When I stated that the Boise and Pasco plant lost more money than the Lakeside plant made WHILE THE CANADIAN BORDER WAS CLOSED, you called that a lie.
You also said that when someone around Cody, NE calls someone a liar, they better be able to back it. Well, when are you going to back your claim that I lied????
The answer is that you will never back your allegation that I lied because you never back anything and expect others to continually back their position. That's the type of parasite you are and you just did it again.
This time it's going to be different.
You claimed that I lied so
Watch this diversion....................
Randy: "Come on SH, an over supply is an over supply. There was never a supply/ demand issue in the pricing of cattle in Canada during the border closure, and the situation has changed very little since. Canadian fat prices still do not reflect on American fat prices like they did prior to May 20, 2003."
First off Randy, you took my statement out of context. Here is what I wrote.............
SH (previous): "The information I had showed the big losses in Boise and Pasco and the dwindling profits at Lakeside were mostly during the spring of 2005 as the Canadian feeder supply dwindled."
I was referring to
the Canadian feeder supply in the U.S. Canadian feeders that were shipped to the NW states prior to the border closing were still being slaughtered in U.S. plants after the border was closed. After they were gone, there was no more Canadian feeders to replace them in the NW U.S. because the border was closed. That is why those plants cut back their slaughter rates.
Pretty common sense!
Randy: "Does SRM removal cost that much less in America SH? What the hell is this new statement about lower retail beef prices in Canada all about. Ever since the border was opened to boxed beef, price for beef from Cargill and Tyson's plants in Canada have been based on what they could get in America. As far as calling Tyson - give us all a break SH. That is simply your lamest excuse. Think about it. Do you think you could call any Canadian rancher and get him to admit that he never really lost anything due to the closed border."
The U.S. was not removing SRMs in cattle under 30 months of age. CANADA WAS!!!!
Missed that one didn't ya?
Why didn't you read the government study conducted on packer profitting during the closed Canadian border?
As far as calling Tyson, Tyson is a publicly traded company. They have no reason to lie about their profits or losses particularly if they want to maintain their investors. Secondly, they stated right in their financial report that the losses in Pasco and Boise were huge and they explained the shift cutbacks. Their financial report also showed the Lakeside profits dwindling towards the end of calendar year 2004.
Nobody ever said Tyson didn't profit from the border closing in Canada at their Lakeside plant. They just simply didn't profit as much as packer blamers like you think they did and they certainly didn't profit enough to offset the losses in Pasco and Boise.
I understand Randy, you need someone to blame and that is reflected in your bias.
You never offered anything to contradict anything I presented and you never offered anything to support your position and you won't either!
Randy: "It was awfully nice of Sandman to let you off the hook by taking Cargill out of the bet. Even with them out, you could not prove your fairy tale. Why don't you just leave it alone?"
Sandman specified Tyson then tried to weasel out of it knowing that he was in over his head. Sandman never had a clue either way. He was just betting on my inability to prove my position with individual plant data.
Tell me Randy, what did you bring to the table to support your position besides theories, speculation, supposition, and opinion?
Show me one fact that you brought to support your position that Lakeside made more money than Boise and Pasco lost while the Canadian border was closed. You won't!
Why don't I leave it alone? Sandman said I lied, he needs to prove that I lied instead of having me prove that I didn't lie. Sandman won't do that because he's never backed a position on this board yet. All he can offer is challenges to someone else's position as he just tried to again. He doesn't prove someone else wrong. Just like with his lame Pickett defense. I asked him 30 times to provide the facts that support his position. He didn't because he couldn't.
Sandman is a parasite that lets others do his work for him by challenging whatever he doesn't want to agree with.
He won "THE BET THAT I AGREED TO", he never backed his position to prove that I lied. He never brought a damn thing to the table to support his allegation that I lied. That's why I will not leave it alone.
Randy: "Cargill and Tyson profitted excessively during the closed border. Enough, in fact, to offset their losses, due to the closed border, in America. If not in actual profits from each animal slaughtered, their gains were made from overall advantage over their competition in terms of their expansion and the competitions cutting back."
That is absolutely untrue!
Prove your statement! You just made that up because that is what you want to believe. You can't prove it.
The losses in the Boise and Pasco plants were not offset by the profits in the Lakeside plant FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME WHEN THE BORDER WAS CLOSED TO LIVE CATTLE.
What part of Tyson's financial statement claiming "HUGE LOSSES" in Pasco and Boise and "DWINDLING PROFITS" in Lakeside do you not understand?
Do you have proof to the contrary of their own financial reports? Hell no you don't and you won't.
Randy: "You know you cannot prove otherwise SH, so stop making yourself out to be the almighty holder of truth and proof. Thank you for paying up to Sandman, and I too respect your doing that. Your passion is obvious, and your will strong, but you're hooped on this one, so leave it alone."
You are convinced of your position without any supporting facts. That's the same mentality that R-CULT operates on.
You are clearly wrong in your beliefs. The proof is in Tyson's financial reports and the Canadian government's study on packer profitting in Canada. You will offer absolutely nothing to the contrary.
Chief: "My daddy always said you can't be a good winner unless you can be a good loser first."
Sandman said that I lied when I said that Tyson's Pasco and Boise plants lost more money than Tyson's Lakeside plant made while the Canadian border was closed. Sandman also said that when someone calls someone a liar around Cody, NE (his hometown), they better be able to back it.
Show me where Sandman backed the allegation that I lied. Show me Chief.
Watch this..............
Sandman collected $100 because I made the mistake of agreeing to calendar year 2004 instead of the entire period of time when the border was closed. I did the research and found out that the huge losses in Pasco and Boise occurred in FY 2005. Sandman didn't prove me wrong on that. He didn't have a clue either way. I proved myself wrong on calendar year 2004 only. My original statement was true and the data confirms it. Sandman will offer nothing to back his position that I lied but he'll take the money on a bet he contributed nothing to after claiming the bet revolved around my original statement which had nothing to do with calendar year 2004. That's the type of parasite Sandman is.