Well-known member
Turkeys in the fog
Seeking sanctuary
A couple photographers from New York who were lamenting the fog
This guy looks more from New York than the others.
Longtime friend and fellow graduate of Gordon High School, class of 1970.
Fall calves in the pasture
They got all washed and shined up from the week-end rainstorms.
Sparky's newest knife
It's pretty sharp.
The handle is quite fancy.
Side B. The V brand is for Vulcan Welding.
Doing the Tess Tickle Two-Step
Others also trying to learn the new dance
Preconditioning our last bunch of calves
It was a beautiful shirt sleeve day for the job.
Some antelope hunters stopped by to say hi.
Done for the day
Stringing out by the light of the moon
And back out to the pasture.