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Palin rumor

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jigs said:
what ever they do, it will be better than listening to your broken record....OT, you really SUCK these days. just a sour old bastard that enjoys pissing people off with his baseless accusations and fact less statements

At the risk of sounding like a Liberal, OT has about made this site a bore anymore. Between OT and the other hypocrites that do not debate any issues on facts, they just spout biased rhetoric, it just is not as interesting!

It has got to the point that they just lie and say over and over the same lie no matter if they have been showed with out doubt to be wrong.

Kind of like Kolan and her I lost my password play even though she has been caught taking up for her other identity and posting at the same time as both people...........But she will hang on to her story and keep repeating it instead of just admitting she lied!
Its funny how liberals and Democrats talk about how they are for the small person, the poor person. Palin is a small town girl, not rich, not some elitist from some Ivory school nor been in politics for decades.

You would think by the way they preach and the sides they claim to take on issues. Palin would be the under dog that they root for.

But in reality Liberals are elitist, just look at Kolan and R2 the talk about being for the underprivileged and small guy out of one side of their mouths but then out of the other they talk like elitist, I forget how many Master degree's and Phds does Kolan have?

How many countries has R2 and Kolan lived in, how many important friends and family do they both have. Typical elitist holier than thou liberal attitude.

I will take a down to earth, can get her hands dirty Palin any day over elitist posers!
kolanuraven said:
hopalong said:
reader (the Second) said:
Keep shoveling hoppy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am and I have just about got you and kolo covered in crap again cause both of your eyes are brown , :D

Kolo when is the last time you used that phrase in a conversation?????
:wink: :wink: :wink:

I don' use prhase's thank you.....you ignorant fool!

I know :D :D

Your vocabulary is limited to insults like "you ignorant fool"
"Arse hole""ratz arse" "dumb arse" "idiot" and other words of high intelligence! :wink: :wink: :wink:

I just love it whan you try to make yourself look good and fail :D
Tam said:
Oldtimer said:
Tam said:
I can't wait until she starts filing lawsuit herself. She said she was going to sue anyone caught spreading humors about her. I hope she has somebody reading Ranchers and she files against the hatemongering liberal that is smearing her right here on Ranchers. Watch out Oldtimer, she might come after you. :wink:

Yep- I know the rightwingernut crazies would like to stifle the freedom of speach- and the freedom to express their ideas and opinions--
BUT remember- we no longer have King George on the thrown promoting such actions... :wink: :lol: :lol:

MORE HATEMONGERING Oldtimer, :shock: we can aways count on you to bring GWB into the mix somehow. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just wonder, as a ex-law man you have heard of defamation of character cases? :? I think one look in the Ranchers archives would give her plenty of ammo against you Oldtimer. :wink:

BTW just to remind you, it is not the Republicans that are looking at how they can stifle freedom of speech and freedom to express your ideas and opinions. It's the Dems with their attempts of shutting down Conservative talk Radio. Remember the Fairness Doctrine :wink: So if you loose your freedom of speech thank yourself for voting for those that are taking it away. :wink:

Just a question Tam,but if you say OT is hate mongering because he brings up or writes negative things about bush or Palin.....Is it not hate mongering when you do same thing to or about Obama?....I just want to see why you seem to think its wrong for OT to dislike politicians and their ideas....yet It is ok for you to do the same? Or are you a hatemonger too?
kolanuraven said:
hopalong said:
reader (the Second) said:
Keep shoveling hoppy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am and I have just about got you and kolo covered in crap again cause both of your eyes are brown , :D

Kolo when is the last time you used that prhase in a conversation?????
:wink: :wink: :wink:

I don' use prhase's thank you.....you ignorant fool!

Kolo said:
** I DO NOT SPELL CK MY POSTS, so don't bi-atch about it **
Ought to take your own advise! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
aplusmnt said:
Its funny how liberals and Democrats talk about how they are for the small person, the poor person. Palin is a small town girl, not rich, not some elitist from some Ivory school nor been in politics for decades.

You would think by the way they preach and the sides they claim to take on issues. Palin would be the under dog that they root for.

But in reality Liberals are elitist, just look at Kolan and R2 the talk about being for the underprivileged and small guy out of one side of their mouths but then out of the other they talk like elitist, I forget how many Master degree's and Phds does Kolan have?

How many countries has R2 and Kolan lived in, how many important friends and family do they both have. Typical elitist holier than thou liberal attitude.

I will take a down to earth, can get her hands dirty Palin any day over elitist posers!

So you're saying if your smart and motivated enough to get a good education- and continue learning about the world you're a Liberal/Dem- but that conservatives/Repubs are dumb and plumb happy to "gradjewait" 6th grade and shovel sh*t down in the sty in the "back hollow".. :???: :wink: :p :lol:
hopalong said:
kolanuraven said:
hopalong said:
I am and I have just about got you and kolo covered in crap again cause both of your eyes are brown , :D

Kolo when is the last time you used that phrase in a conversation?????
:wink: :wink: :wink:

I don' use prhase's thank you.....you ignorant fool!

I know :D :D

Your vocabulary is limited to insults like "you ignorant fool"
"Arse hole""ratz arse" "dumb arse" "idiot" and other words of high intelligence! :wink: :wink: :wink:

I just love it whan you try to make yourself look good and fail :D

She could cry and scream and yell "SHOW ME PROOF!!!!" SHOWM ME PROOF!!!!!!!!.....Or put up all the little :mad: :mad: faces ...Or she could follow people around this site like a little lap dog .........I think a little name calling is alot beter then the lieing crybaby act you roll with here .....Your lame attempts to get people to feel sorry for you,and how you attack others, just show how sad of a man you really are.....
nonothing said:
Tam said:
Oldtimer said:
Yep- I know the rightwingernut crazies would like to stifle the freedom of speach- and the freedom to express their ideas and opinions--
BUT remember- we no longer have King George on the thrown promoting such actions... :wink: :lol: :lol:

MORE HATEMONGERING Oldtimer, :shock: we can aways count on you to bring GWB into the mix somehow. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just wonder, as a ex-law man you have heard of defamation of character cases? :? I think one look in the Ranchers archives would give her plenty of ammo against you Oldtimer. :wink:

BTW just to remind you, it is not the Republicans that are looking at how they can stifle freedom of speech and freedom to express your ideas and opinions. It's the Dems with their attempts of shutting down Conservative talk Radio. Remember the Fairness Doctrine :wink: So if you loose your freedom of speech thank yourself for voting for those that are taking it away. :wink:

Just a question Tam,but if you say OT is hate mongering because he brings up or writes negative things about bush or Palin.....Is it not hate mongering when you do same thing to or about Obama?....I just want to see why you seem to think its wrong for OT to dislike politicians and their ideas....yet It is ok for you to do the same? Or are you a hatemonger too?
Sorry, but Oldtimer and Tam aren't in the same category...and even if they were, Oldtimer is a judge and ex-sheriff...he should know better or at least have the class to restrain himself. SAD!!!!
RobertMac said:
fff said:
RobertMac said:
Sarah Palin has signed a deal with Fox News to co-host "Huckabee".

I seriously doubt that one. Huckabee did not have kind words for her about resigning as Governor. According to polls, he's the leading GOP contender for the 2012 presidential election. I don't think he'd be willing to share his TV slot with Ms. Palin.
They're planning on being running mates and believe if they co-host the show, they will be on TV ALMOST as much as Obama! Only hold up is, they haven't decided their candidate positions. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Palin-Huckabee or Huckabee-Palin sounds like a great team. As a Democrat, I'd be very, very happy to see the Republicans put that team on the road in 2012. :lol:
Personally, I think Palin is history as a national candidate, but an awful lot of Democrats are apparently still terrified of her. There's no other reason for all the infantile, vile things still being said about her. Just doesn't make sense that people would see her as an easy mark on one hand, and then work so hard to destroy her on the other.

Note to Democrats: You might want to divert your energies elsewhere. If you're not careful, someone might slip in under the radar and get some momentum before you get your hate machine revved up.
VanC said:
Personally, I think Palin is history as a national candidate, but an awful lot of Democrats are apparently still terrified of her. There's no other reason for all the infantile, vile things still being said about her. Just doesn't make sense that people would see her as an easy mark on one hand, and then work so hard to destroy her on the other.

Note to Democrats: You might want to divert your energies elsewhere. If you're not careful, someone might slip in under the radar and get some momentum before you get your hate machine revved up.
:clap: :agree:
What ever happened to this guy?..A few months back you folks were claiming him as the new leader of the conservatives and now its back to Palin....Why do you folks not speak of him anymore?

hypocritexposer said:
reader (the Second) said:
He's an Injun.

Do you always use racial slurs to describe East Indians?

Do you always twist something to fit your purpose? From what I've seen, that would be a big yes!

that was covered the other day, "injun" came up today, by Reader, who is always very quick to point out the racists on this site.

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