The Comment; north of 50% retailer. But there was no mention of the other side. 1.5 to 2 years of investment getting it to the packer and retailer. That adds up and does require a large percent of the pie. Without both sides and numbers for them the % of each is useless.
So why does the retailer thinks he needs 50% + , or are they just dam greedy or are they taking hugh loses on head lettuce and need to jack BEEF to high heaven to pay the checkout girl a wage. This seems to be the problem on both sides of the border.
There has to be a reason that the price of beef never gets back to the ranch as per The NFU, with the help of an Albertan rancher, butchered a cull cow which would have fetched $340 at auction, but yielded $1,233 worth of hamburger and stewing meat at current retail prices.
That's $893.00 dollars Canadian difference, the price of more than two cows. Just who is getting RICH here?