MRJ said:
JB, the vote of cattle producers that created the Beef Checkoff was a 79.?%, which made it virtually an 80% approval rate. Call it a tax if you like, but what other tax can you name which passed at such a rate and after many years STILL has the approval of 70% of those who pay into it? So, how can you say anyone is "getting the other guy down and making him help pay your costs"?
Why not learn more about the checkoff, and give some of your time to working with it if you have ideas you would like to see achieved? At the least, you could take a little time and email the SD Beef Council, or the CBB at to find out more about it, tell them what you don't like, or tell them what you would like to see done with the money.
I'm sorry if you are one who cannot see that there is benefit to the cow/calf producer, or even the land-owner who leases his pastures out from the beef checkoff. I'm even sorrier that those who are against the checkoff have to benefit from it against their will!
Again you take my words out of context or meaning. I never said that I don't want the check off. I just don't like the way it is set up. Please refer to my other post on the other thread where I answered your question as to what I would change about the checkoff.
[It was only quite lately in your posts that you said you liked some things about the checkoff, wasn't it? I wish you would tell us WHAT it is that you do not like about it. I haven't read the other post yet, so won't complain much. MRJ]
Any self help is a good thing if it is going in the right direction. What if people who have a branded product could get their money back to promote the product they raise? What if we could use the monies raised to buy stock in a packing plant?
[How would we prevent unfair competition between different groups with their own branded products, especially where one had lots of cattle and qualified for more checkoff money, and one had few cattle and only qualified to get a pittance? It is interesting, but I can see the expansion of the "ranch size" envy we deal with now rearing it's ugly head. That would have to be dealt with somehow. MRJ]
We tied our own hands when we set it up through our shortsightedness. I would prefer to have more options with the money. How do we change that?
[Isn't hindsight wonderful? The ranchers setting up the program obvioulsy did the best they could for conditions of the time, and projecting into the future. There may be more options than you think. Have you checked with the CBB or the SDBIC? CBB leaders said in news releases since the court decision, that there will be changes. I don't know anything about them. May be a good time for you to let them know your ideas. I am dead serious about that. Get to them on the internet or phone, and keep trying if you don't get hold of someone who can help you on the first try. MRJ]
So many people get angry by any dissenting vioce. We don't have to "throw the baby out with the bath water" but perhaps some improvements could be made. Would you object if it was turned over to R-Calf or some other producer oginization?