Tam said:You claim there are places in the US that don't know what a brand is so how can you use your brand system for a National ID system? :? And just how many of the USDA appoved feedlots that will be excepting these Canadian cattle would you say don't know that the cattle are to be branded with a C A N when they get off that truck and what it means? :? I would guess that there will be a paper trail of how many cattle were brought into the feedlot and how many are sent to slaughter and if the numbers don't jive someone will be out checking to see why. As far as the firewalls R-CALF seems to like to quote the OIE but they seem to forget the little OIE rule sayingsince our firewalls are stricter than yours, you can't us your firewall problems to hold up trading with us. Maybe R-CALF should have bought an Ad in the Washington Post to inform Congress of your loopholes instead of telling them about the Safest beef in the world because of your highest standards in the world. Maybe then they would have got to work on the loopholes instead of writing threatening letter to Japan for not taking your beef. And if you don't trust your system to produce safe beef why should Japan Korea or even Canada as far as that goes. Oldtimer did you bother to read the court of appeals ruling about R-CALF's arguments. Not one argument stood under appeal. You were the one that has been spouting let the courts decide. And they did, all three appeal court judges ruled against Cebulls ruling on all counts. So do you think the courts have spoke loud enough in saying this border should be open according to science and world trade rules? Let the courts Decide Oldtimer"The importing country cannot be more trade restrictive than necessary to achieve the desired national level of protection, and that it's measures must not be different from those applied to products within the domestic market"
Well Tam- You better hope USDA's position that we have enough firewalls is right- since the Canadian industry is tied to the shirttails of the US industry and if we go down the toilet you will pass us on the way to the cesspool.....Hopefully a year or two down the line more and more cases don't start appearing or the ultimate disaster- in 10 or 20 years vCJD cases begin appearing- tied back to cattle from North America.......What kind of a North American Beef Industry will there be then?
Its too bad the corporate world has gotten so much power that the government will put trade and trade rules in front of safety......With all the questions and unkowns I still believe this is an issue on which the government and the industry should error on the side of safety.....