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R-CALF Convention in January

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Sandhusker said:
Bill, "That's a total BS comment Sandhusker and a cop out. Tell us all what Tam's deliberate misinterpretations are."

Leo wasn't saying we HAD the best system, he was saying we should GET the best system. Our female version of SH doesn't realize Leo has been consistant with this message.
"we know if we are going to keep consumer confidence we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country. And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. So if for some reason we did find a case we can stand and look our consumers right in the eye and say, don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue. If we look them right in the eye and say that I will guarantee they will keep eating beef".
Now his plan was to stand and look your consumers right in the eye and tell them you HAVE HAD THESE FIREWALLS IN PLACE FOR YEARS THE ONLY COUNTRY PRIOR TO HAVING A CASE OF BSE TO HAVE THESE FIREWALLS IN PLACE FOR SO MANY YEARS. Now tell us what firewalls you have had IN PLACE FOR YEARS that made BSE a non issue that US consumers were not to worry about when it was found in the US. Name some that you had IN PLACE prior to having native BSE that were stronger than what Canada had. Come on Sandhusker your leader claimed you had them for years prior to having BSE, well for some reason BSE was found in the US herd so what were the firewalls Leo was going to stand and look your consumers in the eye and lie about? :?
"And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. "

A key phrase to understanding what he was getting at, Tam.
ocm said:
Bill said:
ocm said:
Sandhusker, I don't mean to drive you away from attending but I would point out that a likely speaker will be Secretary Johanns.

And get this, HE asked to come to speak. He is to be a luncheon speaker. (It may have to be a light lunch).

Now let me try understand this. The US Secretatry of Agriculture ASKS to come and speak to a group struggling with credibility and getting NATIONAL media attention and he is a "likely" luncheon speaker.

That's too funny!!!!! :lol: I would think that the powers that be in the Klan shopuld be tripping over themselves and getting him added as a headliner on their agenda as early as possible. A little over a month away from the convention and their speakers aren't finalized? :oops:

Last I knew the BOD of R-CALF had not confirmed an invitation to him. I think it is likely they will (if they haven't already by now).

Most of the speakers are a have been finalized for quite some time.

You must think Johanns is a person to be worshipped. R-CALF board members that I know see him as quite ordinary (except for the honor due him for the office he holds).
Your assumption is wrong. I am sure Johanns is a fine man despite what some of the R-klanners have written here but no I don't worship him or any human. It is funny though when one thinks back to how he was proclaimed as the great white hope and a huge step up from Veneman by R-Klanners and now he is almost despised as much as she was.

Which is it OCM? Earlier you wrote that Johanns requested the opportunity to address the convention and now you wite that R-Calf has not yet confirmed their invitiation to him? I think I'll believe his attending when it happens.

It looks like the answer to your earlier question is not many will be attending the convention as has been the case the past two years. I am sure more will come early for the International Livestock Congress at the Stock Show http://theisef.com/.

SH (previous): "Based on the studies, a head of lettuce has more of the same hormones than beef from cattle that have been implanted so yes, some people buy it because they believe it's safer."

Should have read:

SH (previous): "Based on the studies, a head of lettuce has more of the same hormones that some consumers fear in beef, from cattle that have been implanted, YET some people buy "hormone free" because they believe it's safer."

Sandcheska: "You dodged. I think my point has been proven to anybody with an I.Q. over 50."

I didn't dodge anything Sandcheska.

You presented an "ILLUSION" like you always do.

Selling "hormone free" beef that some consumers believe is safer does not justify consumer fraud of selling bse tested beef from cattle under 24 months of age from a test that will not reveal bse prions in cattle under 24 months of age.

If you want to make an "apples to apples" comparison with "hormone free beef", you would compare to "hormone free beef" that contained hormones or "hormone free beef" from a test that would not reveal hormones. Then you would have an apples to apples comparison.

The two are not even remotely the same. You didn't prove your point!

You used to try to compare it with Koshier and antibiotic free and now you have been reduced to trying to compare it with "hormone free" and that dog won't hunt either.

SH (previous question to ocm): "If in all cases it was the same, would our beef be considered "high risk" and "contaminated".

Yes or no?

Very simple straight to the point question that you will unquestionably divert so as to not discredit your hypocritical position."

ocm (in response): "I rest my case."

No ocm, I just made my case by your duck and run response just as I predicted you would do. You know you cannot justify one position on bse precautionary measures for Canada and another position on bse precautionary measures for the US.

That's why R-CULT has no credibility in Washington, D.C.

Bill said:
ocm said:
Bill said:
Now let me try understand this. The US Secretatry of Agriculture ASKS to come and speak to a group struggling with credibility and getting NATIONAL media attention and he is a "likely" luncheon speaker.

That's too funny!!!!! :lol: I would think that the powers that be in the Klan shopuld be tripping over themselves and getting him added as a headliner on their agenda as early as possible. A little over a month away from the convention and their speakers aren't finalized? :oops:

Last I knew the BOD of R-CALF had not confirmed an invitation to him. I think it is likely they will (if they haven't already by now).

Most of the speakers are a have been finalized for quite some time.

You must think Johanns is a person to be worshipped. R-CALF board members that I know see him as quite ordinary (except for the honor due him for the office he holds).
Your assumption is wrong. I am sure Johanns is a fine man despite what some of the R-klanners have written here but no I don't worship him or any human. It is funny though when one thinks back to how he was proclaimed as the great white hope and a huge step up from Veneman by R-Klanners and now he is almost despised as much as she was.

Which is it OCM? Earlier you wrote that Johanns requested the opportunity to address the convention and now you wite that R-Calf has not yet confirmed their invitiation to him? I think I'll believe his attending when it happens.

It looks like the answer to your earlier question is not many will be attending the convention as has been the case the past two years. I am sure more will come early for the International Livestock Congress at the Stock Show http://theisef.com/.

I talked with a board member yesterday--Johanns is confirmed. I'm just a little behind the latest news on this topic.
~SH~ said:
ocm (in response): "I rest my case."

No ocm, I just made my case by your duck and run response just as I predicted you would do. You know you cannot justify one position on bse precautionary measures for Canada and another position on bse precautionary measures for the US.

That's why R-CULT has no credibility in Washington, D.C.


Your "arguments" were all fluff, and no substance.

R-CALF has so little credibility in DC that the Sec of Ag asks to speak at their convention.
ocm said:
Bill said:
ocm said:
Last I knew the BOD of R-CALF had not confirmed an invitation to him. I think it is likely they will (if they haven't already by now).

Most of the speakers are a have been finalized for quite some time.

You must think Johanns is a person to be worshipped. R-CALF board members that I know see him as quite ordinary (except for the honor due him for the office he holds).
Your assumption is wrong. I am sure Johanns is a fine man despite what some of the R-klanners have written here but no I don't worship him or any human. It is funny though when one thinks back to how he was proclaimed as the great white hope and a huge step up from Veneman by R-Klanners and now he is almost despised as much as she was.

Which is it OCM? Earlier you wrote that Johanns requested the opportunity to address the convention and now you wite that R-Calf has not yet confirmed their invitiation to him? I think I'll believe his attending when it happens.

It looks like the answer to your earlier question is not many will be attending the convention as has been the case the past two years. I am sure more will come early for the International Livestock Congress at the Stock Show http://theisef.com/.

I talked with a board member yesterday--Johanns is confirmed. I'm just a little behind the latest news on this topic.

OCM,if I can get away,I am planning to go to the convention,I would like you to explain to me how you think,the term "deadly" when refering to BSE is unique to me,PM me your name ?...........good luck
I sure hope you can bend his ear a little. They might be sore the way the packers have kept bending them.
OCM: "Your "arguments" were all fluff, and no substance."

Diversion! You were not about to try to defend R-CULT's hypocritical stance on bse regarding Canada and bse regarding the US. Understandably. I wouldn't attempt to pass the red faced test on that one either if I was you.

OCM: "R-CALF has so little credibility in DC that the Sec of Ag asks to speak at their convention."


How else can he set them straight?

~SH~ said:
OCM: "Your "arguments" were all fluff, and no substance."

Diversion! You were not about to try to defend R-CULT's hypocritical stance on bse regarding Canada and bse regarding the US. Understandably. I wouldn't attempt to pass the red faced test on that one either if I was you.

OCM: "R-CALF has so little credibility in DC that the Sec of Ag asks to speak at their convention."


How else can he set them straight?


I think the administration is beginning to see past the packer/NCBA/AMI charade. Lets hope the new Congress helps even more.
ocm said:
I talked with a board member yesterday--Johanns is confirmed. I'm just a little behind the latest news on this topic.

OCM,if I can get away,I am planning to go to the convention,I would like you to explain to me how you think,the term "deadly" when refering to BSE is unique to me,PM me your name ?...........good luck

I haven't seen anybody else use the word deadly with BSE. That would imply definite proof of transmission from cattle. I think transmission has been shown to be likely. And absent any proof that it DOES NOT transfer we should treat it like it does. So I think the word deadly deserves a qualifier with it.
Check your PM.
It is understandable that some of you R-CALF members and friends are very excited that the Sec. of Ag may have asked to address your convention.

However, maybe you should do some checking to see if it is unique/

It seems logical that a Sec. of Ag should extend that opportunity to a national group if his/her schedule allows........and it seems logical and highly likely this has been done rather routinely for at least the past few Secretaries, judging by news releases after many national ag group conventions over several years past.

ocm said:
ocm said:
I talked with a board member yesterday--Johanns is confirmed. I'm just a little behind the latest news on this topic.

OCM,if I can get away,I am planning to go to the convention,I would like you to explain to me how you think,the term "deadly" when refering to BSE is unique to me,PM me your name ?...........good luck

I haven't seen anybody else use the word deadly with BSE. That would imply definite proof of transmission from cattle. I think transmission has been shown to be likely. And absent any proof that it DOES NOT transfer we should treat it like it does. So I think the word deadly deserves a qualifier with it.
Check your PM.

OCM,the term "deadly" has been used many times when refering to "BSE"by many people,your opinion of what it implies,is like their's, just an opinion...............good luck
PS yes I know stayton,had lunch with him and his beautiful wife not long ago.
MRJ said:
It is understandable that some of you R-CALF members and friends are very excited that the Sec. of Ag may have asked to address your convention.

However, maybe you should do some checking to see if it is unique/

It seems logical that a Sec. of Ag should extend that opportunity to a national group if his/her schedule allows........and it seems logical and highly likely this has been done rather routinely for at least the past few Secretaries, judging by news releases after many national ag group conventions over several years past.


What is the matter, MRJ, seeing it all slip away getting to you?

Where did you sense this "excitement" or is it just part of your persona to project onto other people?
MRJ said:
It is understandable that some of you R-CALF members and friends are very excited that the Sec. of Ag may have asked to address your convention.

However, maybe you should do some checking to see if it is unique/

It seems logical that a Sec. of Ag should extend that opportunity to a national group if his/her schedule allows........and it seems logical and highly likely this has been done rather routinely for at least the past few Secretaries, judging by news releases after many national ag group conventions over several years past.


You think we didn't know that, MRJ? Does he go to all of those to "set them straight"? :roll: :lol: :lol:

You still think you're not following a clown?
December 14, 2006 Phone: 406-672-8969; e-mail: [email protected]

8th Annual Convention Coming Up Soon in Denver

(Billings, Mont.) – R-CALF USA's 8th Annual Convention is slated for January 17-20, 2007, at the DoubleTree Hotel Denver, 3203 Quebec St., in Denver.

"This year, we've expanded the convention by a day so folks can participate in a Property Rights Seminar, scheduled for 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17," noted R-CALF USA President and Region V Director Chuck Kiker. "R-CALF members voted last spring to create a Property Rights Committee, and I know the speakers lined up for this new event will be making some exceptional presentations."

Opening ceremonies for the event will start at 8 a.m. MST on Thursday, Jan. 18, and activities will conclude on Saturday, Jan. 20 with the business session where members decide which proposed resolutions will go forward in the spring to the entire membership for a vote. Members who wish to submit policy resolutions can do so by contacting R-CALF USA headquarters immediately. The deadline for presenting policy resolutions during convention is 1 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 19, with the exception of proposed policy related to trade, which has a 5 p.m. deadline that day. Director nominations for Region VII, VIII and IV also will be accepted during the business session.

"Something special this year is that Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns has confirmed that he'll be a featured speaker on Friday morning," noted Kiker. "There are just so many issues affecting the domestic live-cattle industry that will be coming before Congress next year that we wanted to make certain our members are well-informed when it's time for them to contact their Senators and Representatives to make their voices heard on those important matters."

Also on hand will be representatives from USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), a number of state veterinarians and other animal-health experts, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA), USDA's Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the American Shrimp Association, the Australian Beef Association, the Livestock Marketing Association, attorneys from the Stewart and Stewart Law Offices and the Frye Law, each based in Washington, D.C., famed markets analyst Charlie McVean, the United Steelworkers (USW), and many others.

Experts from these agencies and organizations will participate in a number of panel discussions, which include topics from animal identification, to animal health concerns, to Country-of-Origin Labeling, the Beef Checkoff, international trade, market-related items from captive-supply worries, to transparency issues, to economic outlook reports.

"It's also important to note that USDA has agreed to meet with representatives of all 17 brand states during our convention to discuss how to incorporate the use of hot-iron brands into various animal identification programs,"
Kiker said.

Of course, a busy Trade Show is tradition at each convention, and this year is no exception. Participants are encouraged to visit with the vendors that have chosen to support our growing organization. Thursday's convention business wraps up with a cowboy social followed by a shuttle ride to watch the rodeo at the historic National Western Stock Show. There is a separate $12 fee for this event, so reserve your seat early. Friday formalities conclude with an early-evening reception, followed by the awards presentation, banquet and entertainment. Saturday winds up with the convention with a business session and closing comments from Kiker.

Convention registration is $60 per person, plus meals, until Jan. 10, 2007. Afterward, registration will be $70 per person, plus meals. To pre-register, contact R-CALF USA Membership Services Director Jenni Ries at 406-252-2516.

The convention will again be held at the DoubleTree Hotel Denver, 3203 Quebec St., just south of Interstate 70. Reduced-rate rooms are available only until Jan. 1, 2007, at $72 plus tax for either single or double occupancy. Call the DoubleTree directly at 303-321-3333 and ask for the R-CALF rate. Upon arrival at the hotel, please stop by R-CALF USA's registration desk to pick up a convention packet.

Credentialed domestic media interested in attending the convention should contact R-CALF USA Communications Coordinator Shae Dodson by phone, at 406-672-8969, or by e-mail, at [email protected].

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R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is a national, non-profit organization and is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on both domestic and international trade and marketing issues. Members are located across 47 states and are primarily cow/calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and/or feedlot owners. R-CALF USA has more than 60 affiliate organizations and various main-street businesses are associate members. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.

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