.

A few months later, after the Mother Jones piece had been sent around en masse by Gingrich’s political enemies — and placed in the Congressional Record by giddy Democrats — he told the Washington Post: “I am not going to argue every point of that story, but I will say that it painted a picture of me that is essentially untrue.”

That same Post profile quoted Jackie herself giving a slightly different version of the story (one that doesn’t mention any legal pad):

“He can say that we had been talking about [a divorce] for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise,” says Jackie Gingrich, in a telephone interview from Carrollton. “He’s a great wordsmith … He walked out in the spring of 1980 and I returned to Georgia. By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said Daddy is downstairs and could he come up? When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from the surgery … To say I gave up a lot for the marriage is the understatement of the year.”

Asked if, in fact, he handled the divorce as insensitively as portrayed, Gingrich responded: “All I can say is when you’ve been talking about divorce for 11 years and you’ve gone to a marriage counselor, and the other person doesn’t want the divorce, I’m not sure there is any sensitive way to handle it.”

Asked about the hospital story, Gingrich spokesman Rick Tyler told me: “He was taking his two daughters to see their mother in the hospital. When they were at the hospital they got in an argument. That is the extent of what happened.” Asked about any yellow legal pad or discussion of divorce terms, Tyler said: “That didn’t happen. It was unfortunate and regrettable that he got in an argument.”

After the Mother Jones piece, every big Gingrich profile touched on the hospital encounter with Jackie.

In 1992, Gingrich, then House minority whip, faced a challenge from Tony Center, a Democratic attorney. Center ran a brutal ad against Gingrich saying that the congressman “delivered divorce papers to his wife the day after her cancer operation.” It went on: “the same Newt Gingrich who used taxpayer money for his limo had to be ordered by the court to pay for kids’ heat and electricity. No more perks. No more lies. No more Newt.”

Gingrich went on to win that election handily, but not before claiming he was so disgusted by the level of “filth” and “degradation” in politics that he had considered dropping out of the race.

When Gingrich won reelection in 1994, just before he ascended to the speakership, the cartoonist Mike Luckovich drew an item that showed the congressman “flanked by two brazen-looking beauties labeled ‘D.C. highrollers,’ with the three of them hovering over the hospital bed of a sickly looking woman labeled ‘Georgia constituents,’” the AP reported. The top of the comic read, “I want a divorce.” In retaliation, a furious Gingrich barred reporters from Luckovich’s paper, the Atlanta Constitution, from his victory night party.

The anecdote was repeated ad nauseam when Gingrich became House speaker in 1995. Then it was repeated ad nauseam when he filed for divorce with his second wife, Marianne, in 1999. The story came up again in the mid-2000s when Gingrich was openly mulling a 2008 presidential bid. In 2007, when Gingrich told James Dobson in a radio interview that he had in the 1990s cheated on his second wife (with his current wife, Callista), several stories about the admission also noted the 1980 hospital encounter.

If Gingrich is really serious about a 2012 candidacy, expect the hospital story to stay with him throughout the campaign.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
About that story where Newt Gingrich served divorce papers on his wife while she was in the hospital...

...totally bogus, according to his daughter.

Here's the truth:

It was the spring of 1980.

I was 13 years old, and we were about to leave Fairfax, Va., and drive to Carrollton, Ga., for the summer. My parents told my sister and me that they were getting a divorce as our family of four sat around the kitchen table of our ranch home.

Soon afterward, my mom, sister and I got into our light-blue Chevrolet Impala and drove back to Carrollton.

Later that summer, Mom went to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta for surgery to remove a tumor. While she was there, Dad took my sister and me to see her.

It is this visit that has turned into the infamous hospital visit about which many untruths have been told. I won't repeat them. You can look them up online if you are interested in untruths. But here's what happened:

My mother and father were already in the process of getting a divorce, which she requested.

Dad took my sister and me to the hospital to see our mother.

She had undergone surgery the day before to remove a tumor.

The tumor was benign.

As with many divorces, it was hard and painful for all involved, but life continued.

As have many families, we have healed; we have moved on.

We are not a perfect family, but we are knit together through common bonds, commitment and love.

My mother and father are alive and well, and my sister and I are blessed to have a close relationship with them both.

My sister and I feel that it is time to move on, close the book on this event and focus on building a great future. We will not answer additional questions or make additional comments regarding this meaningless incident, which occurred more than three decades ago.

As I said, my mother is a private person. She will not give media interviews. She deserves respect and should be allowed to live in peace.
I don't know if the bogus story had much effect on how I viewed Newt, although in the back of my mind I guess there was a sense of him as being...how do you say it?... scum.

The Anchoress is reconsidering Newt:

If I have believed a lie — and it seems I may have — then I have been unfair to Gingrich. I didn’t like him much, back when I was a Democrat, so it was easy for me to believe the worst.

Now, in fairness I’ll have to take a second look at Newt. With new eyes.

I suspect I won’t be the only one doing so.

This election couldn’t get more interesting for its twists and turns.
No need to post the truth cause oldtimer can't handle the truth, he wil., only find away to lie anyway! :roll: :roll: :roll:
OOPS- I forgot...Newt has an (R) by his name--- and is a member of the cult that believes none of their own can do any wrong- and their word of denial wipes away all sins...
Isn't he the one that came up with the "Speak no evil about a brother (R)" proverb?

Even tho his wife still claims otherwise- it still doesn't matter where he served her divorce papers (he must have done something to make her a very bitter and scorned woman :???: )-- its his public dalliances with his girlfriends and making light of the marriage vows while his party hypocritically proclaims itself to be the "family values" party and is always wanting to legislate morality..... :roll:

A former Congressman that was run out of the leadership role by his fellow cultist after being the only Speaker of the House in history to be sanctioned for ethics violations (so just quit, Palin style- if I can't be leader I'll take my ball and go home)- and during his terms in Congress had over 80 ethics charges filed against him....

Yep- just the leader the country needs- Maybe he could pick his buddy and fellow convictee/philanderer Rush as VP...They could spend the days in the White House comparing all their wives and young girlfriends- while they preach "family values"....
Oldtimer said:
OOPS- I forgot...Newt has an (R) by his name--- and is a member of the cult that believes none of their own can do any wrong- and their word of denial wipes away all sins...

Even tho his wife still claims otherwise- it still doesn't matter where he served her divorce papers (he must have done something to make her a very bitter and scorned woman :???: )-- its his public dalliances with his girlfriends and making light of the marriage vows while his party hypocritically proclaims itself to be the "family values" party and is always wanting to legislate morality..... :roll:

A former Congressman that was run out of the leadership role by his fellow cultist after being the only Speaker of the House in history to be sanctioned for ethics violations (so just quit, Palin style- if I can't be leader I'll take my ball and go home)- and during his terms in Congress had over 80 ethics charges filed against him....

Yep- just the leader the country needs- Maybe he could pick his buddy and fellow convictee/philanderer Rush as VP...They could spend the days in the White House comparing all their wives and young girlfriends- while they preach "family values"....

Is that why you only ran one term oldtimer , did you get caught with your zipper down??? :D :D yup just like Clinton did EH, only Clinton liked women unlike the zipper sheriff :wink: :wink:
Oldtimer said:
OOPS- I forgot...Newt has an (R) by his name--- and is a member of the cult that believes none of their own can do any wrong- and their word of denial wipes away all sins...

Even tho his wife still claims otherwise- it still doesn't matter where he served her divorce papers (he must have done something to make her a very bitter and scorned woman :???: )-- its his public dalliances with his girlfriends and making light of the marriage vows while his party hypocritically proclaims itself to be the "family values" party and is always wanting to legislate morality..... :roll:

A former Congressman that was run out of the leadership role by his fellow cultist after being the only Speaker of the House in history to be sanctioned for ethics violations (so just quit, Palin style- if I can't be leader I'll take my ball and go home)- and during his terms in Congress had over 80 ethics charges filed against him....

Yep- just the leader the country needs- Maybe he could pick his buddy and fellow convictee/philanderer Rush as VP...They could spend the days in the White House comparing all their wives and young girlfriends- while they preach "family values"....[/quot

Ot..... quit your dang yippin and yappin.... You are busted again.... sheesh... red herring anyone???? Like your man has better qualities.....Yawn.... :roll: :roll:
katrina said:
Ot..... quit your dang yippin and yappin.... You are busted again.... sheesh... red herring anyone???? Like your man has better qualities.....Yawn.... :roll: :roll:

Katrina- I was quite aware of the "he said she said" differing views of what happened... She also claimed the divorce was totally unexpected and she knew nothing of his girlfriend(s)-- when all of D.C knew...But he definitely did something to make her very bitter against him...

I have no "your man" and have sold my soul to NO political cult...

But I believe the Republicans can come up with someone of higher moral character than Newt..

Maybe he is the perfect choice- with his past record of philandering maybe he will actually lead the R party away from its wanting to be the bedroom police and legislators of morality- and back to the issues it should be looking at...

Not sure if Newt, with all his baggage, can beat Obama tho...Romney stands a much better chance of picking up the moderates/independents/Reagan Democrats that may be needed to win the election....
Bedroom police???this coming from someone who advocates RAPE and Pillage? From some one that searches sites fo any sign of sexual material he can find??
You are one piece of work !!! HYPOCRITE,
we've seen Liberals like OT lie like this many times in attempts to demonize Conservatives

Anybody remember Anita Hill or more recently....the false accusations against Nikki Haley?

People like OT quite often come up with false accusations, in attempts to try to silence those they disagree with.....

...just ask Whitewing.

Hey OT, how's the evidence in support of those sexual harassment accusations against me coming along.....

:lol: :lol:
he has bigger fish to fry than to show proof of any harassment , he has to tell lies on the other forums he frequents to cover up the other lies he told.......just like here :D
So help me out, even though I know he lost the speakership could he have not ran trying to retain his seat as a congressman??? Did he have the support of the majority of his constituents?? That situation has been quite a few years ago. Refresh my memory of Newt.
TSR said:
So help me out, even though I know he lost the speakership could he have not ran trying to retain his seat as a congressman??? Did he have the support of the majority of his constituents?? That situation has been quite a few years ago. Refresh my memory of Newt.

Ethics Committee Drops Last of 84 Charges Against Gingrich
By Curt Anderson
Associated Press
Sunday, October 11, 1998; Page A13

The House ethics committee dropped the three remaining ethics charges against Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) yesterday, despite finding that Gingrich repeatedly violated one rule by using a political consultant to develop the Republican legislative agenda.

The ethics panel decided to take no further action because there is no evidence that "Rule 45" violations are continuing in the speaker's office, a post Gingrich has held since 1995. Consultant Jeffrey Eisenach's work took place while Gingrich was the GOP minority whip in 1990-91.

Gingrich was elected speaker after Republicans took control of the House.

"The committee believes you have been adequately informed and cautioned on Rule 45 issues and anticipates full compliance in the future," said Rep. James V. Hansen (R-Utah), the panel's chairman, and Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.) in a letter to Gingrich.

The committee decision came near the close of the House session as lawmakers hurried to clear languishing business and return to their districts to campaign for next month's election.

Eisenach was a paid consultant to GOPAC, a Republican political group formerly chaired by Gingrich, according to the letter.

Gingrich is paying $300,000 for the costs of an ethics committee investigation after admitting last year he made inaccurate statements during a lengthy probe into Democratic allegations that he misused tax-exempt donations. Gingrich denied the charges but submitted to a reprimand by the House.

In a brief interview, Gingrich said he felt a "big sense of relief" now that the four-year investigation is over.

"It ends a chapter. Let's go on to other things," he said.

The speaker's office issued a statement noting that yesterday's dismissal of the last three charges means that 83 of the 84 ethics allegations filed by Democrats have been dropped.

The Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, as the ethics panel is formally known, also decided to defer to a federal judge's decision to dismiss an allegation that GOPAC improperly subsidized Gingrich's 1990 reelection campaign.

U.S. District Judge Louis F. Oberdorfer in 1996 threw out a Federal Elections Commission lawsuit contending that GOPAC broke election laws by assisting federal candidates and not making its donor lists and spending reports public.

The ethics panel was "persuaded by the court's findings" that the laws were not violated, Hansen and Berman wrote.

"It appears to us that to the extent that GOPAC was exonerated by the court, you are by implication exonerated as well," they wrote to Gingrich.

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