For those of you who are here to attempt to learn something, I suggest you ignore the proctologist who are only here to give anal exams to everyone who holds an opposing point of view.
Forgive them ,as they know not what they do.
Now to get back to the issue at hand. “Linear Programming”.
Here is the post that started this discussion.
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:55 pm
Here is my random thought....
I would like to think that most humans agree that math is essential in our everyday life... Having said that, I have the following questions for you all:
When you are planning on investing in let say, two tractors, how do you quantify that it is a good investment at that time? Do you use any type of analysis like a benefit cost analysis (calculate the internal rate of return, NPV) to help you in your decision process?
Another random question, do you want your cattle to be at a particular weight by the time you sell? I believe you could use Linear Programming tools to come up with a yearly plan that can help you determine exact quantities you would need to feed you cows to get them to a particular weight (with x number of constraints) and help you reduce costs. I know that corporations use these tools for their manufacturing plans among other things, why couldn't this be applied to your operations?
I wish I could attach a project using linear programming that I did for one of my classes for you to read about it, and maybe this type of analysis could be beneficial to you.
Linear Programming defined:
A word of caution:
When Linear Programming, or any other theory, comes in conflict with Capitalism, capitalism will always win and linear programming etc will always lose.
History has proven that.
If you doubt it, how do you explain Americans accomplishing in about 200 years what the rest of the world was incapable of accomplishing in over 2,000 years?
Here are some of America’s best examples of failed non capitalistic programs.
Social Security
US Dept of housing and urban development
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
and now Ethanol to mention a few.
All of which have cost the American taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars with no return on our investment and no end in sight.