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R-CALF has no shame in their BSE "fear mongering"

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Leo McDonnell quoting Gary Weber: "NCBA's chief executive director of regulatory affairs, Gary Weber, was quoted as saying that 'the World Organization for Animal Health has documented, and many scientific studies have documented, that removal of the specified risk materials (like the brain, spinal cord and certain other tissues) are a fully effective way of protecting public health.'

Response to NCBA's Gary Weber by Leo McDonnell: "But the great 'error of omission' by NCBA and AFBF is their failure to disclose to the public exactly which specified risk materials (SRMs) are removed from Canadian cattle, and compare that to exactly which SRMs are removed by all other BSE-affected countries as recommended by the OIE."

Leo McDonnell: "In Canada, only the tonsils and the small intestines are removed from animals under 30 months of age. All other SRMs (brain, eyes, spinal cord and vertebrae) remain intact and are free to enter the human food supply."

Leo McDonnell: "However, according to OIE standards, Canada – because of the number of BSE cases discovered so far and because Canada has not had an effectively enforced feed ban in place for at least 8 years– should be removing all SRMs from all animals over 12 months of age. Canada does not do this and is practicing the weakest mitigation measures of any BSE-affected country in the world, including countries that have detected fewer than five cases of BSE, such as Israel, Austria, Finland, Greece, Luxembourg – and, like Canada itself. To our export customers like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, this is a big deal – a huge deal."

By the great "error or intentional omission", R-CALF fails to mention that brain, eyes, spinal column and vertebrae are not considered SRM's IN CATTLE UNDER 30 MONTHS OF AGE. He also fails to mention that Canada has taken the exact same precautionary measures, regarding SRM removal as the U.S. has and Canada and the U.S. have both had cases of BSE in their country.

Leo continues to try to deceive his way out of the corner that they have painted themselves into with their BSE "fear mongering" in order to keep the Canadian border closed to live cattle.

This is par with Leo's fabrication about Canada still processing downer cows.

On one hand they state that they have never met with any Japanese officials regarding our export markets and in the next breath they claim to know what Japan and South Korea are thinking.

South Korea stated that they were unwilling to take our beef if we were unwilling to accept Canadian live cattle.

The end (stopping imports of Canadian cattle) justifies the means (lying about the safety of Canadian beef and live cattle).

SH, "By the great "error or intentional omission", R-CALF fails to mention that brain, eyes, spinal column and vertebrae are not considered SRM's IN CATTLE UNDER 30 MONTHS OF AGE. He also fails to mention that Canada has taken the exact same precautionary measures, regarding SRM removal as the U.S. has and Canada and the U.S. have both had cases of BSE in their country. "

And your great "error or intentional ommission" is the fact that other BSE positive nations still DO remove brain, eyes, spinal column and vertebrae in animals under 30 months of age.

Another "error or intentional ommission" is the fact that your very own NCBA has lobbied to have the US declared BSE Provisionally Free, recognizing the fact that the lone case of BSE discovered in the US came from the Canadian herd.
reader (the Second) said:
Thanks so much ~ SH ~ for one of your more cogent posts.

Yes, SRMs removed from under 30 months do not include central nervous system materials AND THEY SHOULD. As I posted, even for the U.S. once one cow with BSE was found (Canadian derived albeit), the international committee convened by the Secretary of Agriculture herself recommended SRM removal (all the SRMs, not just small intestine) in all cattle ABOVE TWELVE MONTHS OF AGE.

Sandhusker is correct. Canada should be doing what countries in the EU and elsewhere who have detected BSE are doing. And if you believe that this is a North American problem, not Canadian problem, given the back and forth of feed and cattle, then the U.S. should be doing this as well.

international committee convened by the Secretary of Agriculture herself recommended SRM removal----
But does the giving of advice bind the reciever(the USDA) to taking the advise without any other considerations. Or is a recommendation just that a recommendation that can be looked at and then negotiated to reach a compromise like the USDA did in the BSE issue. The Japanese recommended 100% testing for their export market but the US looked at the recommendation and then negotiated with the Japanese and the Japanese compromised on the 20 months and under rule. A recommendation is advise given it doesn't bind the person/agency to anything. It does not mean there is no compromise to be reached,and that the person has to follow the advise to the letter.

The OIE also took into consideration all other steps that the US and Canada have taken when they agreed to the SRM removal. You want to put us in the same boat as the EU, You posted the EU had a feed ban in place long before the US and Canada but the EU only implemented their feed bans in the wake of finding BSE in 2000, three years after the US and Canada. So this does not put us in that same boat as we implemented a PRO ACTIVE feed ban meaning we have had a feed ban in place for years before we actually found BSE. This and the rest of the safeguards that we implemented means something in the eyes of the OIE. But they have been over looked by R-CALF and their experts. How many times does the OIE have to say these are just guidelines and they are to be considered while looking at all the safety step that have been taken, not a checklist to be check off without looking at the big picture. The OIE themselves went on record saying R-CALF was using the guidelines as a checklist and not the way they were intended to be used. Yes the OIE recommended the same SRM removal but they also looked at the safeguards in place in Canada and the US and AGREED to the SRM removal plan that the US and Canada proposed. They came to a compromise just like Japan did with the testing. Since the OIE and Japan compromised on the recommendations does that mean they think they will be putting the world consumers of beef in danger or that their compromise will not be putting anyone in danger? [/quote]
Sandhusker: "And your great "error or intentional ommission" is the fact that other BSE positive nations still DO remove brain, eyes, spinal column and vertebrae in animals under 30 months of age."

The U.S. had a case of BSE and they are not removing brain, eyes, spinal column and vertebrae in animals under 30 months of age so why the double standard for Canada?


R-CULT is desperately trying to differentiate from Canada to justify keeping the Canadian border closed to live cattle when we have taken the exact same BSE precautionary measures they have and we both have had BSE. The origin of our case of BSE DOES NOT CIRCUMVENT THE FACT THAT IT WAS WITHIN OUR BORDERS.

Sandhusker: "Another "error or intentional ommission" is the fact that your very own NCBA has lobbied to have the US declared BSE Provisionally Free, recognizing the fact that the lone case of BSE discovered in the US came from the Canadian herd."

BSE "provisionally free" status does not change the fact that the precautionary measures taken by both countries are exactly the same or the fact that we both have had BSE within our borders.

reader: "Canada should be doing what countries in the EU and elsewhere who have detected BSE are doing. And if you believe that this is a North American problem, not Canadian problem, given the back and forth of feed and cattle, then the U.S. should be doing this as well."

Canada is in the same category as the U.S. because:

1. We have traded cattle and feed back and forth for years.

2. We both had BSE

3. We have both taken the same precautionary measures.

Those facts will not change!

If R-CALF is stating that Canada should be removing the same SRM's in cattle under 30 months that are being removed in cattle over 30 months than they should be recommending the same for the U.S. instead of trying to slither around that fact.

sandhusker: 4 - 0. That fact hasn't changed

that's true and another fact that hasn't changed is that the rest of the world knows cattle have traded freely across the 49th for centuries, canada has a credible id system and the fact that one of those four was found in the states at the least means there may be more canadian cattle with bse down there or just as possible, american cattle with bse. you don't want anybody to deny there were four canadian born cattle infected with bse but you want to deny the history of the american and canadian (i dare not say the north american) cattle industries.
Sandhusker: "4 - 0. That fact hasn't changed."


That is not fact, that is more R-CULT deception!

The score is 3 - 1!

The Canadian origination of the Washington cow does not circumvent the fact that she was found in the U.S.




If we find another domestic case of BSE you better start running from your position today.

What if the next pickup to be stolen from Bair's is found on your property? Does that mean you have anything to do with it?

4 - 0, and a lot of testing that has yet to prove this wrong. Let's not forget the fact that of all the cattle that have come accross the border from Canada, most are long gone.
Sandhusker said:
What if the next pickup to be stolen from Bair's is found on your property? Does that mean you have anything to do with it?

4 - 0, and a lot of testing that has yet to prove this wrong. Let's not forget the fact that of all the cattle that have come accross the border from Canada, most are long gone.

Doesn't appear that many of American export customers view it as 4-0. I guess they must keep score differently.

In keeping with the sports theme, this BSE situation reminds me of how the US looked down on Canada when Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal in the '80s for steroid use. Since then we have found that the US has looked the other way for decades just as suspected. Carl Lewis and others simply didn't get caught.

Marion Jones and Mark McGuire had some excellent examples to follow.
Bill, "Doesn't appear that many of American export customers view it as 4-0. I guess they must keep score differently. "

Big Muddy rancher said:
Sandhusker said:
Bill, "Doesn't appear that many of American export customers view it as 4-0. I guess they must keep score differently. "


Macau? I could spit across Macau! :lol: Do you have any examples of a country who actually imports any volume at all?
You could spit across Macau alright. Right into the country that is actually accepting the Canadian product. CHINA. Wake up and smell the ginsing Sandhusker.
Sandhusker said:
4 - 0. That fact hasn't changed.

Hate to keep bringing it up, and I realize it doesn't change anything, BUT the first 'Canadian' cow a couple of years ago has never been officially traced back as I recall. Last official word I heard was that it was likely part of a group of cattle that were imported from the US. But it was found here, so we take responsibility for it and make our system better. I sleep better at night knowing my country's food safety system is at least capable of finding problems, and taking responsible mitigation measures.
That's all the import blamers can cling to is 4 - 0 as if we never had a case of BSE within our borders and as if it was all traced back to Canada and no further. Such childlike imaginations.

Have you ever seen R-CULT seperate beef and dairy animals that have had BSE? I guarantee if the U.S. had 3 cases of BSE and they were all dairy animals they would certainly draw a distinction between beef and dairy animals.

If we had 2 more cases of BSE in the U.S. of U.S. origin would they be making an issue of it????

Of course not, these "master illusionists" would still be pretending that our BSE precautionary measures are different than Canada's. Their isolationist agenda to stop imports of Canadian live cattle depends on it.

Words to live by, "don't believe anything R-CULT tells you because it's either not true or it's only half the story".

That's been their MO from day one and they have enough pawns like Sandhusker to discredit, deny, divert, and deceive for them.

The score is 3 - 1.

Korea stated that they would not take our beef unless we were willing to take Canadian live cattle because they are not fooled by R-CULT's deception regarding seperate industries between the U.S. and Canada. Why wouldn't they be? In the next breathe R-CULT is telling USDA to find the Canadian cattle in the U.S. and test them without the "M"ID system they prohibited from "M"COOL. If that isn't an admission of having Canadian cattle within our system what the heck is?

~SH~ said:
If we had 2 more cases of BSE in the U.S. of U.S. origin would they be making an issue of it????

Of course not, these "master illusionists" would still be pretending that our BSE precautionary measures are different than Canada's. Their isolationist agenda to stop imports of Canadian live cattle depends on it.

Words to live by, "don't believe anything R-CULT tells you because it's either not true or it's only half the story".

That's been their MO from day one and they have enough pawns like Sandhusker to discredit, deny, divert, and deceive for them.

The score is 3 - 1.


Leo is way ahead of you and all the rest of the beef organization leaders he has his statement to the beef eating public all thought out and rehearsed and the US hasn't according to him found BSE.
"we know if we are going to keep consumer confidence we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country. And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. So if for some reason we did find a case we can stand and look our consumers right in the eye and say, don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue. If we look them right in the eye and say that I will guarantee they will keep eating beef".

When I post the poll to see how many actually believed it would be a non issue there were 7 that said it wouldn't be and you can bet Sandhusker was one of the 7 that are blind enough to think that way.

Leo will stand up with hat in hand and tell the US consumers
don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue.
But right now the R-CALF story is those firewalls are not strict enough to stop the spread of BSE , has holes in compliance that will allow for the spread of the disease and is the reason they can't afford to import UTM cattle from Canada because the US Feed system will put the whole US herd at risk of contracting BSE. Canada with their stricter rules BSE is an issue but the US with their hole in the wall rules it will be a non issue when BSE is found, go figure.
the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years.
Love this part the US and Canada have the same rules implemented at the same time and Canada updated theirs but the US is the only country. I guess they can get away with saying this because we found ours in May and the US found theirs in Dec.
we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country
Wasn't BSE introduced in DEC 2003. this statement was made in April 2005
SH...Korea stated that they would not take our beef unless we were willing to take Canadian live cattle because they are not fooled by R-CULT's deception regarding seperate industries between the U.S. and Canada.

Scott can you post the statement or article where Korea has stated they would not take our beef unless we are willing to take Canadian live cattle.
Tommy said:
SH...Korea stated that they would not take our beef unless we were willing to take Canadian live cattle because they are not fooled by R-CULT's deception regarding seperate industries between the U.S. and Canada.

Scott can you post the statement or article where Korea has stated they would not take our beef unless we are willing to take Canadian live cattle.

I would like to see that quote also.
Mike said:
Tommy said:
SH...Korea stated that they would not take our beef unless we were willing to take Canadian live cattle because they are not fooled by R-CULT's deception regarding seperate industries between the U.S. and Canada.

Scott can you post the statement or article where Korea has stated they would not take our beef unless we are willing to take Canadian live cattle.

I would like to see that quote also.

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