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Since this is the Coffee Shop

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Southern SD
Just wondering what the "movers and shakers" favorite brand of coffee is, or if anyone has any secrets to making really good coffee. I like Starbucks whole beans (yes, I know enough to grind'em up), but irritates me that it costs as much as it does. Right now I have some dark chicory mixed stuff that my wife picked up on a recent trip to New Orleans and some cheap, crappy organic whole beans from Sam's Club. Either are really not good by themselves, but if you mix 'em together they're almost good, well almost sort of fair, what the hell; it's caffiene for calving.
good morning, cal.....i, personally, am typical "girlie" and like my mocha or vanilla capuccinos, but the hubby prefers folgers...straight up..."no cow in my coffee" :D
Jinglebob said:
Mornin'! Can't you folks sleep or are you night owls?
I don't drink coffee any more, just tea. Real strong!
Have a good 'un!
jinglebob....sleep is for sissies!! LOL!!! :lol: as a matter of fact, after 12 years of night shift nursing, yes, i am a bit of a nightowl!! by the way, i, too like my tea...good stuff!!! hope ya have a good one!! another thing, the cowboy states "i'll sleep when i'm dead!" when asked about his lack of zzzz's :shock: :shock:
I'm with you on the fresh ground beans, Cal. Prefer a medium Columbian roast myself, but don't mind the Blue Mountain beans from Jamaica (pretty hard to come by up here). Ah, the smell of fresh coffee brewing - whether it's over a campfire in a billy-can or in the perculator...good stuff, especially on frosty mornings.

Hey ranchwife, could you see the northern lights tonight at your place? They were just gorgeous here...dancing across the sky in green and silver. Made the last check that much more interesting. Another calf, and I'm betting another in the next hour.

Life is good.

Take care.

ps. Will enjoy a good night's sleep when calving is done...probably mid-Apr, Jinglebob...helps to have nightowl tendancies though.
Cattle annie....unfortunately, was stuck inside a hospital all night tonight. Sure would have loved to have seen them, especially since the skies were so clear tonight!!! gonna be watching a little closer tonight...thanks for the heads up!! :)
My Cousin had a coffee company in Pendleton, Oregon called "Let'r Buck Coffee." He had been on the Round Up Association Board and gotten permission to use both the name and the world famous logo.

Well, several years later it came time to renew and the board decided against it. I never understood this as it put him in the spot of having to change his name and marketing after he had a product that was actually helping promote the Roundup. He had different names for different blends but the one I remember was the Bunkouse blend,
Well, you could call me a rough tough cowboy--I drink my milk black. :) Skim milk with Rich Chocolate Ovaltine is hard to beat. Enough of this stuff has changed me from an oval teen to an oval-shaped old man, but my bones have lots of calcium in them. For a little caffeine kick now and then, a can of Mountain Dew works wonders.

Through the years, my half Swede and half Norwegian mom drank enough coffee for our whole family. Dad has always drank a little coffee, but none of my three sisters or I have ever found it to be very tasty or drinkable.

Calving is in full swing on the Soapweed Outfit. Saddletramp and I put the heavies in right at sundown, and as the temperature was supposed to get pretty nippy, we started putting cows in the barn. We don't put them in until they are noticeably calving, and then they go directly into individual box stalls. We put in seven that were calving before we unsaddled and turned things over to the night man (he is a luxury that we've just had the past two calving seasons). Sixteen calves have been born since sundown, and six more are in stalls calving.

Saddletramp saved the day yesterday. He had gone to town after 30 sacks of Darling mineral and 30 sacks of salt. When he got home, he started making the rounds and distributing it in the salt bunks. We have been sorting heavies from the bunches about once a week, but inevitably there are a couple or three calves born out in each bunch that the sorter (me) misses. Saddletramp just happened to be going through a gate when he glanced over and thought, "that cow is not laying right." He drove over, and the cow was upside down in a little swale and had just had a calf. The sack was over the nose of the calf, and he was able to pull it off and get the little bugger breathing. Then he devoted his attention to the cow and got her turned over. Had he been a few minutes later, the calf would have died, and the cow would have prolapsed and died being upside down. The good Lord arranged perfect timing.
Soapweed isn't amazing how that happens that for some unusual reason you happen in the right place at the right time.It has happened more then once here as well. Once I hadn't been over to see the cows for couple of days as it was still before calving and the had supplement and good grazing but before supper I said I was going over as I just got the urge. I ran over with the bale deck truck and was going to put out a couple of bales and I saw they neighbors truck sitting across the fence so while I was feeding I saw him walk part ways toward me and wave then start back to his truck. I He had gotten the truck stuck and had his little boy with him . It would have been about a 3 mile walk anywhere and the straight line home was across a muddy alkali flat that would have been tough walking with out carring a little boy. the fellow just couldn't believe his luck when he saw me coming as he was sure it was walking time.
I'm the only one to drink coffe at our house but my folks live in the same yards so Dad makes a pot of coffee "Edwards coffee in the morn and I help them drink it and in the afternoon if I am around we have coffee at 4o'clock. in the past it has given us the chance to plan our days and week if that ever really happen on a ranch as one phone call abut stray cattle and everything change. But it has been a nice way to see how mom and dad are doing now they are in their 80's. Other then that we are tea drinkers but can't get Red Rose anymore and the rest just isn;t as good.
For me anything fresh ground and lots of it. No milk, no sugar, just black and strong... The best coffee is water in a pot or empty coffee can, bring water to a boil, put in grounds let boil, just a little, A small amount of cold water to settle the grounds and whaaalaaa.. The best.. Ita's even better if you don't wash your can( or pot, Dad used a can) for a week... UMMM good....
Reader2-"Any expresso fans out there?"

Here is my "recipe" for expresso. A cup of this really hits the spot when I have to check cows in the middle of the night.

Redneck Expresso

Drag self out of bed.
Stumble to kitchen sink(silently cursing "easy-calving" bull)
Fill large mug with extra hot tap water.
Stir in 3 tablespoons of discount store instant coffee.
Add a generous squirt of chocolate syrup.
Stir in a couple pinches of powdered milk replacer or some real colostrum if available(optional).
ENJOY!!! :wink:
katrina said:
For me anything fresh ground and lots of it. No milk, no sugar, just black and strong... The best coffee is water in a pot or empty coffee can, bring water to a boil, put in grounds let boil, just a little, A small amount of cold water to settle the grounds and whaaalaaa.. The best.. Ita's even better if you don't wash your can( or pot, Dad used a can) for a week... UMMM good....

You're alright Katrina! All these "high tech" coffee makers are junk! I use an old percolater on the stove eye. So hot it will burn the hair off your tongue.
Mike said:
katrina said:
For me anything fresh ground and lots of it. No milk, no sugar, just black and strong... The best coffee is water in a pot or empty coffee can, bring water to a boil, put in grounds let boil, just a little, A small amount of cold water to settle the grounds and whaaalaaa.. The best.. Ita's even better if you don't wash your can( or pot, Dad used a can) for a week... UMMM good....

You're alright Katrina! All these "high tech" coffee makers are junk! I use an old percolater on the stove eye. So hot it will burn the hair off your tongue.

Careful boy if memory serves me this is how we got in trouble once.................good luck PS PLAIN OLE FOLGERS AND RIVER WATER ,BLACK CANT BE BEAT
Yesss sirr Reeee Mike, I can remember Dad being really upset with us girls for washing his coffee can... We thought we were doing him a favor. You keep that coffee pot for the stove, they are hard to come by...Question is: Do you drink your liquor like you drink your coffee?? :!:
katrina said:
Yesss sirr Reeee Mike, I can remember Dad being really upset with us girls for washing his coffee can... We thought we were doing him a favor. You keep that coffee pot for the stove, they are hard to come by...Question is: Do you drink your liquor like you drink your coffee?? :!:

Katrina, I do not drink my coffee over ice with a splash of water and I do not drink my liquor from a coffee cup. Gonna be a few days before I send you your surprise, it has not got here yet. Any prairie dog towns close to you?
Whooo HOoooo A Surprise???? My family hides my presents at Christmas time after they are wrapped because I have been know to open them, and rewrapped it :twisted: Even more reason for the peculiar wrapping of your Tangle Ridge... What I was wondering if ones that have to have foo foo in their coffee, drink foo foo drinks.
Prairie dog towns????? YES.... JUST WHAT I WANTED..AN AK47...Nothing like a splattering of bullets..Runnnnnnn for cover, a women and a gun!!!! Naw I'm just joking...What you sending me up a vial of plaque?(sp) I won't be able to sleep tonight wandering about my surprise....Prairie Dog towns ............prairie dog towns......I know....recipe for dried prairie dog??? Hummmm :!:
Whooo HOoooo A Surprise???? My family hides my presents at Christmas time after they are wrapped because I have been know to open them, and rewrapped it Even more reason for the peculiar wrapping of your Tangle Ridge... What I was wondering if ones that have to have foo foo in their coffee, drink foo foo drinks.

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Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:00 pm Post subject:


Prairie dog towns????? YES.... JUST WHAT I WANTED..AN AK47...Nothing like a splattering of bullets..Runnnnnnn for cover, a women and a gun!!!! Naw I'm just joking...What you sending me up a vial of plaque?(sp) I won't be able to sleep tonight wandering about my surprise....Prairie Dog towns ............prairie dog towns......I know....recipe for dried prairie dog??? Hummmm

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:49 pm Post subject:


OKay... there is a conspirancy here. I logged in twice again.......
What I was wondering if ones that have to have foo foo in their coffee, drink foo foo drinks?

What if "foo foo"?

The surprise has nothing to do with prairie dogs! I enjoy exterminating them!
Someone has to do it.
Gimme the Folgers and my lil drip o matic on the counter.....n a cup..I"m good to go.....had one machine here while back you could go do yer daily chores n come back n it's still coughin and sputterin out coffee....so I ditched it n got me one that'll git er done......Hubby dont drank coffee but good ole mom n dad had coffee on the burner 24/7, dad started me early in life....hehe he usta dip my passifier in his coffee .....
Thank goodness we dont hafta stay up n go out n check cows when they are calvin..we have such mild winters here that they just pasture calve. No calvin barns at all down here in south east texas. I"m a night owl myself.

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