SO, one of the very thing preacher perry advocates i.e. NO choice for women (banning abortion), the very thing he advocates GARDASIL, causes abortions...
There were 45 cases of congenital anomaly in pregnancies that occurred in women who received GARDASIL and 34 cases of congenital anomaly in pregnancies that occurred in women who received AAHS control or saline placebo.
Further sub-analyses were conducted to evaluate pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days or more than 30 days from administration of a dose of GARDASIL or AAHS control or saline placebo. For pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days of vaccination, 5 cases of congenital anomaly were observed in the group that received GARDASIL compared to 1 case of congenital anomaly in the group that received AAHS control or saline placebo. The congenital anomalies seen in pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days of vaccination included pyloric stenosis, congenital megacolon, congenital hydronephrosis, hip dysplasia, and club foot. Conversely, in pregnancies with onset more than 30 days following vaccination, 40 cases of congenital anomaly were observed in the group that received GARDASIL compared with 33 cases of congenital anomaly in the group that received AAHS control or saline placebo.
see page 59 ;
GARDASIL is NOT recommended for use during pregnancy.
outcomes. The primary outcomes of interest include pregnancy outcomes (e.g., elective abortions, spontaneous abortions prior to week 20, fetal deaths . week 20, and live births); and infant outcomes (e.g., congenital anomalies).
PLUS, HEAVEN FORBID THE VACCINE WAS PROVEN TO CAUSE THE DEATH OF YOUR LOVED ONE, don't think they don't have that base covered too $$$
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Supreme Court Protects Vaccine Manufacturers, Not Injured Children there from Bruesewitz vs Wyeth
perry is bad for Texas, and perry is very bad for the USA...
There were 45 cases of congenital anomaly in pregnancies that occurred in women who received GARDASIL and 34 cases of congenital anomaly in pregnancies that occurred in women who received AAHS control or saline placebo.
Further sub-analyses were conducted to evaluate pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days or more than 30 days from administration of a dose of GARDASIL or AAHS control or saline placebo. For pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days of vaccination, 5 cases of congenital anomaly were observed in the group that received GARDASIL compared to 1 case of congenital anomaly in the group that received AAHS control or saline placebo. The congenital anomalies seen in pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days of vaccination included pyloric stenosis, congenital megacolon, congenital hydronephrosis, hip dysplasia, and club foot. Conversely, in pregnancies with onset more than 30 days following vaccination, 40 cases of congenital anomaly were observed in the group that received GARDASIL compared with 33 cases of congenital anomaly in the group that received AAHS control or saline placebo.
see page 59 ;
GARDASIL is NOT recommended for use during pregnancy.
outcomes. The primary outcomes of interest include pregnancy outcomes (e.g., elective abortions, spontaneous abortions prior to week 20, fetal deaths . week 20, and live births); and infant outcomes (e.g., congenital anomalies).
PLUS, HEAVEN FORBID THE VACCINE WAS PROVEN TO CAUSE THE DEATH OF YOUR LOVED ONE, don't think they don't have that base covered too $$$
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Supreme Court Protects Vaccine Manufacturers, Not Injured Children there from Bruesewitz vs Wyeth
perry is bad for Texas, and perry is very bad for the USA...