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Well Miss Tam

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will the latest case of BSE help open the border?

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  • yes it will

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE that you always wanted.I believe this will really put the clamps on opening the Border,and I never could understand your logic,explain to me again how this will help canadians get the border open............good luck
Today 6/24/2005 6:46:00 PM

Cattle Alert: R-CALF CEO Says BSE Case Won't Affect Litigation

KANSAS CITY (Dow Jones)--R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America CEO Bill Bullard said Friday that confirmation of a case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, or mad-cow disease, in the U.S. cattle herd won't have any

effect on the organization's litigation against the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In that case, R-CALF USA won a preliminary injunction against the USDA's Final Rule that would have allowed Canadian cattle younger than 20 months of age to enter the U.S. directly for slaughter or for feeding before slaughter. It is pending appeal before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. R-CALF USA sought to prevent cattle from Canada from entering the U.S. because Canada has had four cases of BSE, one of which was found in the U.S. and resulted in lost export markets.

The case against the USDA charges the Final Rule is not robust enough to prevent the spread of BSE in the U.S., Bullard said.

This case of BSE in the U.S. highlights the need for the USDA to strengthen its safeguards that prevent the amplification and spread of the disease in the U.S., Bullard said. This includes preventing imports of cattle from countries known to have BSE.

The USDA also must continue testing for BSE to catch any changes or evolution of the disease, Bullard said.

And it must strengthen its feed bans to limit amplification of BSE within the U.S. herd, he said. This includes rules that allow blood and blood products in feeds, plate waste from restaurants into the feeds and the feeding of chicken litter to cattle.

The USDA also should strengthen its feed formulation rules to prevent the possibility of cross-contamination, Bullard said. When asked to clarify what he meant, he said, "like segregated feed mills."

Overall, R-CALF USA is disappointed that the USDA didn't follow protocol for this cow in November when she was slaughtered and the samples were taken, Bullard said. The U.S. cattle industry has taken two hits to prices from the same cow - once in November when the first set of positive results came back, and again two weeks ago, when the second set of positive results came back.

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Haymensa- "It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE...."

I see that your "opinion" has changed,just a little, since this morning!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
TimH said:
Haymensa- "It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE...."

I see that your "opinion" has changed,just a little, since this morning!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Might have ,but I think ILL wait till the dust settles before I decide I have seen the USDA/AMI do some fancy twisting...........good luck PS why are you so happy you are'nt dumb enough to believe this will be positive in the border opening.
Haymensa- "why are you so happy you are'nt dumb enough to believe this will be positive in the border opening."

Well, for once, you are right about something. I doubt that this will have a positive effect on ANYTHING, ANYWHERE as far as beef producers are concerned.
The only thing I am happy about is watching you and the rest of the R-calfer's have to modify your "opinions" every few hours.Free entertainment always makes me happy!! :lol:
Whenever I think of R-calf, the Benny Hill theme song(Yaketty Sax) pops into my head and I picture Leo, Bill , Kathleen et.al. running around like the idiots that they are.....just like on the Benny Hill Show!!!

And then ,of course I remember that I am supposed to be TERRIFIED of R-calf and I start shaking in my boots and peeing down my leg!!! :roll: :lol: :wink:
TimH said:
Haymensa- "why are you so happy you are'nt dumb enough to believe this will be positive in the border opening."

Well, for once, you are right about something. I doubt that this will have a positive effect on ANYTHING, ANYWHERE as far as beef producers are concerned.
The only thing I am happy about is watching you and the rest of the R-calfer's have to modify your "opinions" every few hours.Free entertainment always makes me happy!! :lol:
Whenever I think of R-calf, the Benny Hill theme song(Yaketty Sax) pops into my head and I picture Leo, Bill , Kathleen et.al. running around like the idiots that they are.....just like on the Benny Hill Show!!!

And then ,of course I remember that I am supposed to be TERRIFIED of R-calf and I start shaking in my boots and peeing down my leg!!! :roll: :lol: :wink:

You watch the Benny Hill show regularly? :wink: ...............good luck
Is r calf still standing behind the statement that older cattle should not go to market next week????
mwj said:
Is r calf still standing behind the statement that older cattle should not go to market next week????

Where did you read that? I cant say that I heard anything like that recently,but I been out of touch,starting the cane type grasses this week,and have a heated battle with the tax man raging .............good luck ps I cant speak for R CALF,but if I had some older cattle I would market them next week.
I thought i read that in a post about r calf. There fearless leader stated that is what we should do if we ever had a domestic case of bse. He was telling the Canadians how it should be done. It could have been at the same time he said no exports for 7 years from a bse pos. country! I thought since you were well versed on both sides of the issue you might remember it 8)
mwj said:
I thought i read that in a post about r calf. There fearless leader stated that is what we should do if we ever had a domestic case of bse. He was telling the Canadians how it should be done. It could have been at the same time he said no exports for 7 years from a bse pos. country! I thought since you were well versed on both sides of the issue you might remember it 8)

I did'nt hear anything like that,and comparing our cull cow market to canada's is like comparing nite to day..........good luck
TimH said:
Haymensa- "It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE...."

I see that your "opinion" has changed,just a little, since this morning!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Might have ,but I think ILL wait till the dust settles before I decide I have seen the USDA/AMI do some fancy twisting...........good luck PS why are you so happy you are'nt dumb enough to believe this will be positive in the border opening.
Whether this latest US case of BSE makes any difference in re-opening the border will play out by fall. What it does prevent is R-Calf from getting the border closed to Canadian boxed beef which is of major significance. :D :D
mwj said:
Is r calf still standing behind the statement that older cattle should not go to market next week????

Where did you read that? I cant say that I heard anything like that recently,but I been out of touch,starting the cane type grasses this week,and have a heated battle with the tax man raging .............good luck ps I cant speak for R CALF,but if I had some older cattle I would market them next week.

Sorry Haymaker but I just happen to have a quote made by the President of Montana Cattlemen's Association, Dennis McDonald
"If there is a positive case again in the U.S., we as a beef producing nation shouldn't market beef in cattle older that 20 months".
Dennis McDonald is one of R-CALF's founding members and their Trade Committee Co chairmen. So what do you say Haymaker are you going to follow the R-CALF word and not market cattle over 20 months? :wink:
As far as me wanting the US to have a native case It did really matter to me as I always thought the US did have BSE as it was found within your borders. I'm with the OIE on this one it didn't matter that your first case was imported as you could not consider it in isolation of your herd. There were to many unaccounted for imported cattle. So any beef coming through your system could have been another imported cow and nobody would have known. But maybe now that you have a native case you will see that your system is not above all else and you will do something about cleaning it up. I feel sorry for the US as you had two years to get your act together but some of you chose to blame Canada and stick your heads in the sand to the US problems and go on with the idea that it couldn't happen to you because the US have the highest standards in the world and you had firewalls in place to protect you. Well Canada had higher standards and stricter firewall in place and it happened so why couldn't it happen to you? Why should the rest of the world take your word that you have the safest beef in the world when you were at as much risk as we were and all our beef is a genuine risk of death. As far as the court case I don't know how it will affect it but I can only hope that the Judge is smart enough to reallize that what ever he decides the US will have to live with when it comes to their exports now that BSE is a proven in the US.
Tam said:
mwj said:
Is r calf still standing behind the statement that older cattle should not go to market next week????

Where did you read that? I cant say that I heard anything like that recently,but I been out of touch,starting the cane type grasses this week,and have a heated battle with the tax man raging .............good luck ps I cant speak for R CALF,but if I had some older cattle I would market them next week.

Sorry Haymaker but I just happen to have a quote made by the President of Montana Cattlemen's Association, Dennis McDonald
"If there is a positive case again in the U.S., we as a beef producing nation shouldn't market beef in cattle older that 20 months".
Dennis McDonald is one of R-CALF's founding members and their Trade Committee Co chairmen. So what do you say Haymaker are you going to follow the R-CALF word and not market cattle over 20 months? :wink:
As far as me wanting the US to have a native case It did really matter to me as I always thought the US did have BSE as it was found within your borders. I'm with the OIE on this one it didn't matter that your first case was imported as you could not consider it in isolation of your herd. There were to many unaccounted for imported cattle. So any beef coming through your system could have been another imported cow and nobody would have known. But maybe now that you have a native case you will see that your system is not above all else and you will do something about cleaning it up. I feel sorry for the US as you had two years to get your act together but some of you chose to blame Canada and stick your heads in the sand to the US problems and go on with the idea that it couldn't happen to you because the US have the highest standards in the world and you had firewalls in place to protect you. Well Canada had higher standards and stricter firewall in place and it happened so why couldn't it happen to you? Why should the rest of the world take your word that you have the safest beef in the world when you were at as much risk as we were and all our beef is a genuine risk of death. As far as the court case I don't know how it will affect it but I can only hope that the Judge is smart enough to reallize that what ever he decides the US will have to live with when it comes to their exports now that BSE is a proven in the US.

That sounds like one man's opinion to me,,Show me an official R CALF statement to the membership,I believe every one has an opinion,that dont mean its R CALF policy...............good luck
It was to my understanding that he was at the meeting as an official representative of R-CALF and speaking on their behalf Haymaker and the uproar was loud when he said it. So I guess you will be getting out of some of the things Leo has been spouting on behalf of R-CALF as one mans opinion too. Just because there wasn't an offiical announcement to the membership doesn't mean one of their top men Co Chairmen of the TRADE committee didn't say it. :roll:
Tam said:
It was to my understanding that he was at the meeting as an official representative of R-CALF and speaking on their behalf Haymaker and the uproar was loud when he said it. So I guess you will be getting out of some of the things Leo has been spouting on behalf of R-CALF as one mans opinion too. Just because there wasn't an offiical announcement to the membership doesn't mean one of their top men Co Chairmen of the TRADE committee didn't say it. :roll:

Still just one mans opinion,I never seen any thing that said that was R calf's position,and IM not saying it aint,just saying if it is I never heard about it.I will admitt to hearing some one saying some one said this but I believe if you start checking its all bool sheist
& typical gossip.............good luck
I will admitt to hearing some one saying some one said this but I believe if you start checking its all bool sheist
& typical gossip.............good luck

Weren't you the one that just posted on here Friday that you heard this positive cow was imported? Was that also an example of "all bool sheist & typical gossip." As I see now you are posting ""It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE...." :? It is funny that you can post and argue the point with no evidence when you want to believe it but when one of your top guys in R-CALF is quoted in the news to have said something in front of a whole group of Producers and MEDIA that you don't want to believe or live up to it is just all bool sheist & typical gossip.. and one mans opinion. Here is another mans opinion Haymaker what do you think
"we know if we are going to keep consumer confidence we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country. And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. So if for some reason we did find a case we can stand and look our consumers right in the eye and say, don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue. If we look them right in the eye and say that I will guarantee they will keep eating beef".
Do you agree with LEO Will BSE, now that it has been found in the US, be a non-issue with all the press that R-CALF has been giving the flaud US firewalls in attenpts to keep the Canadian border closed to live cattle? :???: It is a Bi*ch when you have to live up to the rants of a leader that will do and say anything to keep a Canadian border closed isn't it Haymaker? I hope you enjoyed the high prices that R-CALF was trying to protect Haymaker because now comes the time you will have to pay for every word your leadership spouted arm in arm with Anti beef groups in attemtps to damage consumer confidence in Canadian beef. You can't have it both ways either beef from an BSE affect country can be safe to eat if precautions are taken or it can't Which one it is Haymaker? :?
Tam said:
I will admitt to hearing some one saying some one said this but I believe if you start checking its all bool sheist
& typical gossip.............good luck

Weren't you the one that just posted on here Friday that you heard this positive cow was imported? Was that also an example of "all bool sheist & typical gossip." As I see now you are posting ""It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE...." :? It is funny that you can post and argue the point with no evidence when you want to believe it but when one of your top guys in R-CALF is quoted in the news to have said something in front of a whole group of Producers and MEDIA that you don't want to believe or live up to it is just all bool sheist & typical gossip.. and one mans opinion. Here is another mans opinion Haymaker what do you think
"we know if we are going to keep consumer confidence we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country. And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. So if for some reason we did find a case we can stand and look our consumers right in the eye and say, don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue. If we look them right in the eye and say that I will guarantee they will keep eating beef".
Do you agree with LEO Will BSE, now that it has been found in the US, be a non-issue with all the press that R-CALF has been giving the flaud US firewalls in attenpts to keep the Canadian border closed to live cattle? :???: It is a Bi*ch when you have to live up to the rants of a leader that will do and say anything to keep a Canadian border closed isn't it Haymaker? I hope you enjoyed the high prices that R-CALF was trying to protect Haymaker because now comes the time you will have to pay for every word your leadership spouted arm in arm with Anti beef groups in attemtps to damage consumer confidence in Canadian beef. You can't have it both ways either beef from an BSE affect country can be safe to eat if precautions are taken or it can't Which one it is Haymaker? :?

I believe,that this case of BSE,will have a minimal effect on consumer demand.If the usda was doing their job it would be even less,the real impact we are gonna see is in exports,our domestic demand will remain strong,and as you know Miss Tam "no export no import" thats why I never could figure your strong desire to see BSE in the USA "logic?"As far as Leo and the boz's you know as well as I they are trying their best to keep the cattle industry safe..............good luck
Tam said:
I will admitt to hearing some one saying some one said this but I believe if you start checking its all bool sheist
& typical gossip.............good luck

Weren't you the one that just posted on here Friday that you heard this positive cow was imported? Was that also an example of "all bool sheist & typical gossip." As I see now you are posting ""It appears that we have our first case of home grown BSE...." :? It is funny that you can post and argue the point with no evidence when you want to believe it but when one of your top guys in R-CALF is quoted in the news to have said something in front of a whole group of Producers and MEDIA that you don't want to believe or live up to it is just all bool sheist & typical gossip.. and one mans opinion. Here is another mans opinion Haymaker what do you think
"we know if we are going to keep consumer confidence we are going to maintain some of the highest standards in the world to make sure that BSE is not introduced into this country. And we are going to make sure we have the best meat and bone meal ban in this country in place. So if for some reason we did find a case we can stand and look our consumers right in the eye and say, don't worry we have had these firewalls in place for years, the only country prior to having a case of BSE to have these firewalls in place for so many years. And we did it to make sure if a case was ever found it was a non-issue. If we look them right in the eye and say that I will guarantee they will keep eating beef".
Do you agree with LEO Will BSE, now that it has been found in the US, be a non-issue with all the press that R-CALF has been giving the flaud US firewalls in attenpts to keep the Canadian border closed to live cattle? :???: It is a Bi*ch when you have to live up to the rants of a leader that will do and say anything to keep a Canadian border closed isn't it Haymaker? I hope you enjoyed the high prices that R-CALF was trying to protect Haymaker because now comes the time you will have to pay for every word your leadership spouted arm in arm with Anti beef groups in attemtps to damage consumer confidence in Canadian beef. You can't have it both ways either beef from an BSE affect country can be safe to eat if precautions are taken or it can't Which one it is Haymaker? :?

I believe,that this case of BSE,will have a minimal effect on consumer demand.If the usda was doing their job it would be even less,the real impact we are gonna see is in exports,our domestic demand will remain strong,and as you know Miss Tam "no export no import" thats why I never could figure your strong desire to see BSE in the USA "logic?"As far as Leo and the boz's you know as well as I they are trying their best to keep the cattle industry safe..............good luck

That is to funny Haymaker you think this case of US born and bred BSE will have a minimal affect but R-CALF didn't allow our first case to have minimal affect. They used it and everything else they could to destroy consumer confidence in our beef. If you see any affect in the export and domestic markets it is because R-CALF has been telling everyone that will listen that beef from countries with one case of BSE is tainted and a genuine risk of death.no matter what precautionany measure were taken or has that changed and now the Beef can be safe? You better have Leo and Bill clue Judge Cebull in or the court case could destroy confidence in US beef too.

Haymaker I said before that once the Washington cow was discovered I felt you had BSE it is just to bad you and the rest of the band of idiots didn't see it that way and stop with the fearmongering and work to show export markets that beef can be safe if the precautionary measures are followed. But no you have to make sure everyone thought that Canadian beef was unsafe just so your beef looked safer well now the rest of the World has proof of the BSE in the US HERD and now you have to live with every word R-CALF has used against Canadian beef. Plus you have to live with every word they spouted about the firewalls that were put in place to protect you from BSE.

As far as Leo and the boz's you know as well as I they are trying their best to keep the cattle industry safe.

This is got to be the biggest joke you have ever typed. How on God's green earth can you think they are trying to keep the cattle industry safe when they stand hand in hand with ANTI BEEF GROUPS spouting how Canadian beef is unsafe and should be banned from the US. Those same groups will be standing on the other side of the stage now saying well R-CALF the self proclaimed voice of the cattle industry told us that all beef coming from a country affected with BSE is a genuine risk of death so if you don't want to die you better not eat US beef either as it is a proven fact we have it in our herd too. And the Media attention that they get and R-CALF used to get their message out will now be working against the CATTLE INDUSTRY. Come on Haymaker wake up and do more than smell the coffee drink a pot and look at what R-CALF has said about our beef just to keep the border closed. Will consumers of US beef that listened to them then trust US beef now? :(
Tam's quote: "beef can be safe if the precautionary measures are followed" Whose word are the consumers to believe? The word of the packers in Canada or US, our great gov't agencies, I don't think so. Our USDA sold their souls to the devil, IMHO, and now hopefully things will only get better if they finally pass and implement the correct precautionary rules.

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