Oldtimer said:S.S.A.P. said:Oldtimer wrote:
I agree with you Bill- Our testing is in question, which leaves us not knowing the true extent of the disease... That is the reason I think we need to go back to square one- do the adequate testing, including 4 D's- not end it now like the USDA is talking about ...But we also need to close the loopholes in the BSE firewalls (chicken litter, table scraps, blood in milk replacer, etc)- and we should not be opening up imports from countries already known to have BSE ( and that have post feedban cases appearing) until we get a true idea of our problem and the BSE firewall loopholes closed...Especially not OTM beef or cattle that would introduce an increased access to more prions getting into US cattle thru some ignorant US producers chicken sh*t feeding program or some feed companies use of blood or bloodmeal in ruminant feed products ......."
Care to make a correction OT??
( and that have post feedban cases appearing) caseS??
I wasn't talking only of Canada-- dropping our standards for Canada could open us up to having to take beef from UK, Japan, and others.....
Why is it that you are dropping standards for Canada think about this Oldtimer If the USDA had held strong like R-CALF demanded them to do, with the standard of banning beef from a country that is minimal risk just how much beef would the U.S. be exporting now? Can't very well sell your beef when you are telling the rest of the world their beef isn't fit for the US market now can you Oldtimer? The USDA has been telling you that all along but you R-CALFers are so busy listening to Leo lieing about Canadian beef you can't use any common sense. And if our beef is tainted and not fit for the US consumers then why is US beef fit for the US consumers? Is it not tainted and a genuine risk of death to them too? Are Leo and Bill telling US consumers not to eat US beef?, no they are telling them all about the firewalls that are there to protect them. Thoses same firewalls you say can't protect them from Canadian cattle. Stop and think why the USDA started changing the rules and you may see that is was not just because of Canada but if was to protect the US cattle industry from being ban in the 70 countries that you now export to. Geez open your eyes, Oldtimer and realize what would have happen if they hadn't changed them. :roll: