Litle Joe Thnaks for the reply
[I was offered a deal to take heifer calves in the fall and give them back as bred coming three's.
I'd have a yr's feed in them at first preg check, another one at first calf check--$$. I'd get all the calves. Two yrs feed for one yrs calf crop don't work for me. If a guy had lots of cheap feed, it might work for him. ]
I agree time form when you enter up and get paid would be too long for me.
The place I metioned not sure how they calculated but heard they were happy with how it worked out. It may have been more an issue with facillities, and labor.
On a per head basis what do you think the market would bare, if they came in, calved out and went home? I was thinking of a scale
1) easy calf no or little assistance X amt
2) easy pull X amt
3) hard pull X amt
4) C-sec X amt
[If a guy's got lots of cheap winter feed, about 8 outa 10 yrs it should work to buy a gob of old cows starting right about now. Oughta be able to take them up a grade. And price on same grade should be higher in say 3 mos. And you got more pounds. And should have some to sell as bred. And only operating on borrowed money for about 3 mos or so.]
Would be worth trying!
Thanks Tony