greg said:
I've been looking for a started stock dog preferably border collie....any ideas or names? I've got a pup starting but no where near ready to use on my pasture Thx
Regarding names for stock dogs:
The purpose of a dog's name is to get it's attention!
To preclude confusion for the dog in calling him/her or talking to him/her I would suggest, strongly, ONE SYLLABLE names (male or female)
only - the purpose being that the dog's name can be pronounced with a single, uninterrupted sounding of the owner's voice. This is for the same reasons that when working two or more dogs at the same time and using whistle signals, different pitch sounds are used for each dog. Same thing goes for names. If a dog's name has more than one syllable, a person's voice changes pitch on the succeeding syllable(s), or vowel(s) and an instants hesitation on the part of the dog could result - possibly not a desirable situation at certain times.
Male names: Cap - Dan - Hap - Jack - Jake - Deek - Doc - Dick - Bob - Buck - Duke - names ending in hard consonants such as "-ck"or "b", "d", "g", "j", "p", "t", are positive sounds, not soft, quiet ones. By going through the alphabet you can come up with lots of others.
Female names: Beck - Nell - Kat - - - - - - for some unaccountable reason I am having a difficult time coming up with female names that are appropriate. Names such as Susanna, Geraldine, Sophie, Helen, Virginia, Mildred, Caroline, Stephanie, Tamara, Esmerelda, Scarlet, Hillary (Even if it is for a Bitch), Catherine, Marilyn - - -all of these just would not work. But I think you get my point. I'll leave the female names up to you and your family!