Hey there Hanta Yo!
Sorry I haven't posted lately-I've been really busy, so I've come on, looked to see what's going on and haven't posted.
Last week was a humdinger as far as busy goes, with our bull sale, and then helping out with the state 4-H Livestock Judging Contest (despite what some others have said about 4-H I think it's still a great program--important enough that I volunteer time as oftern as I can to help out.) Now we get to start calving-yippee!!! We have just one little calf (Tyke as I call him) who was a little early-but doing well.
As far as pup's go the wonder Corgi Holly is doing great! Growing--kinda like the way I grow--not up but out! And she's getting a ton longer too! She thought she had it rough Wed. last week--she had to stay at the house and couldn't go to the bull sale-she was very disappointed! We were worried that either she'd tank up on human food (which we try not to let her have), trip an elderly person, or go home with someone else (she knows no strangers!) or worse yet get run over-so she had to stay home. Therefore, Wed. night she was a terror!!! I'll have to get another picture taken and update the avatar. Hanta Yo, I was telling the hubby about your Corgi-Corky (right name, correct?) and the goggles-I had the hubby laughing so hard there were tears running down his face. He has a pair of goggles, so we might try them out on Holly.
Do you have a great solution to the little monsters finding mud, and digging and rooting in it (kinda like a hog?) Even as dry as it is, yesterday, Holly managed to find some mud in the tree rows-what a mess she was!! And, she loves to bury stuff so it's even funnier to see her barrelling toward the house not only with muddy feet and belly but her snout covered in mud too!
And, I too have wondered how FH's pup is getting along (tell me her name again FH), and if Aaron has made a decision to get a pup---
On another subject, FH, did the advertising suggestion help your bull sale customer? I've been watching for ad's in the farm/ranch papers that I think might be from your area. It's amazing how great the sales have been--we were very happy with our sale-I think the best top and best average ever! :cboy:
And, cheers to the moisture that is suposed to arrive in the northern plains-from the looks of it on the weather channel most of us from the MT mountains to the N. Wyo/S. MT and Western Dakota plains should get a little moisture. Maybe Rancher's raindance worked! Maybe we should thank the Good Lord and Mother Nature too.
Well, take care everyone, and I'll try to get some time to post more often this week--I should have a little more time!
TTFN ("ta ta for now", Pooh)