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mrj said:
What is the size of the goats when born? Are they miniatures or dwarf? Not much cuter than they are, nor, as I recall from earliest childhood, not many critters more curious and able to cause all kinds of trouble!!!!! At least on a par with human 'kids', I'm sure.

Thanks for the photo's and it's fun to see your enjoyment of the animals and your life. May it continue going well for you and yours.


My goats were sold to me as Pygmy goats, but after learning more and studying Pygmy colors and confirmation....mine probably have Nigerian Dwarf in them...they aren't true Pygmy's for sure. So they are probably Pygmy/Nigerian crosses. My does are 18 to 19 inches tall at the withers...my buck is a little taller.

The kids are tiny little things. I don't have a good height comparison on hand I guess, but I have this...

They are super cute! Yeah, just like having human kids around... :D Stay a few steps ahead of them and all's good! I love that they climb! I love building playgrounds for them and watching them do their thing!
katrina said:
:D Very nice... Are those Rabbits the ones you hand raised?

I'm sorry, Katrina!!! I meant to reply to this and must not of???

Thanks! The ones I was hand raising all died... :( I fed them around the clock with a syringe for almost 21 days. They had their eyes open and were running around. They didn't look the greatest after day 9 or 10. They all ended up getting sick and just gave up. Feedings started taking 2 to 4 hours long to get them all something in their bellies. I guess momma rabbit has special night poo's that the babies eat and get good stuff from....among lots of other things that could of went wrong. 0% to 10% life expectancy is what I kept reading on raising baby rabbits from day 1. I thought I was in the clear and was going to have a good success rate. It was a learning experience.
WyomingRancher said:
Great pictures RA :D . You have some of the luckiest animals in the world, you take the best care of them.

Thanks! I often think about what it would be like to be an animal and be at a person's place that doesn't take good care of things. I especially thing about it when selling something. So I try to do what I can and think about what if I was this or that animal I have out there.
Shortgrass said:
You've got to be Kidding!

I was kidding, but now I am done and back to being serious. I'm thinking about maybe kidding around again this late fall or waiting until the spring of 2015???.... :D

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