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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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west chilcotin bc
I was treating a few yearlings for pinkeye today. (have a bacterial going through them ) One big steer pulled back in the headgate and then jumped forward and somehow got a front leg through well enough to land on my left big toe and broke it.

I've broken the middle toe on that foot a few times. Temper, a cow's head and gumboots don't mix :roll: but this is not quite the same.

Mrs says I'll have to learn to live with the pain, I told her I can live with it but I don't have to be happy about it. I just hope none of the real snakes calve on the early end of things. I'm not quite up to Kosmo's Miles Hare act for a bit.
ohhhh... that's not good gcreek. But I guess you know that :wink:
I got put out of the night pen last night and I was glad I had all my faculties. I think I did the 20 yd dash in 3 seconds flat. A broken toe be a major inconvenience :shock:
You may have to rely on ole Red for more of your transportation requirements :D
At this point I think I'll just lay down and maybe they will go on by. :?

It even hurts to shift Ol' Red. Have to check cows at 11, I am going to try a cloth soaked in Duracaine before my boots go on again.
Oh man, I can sympathize with you on that one. I had a cow step on a little toe last fall when I was pulling wrap off of a bale in a feeder. Took most of the winter to quite hurting.

But I think a big toe would be worse cuz it's got to bend more.

NO soccer for you this summer . . . :wink:
gcreekrch said:
At this point I think I'll just lay down and maybe they will go on by. :?

It even hurts to shift Ol' Red. Have to check cows at 11, I am going to try a cloth soaked in Duracaine before my boots go on again.

Now may be just the time to retire Ol' Red and get a shiny new one with no gears to shift!
You realize of course that this is what you get for not knocking that #13 calf on the head :p
Aren't Darvocet-N or Tylenol 2 pain pill's still sold across the counter up there? I know they used to be- when they were prescription only down here you could buy them up there off the shelf in the drugstores and bring them back (until a few years ago when they decided all Canadian drugs were unsafe :roll: )...
Do you need to borrow the tranq pistol? Tagging is simplified when the cow drops over for a few hours, I guarantee you could outrun them then :lol: . I haven't had to use it for that in a long time, but it's ready just in case :wink: :D .

Or just tag them at branding if it gets that bad, not worth anymore injuries :shock: .
Do you need to borrow the tranq pistol?

I thought you were talking about getting some drugs into gcreek. LOL

Suck it up bud it's just yer toe.....

errr I mean do you want a hug.. :wink:

Damn that pink eye. Had a bout of it go on for a long stretch about a year ago. Bet it hurts tham about as much as yer toe.

Good Luck
I bet it hurts plenty. I wear steel toe boots about 90% of the time. In a steel shop I'm sure I would have had some kind of injury in the last 20 years.A week ago I was lighting the outdoor stove poured some left over paint in on the wood it was smokeing a bit. I dipped a stick in the can lit it threw it in the stove and it went out. So I figured how hard that piece was to keep it lit. So I just reach in with a lighter and WOOOOOF. I bet the flames shot out the door 10 feet. It singed all the hair on the right side of my face. But my hand really took the brunt from my knuckles to my wrist where my sweatshirt its been seeping and peeling now for a week and is bright red it looks like hell and feels about the same.
Denny said:
I bet it hurts plenty. I wear steel toe boots about 90% of the time. In a steel shop I'm sure I would have had some kind of injury in the last 20 years.A week ago I was lighting the outdoor stove poured some left over paint in on the wood it was smokeing a bit. I dipped a stick in the can lit it threw it in the stove and it went out. So I figured how hard that piece was to keep it lit. So I just reach in with a lighter and WOOOOOF. I bet the flames shot out the door 10 feet. It singed all the hair on the right side of my face. But my hand really took the brunt from my knuckles to my wrist where my sweatshirt its been seeping and peeling now for a week and is bright red it looks like hell and feels about the same.

Boy you wanna watch that for infection. Don't be scared to soak it in salt water.
gcreekrch said:
I was treating a few yearlings for pinkeye today. (have a bacterial going through them ) One big steer pulled back in the headgate and then jumped forward and somehow got a front leg through well enough to land on my left big toe and broke it.

I've broken the middle toe on that foot a few times. Temper, a cow's head and gumboots don't mix :roll: but this is not quite the same.

Mrs says I'll have to learn to live with the pain, I told her I can live with it but I don't have to be happy about it. I just hope none of the real snakes calve on the early end of things. I'm not quite up to Kosmo's Miles Hare act for a bit.

As someone who first got acquainted with Miles Hare in 1979, I have a feeling that your pain management routine and Miles' are vastly different. :wink:

Miles got hurt pretty bad at our college rodeo in about 1980. He was in such bad shape he couldn't work the Sunday perf, so he gave Billy Gallino I think $150 to work it. I hauled Miles out of his hotel room on Monday morning, took him to cash his check, and hauled him to the airport at Omaha so he could fly to San Antone, where he worked I think 23 perfs there before he had surgery. He later told me the doc in SA drew a bunch of blood from his scrotum before every perf. (Miles got nailed by a Sutton bull called Fox...Fox got him right in the taint!) Only thing wrong with any of it was that Miles was on the electric lettuce 24/7 the whole time.
gcreekrch said:
I was treating a few yearlings for pinkeye today. (have a bacterial going through them ) One big steer pulled back in the headgate and then jumped forward and somehow got a front leg through well enough to land on my left big toe and broke it.

I've broken the middle toe on that foot a few times. Temper, a cow's head and gumboots don't mix :roll: but this is not quite the same.

Mrs says I'll have to learn to live with the pain, I told her I can live with it but I don't have to be happy about it. I just hope none of the real snakes calve on the early end of things. I'm not quite up to Kosmo's Miles Hare act for a bit.

What the Mrs needs to do is make you drop those old soiled longhandles you been wearin all winter and shoot about 10cc"s of Bute in that old butt of yours,that'll stop the complainin :D
good luck
Steel toe rubber boots are just too cold to wear here and it will have to freeze in H377 before I would ever consider electric lettuce.

Denny, you need to watch that for infection and slightly change your method of stove lighting. :wink: :) Hope you heal up OK.

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