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  • R CALF

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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Who won the border war,I figger the canadian cattle man lost his one chance at independence,as it will take the liberals in the east about two maybe three weeks to cancel all funding for any and all new slaughtering facilities.With feeder cattle prices fair ,and no hope of OTM cattle going south,what did you gain,its obvious what you lost.R CALF will see a increase in membership numbers,so you can say they gained,packers have stalled and or killed their competion outright so they gained.Who does that leave?..............good luck
Haymaker, you forgot to add one choice to your poll.


That's who actually won!

RCALF's injunction has not helped out anyone!

Money lost
consumer confidence lost
trade lost

Status quo looks good now doesn't it?
Murgen- "Haymaker, you forgot to add one choice to your poll.

Yup!!!! Except for the lawyers!!! I doubt that any of them were forced to "make do" through any of this. :roll: :wink:
TimH said:
Murgen- "Haymaker, you forgot to add one choice to your poll.

Yup!!!! Except for the lawyers!!! I doubt that any of them were forced to "make do" through any of this. :roll: :wink:

I beat you to it by a nose, Jethro! :wink:
And just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the Klienies jumped in and stopped the UFCW walk out at Brooks. Leaving a bunch of Sudanese refugee meat cutters wondering who they left the corrupt government back home.
Tyson and Cargill got most of the Alberta government's mad cow money and the boys and girls on Highway 22 got peanuts.
Now the PCs are siding with the packer monopoly again.
Who won? Don't ask.
Hold on a minute Neil. The way my pea brain sees this Alberta government thing - I think some wires got crossed.

The salmon run is over for Tyson at Brooks, so why not take a break,,, break the union, and ship some cattle south of the line to give the boys some work in their other plants.

I think Ralph screwed with Tyson's plans for once;probably just a mistake, but I'll bet they'll hear about it anyway.

Chow Randy
The packers are the big winners here. Bot cheap Canadian cattle, and sold them into the US market by the box full. Of course, when you have this administration in your back pocket, winning was a given. Those who lost were the producers, be they Canadian or American. The poll shows by 2:1 those voting feel the packers were the winners.
mlsfarms said:
The packers are the big winners here. Bot cheap Canadian cattle, and sold them into the US market by the box full. Of course, when you have this administration in your back pocket, winning was a given. Those who lost were the producers, be they Canadian or American. The poll shows by 2:1 those voting feel the packers were the winners.

CANADIAN packers, or their canadian divisions that is. Anyone without a "North of the Border" branch has had their ass handed to them. Expensive fat cattle and cheap Canadian boxes putting pressure on the cutout; definitely not a recipe for making $$$.
Hay Maker, you miss the point with your question on who won. This war was fought on Canadian soil so there was no winning for the Canadians.
SURVIVAL is all the Canadians ever wanted, well they may have victory in time to survive. Unfortunately many banks will use better prices as an opportunity to close out nonperforming accounts.

I don't usually criticize RCALF very much because I think most members are hard working producers that are misled or misunderstand, but I'll never understand standing on someone's throat that is just trying to provide for their family.
Hey Hay Maker... you want to see the enemy? It ain't the packer. It's THESE folks. http://www.prwatch.org/books/madcow.html
Unfortunately many banks will use better prices as an opportunity to close out nonperforming accounts.

Yup, I think there are going to be alot of bankruptcies forced on alot of Canadian farm families who thought they'd made it through the mad cow crisis. The banks have been holding off all this time waiting for this thing to be over and now that prices are improving, they'll cash in.
Brad S said:
Hay Maker, you miss the point with your question on who won. This war was fought on Canadian soil so there was no winning for the Canadians.
SURVIVAL is all the Canadians ever wanted, well they may have victory in time to survive. Unfortunately many banks will use better prices as an opportunity to close out nonperforming accounts.

I don't usually criticize RCALF very much because I think most members are hard working producers that are misled or misunderstand, but I'll never understand standing on someone's throat that is just trying to provide for their family.

In every organization there a few vocal radicals. R-CALF has a few that have a vendetta against Canada, but I can assure that the vast majority of R-CALF members do not. R-CALF's actions concerning the border are NOT aimed at the Canadian producers, but rather the $%^# dang USDA and *^&^ing packer partnership that is threatening US producers.

If you look at who had the boot on Canadian's throats, you'll notice the initials AMI. Who made a killing paying next to nothing for Canadian fats and while shipping the beef South for record prices? Randy K has asked many times how the price of 70 cents was set and I don't think his question has ever been aswered. R-CALF didn't set that price.
beentheredonethat said:
The Canadians were witheld from the highest end of the cattle cycle during record prices. That's good enough for me.

Yes we missed the top end of the market,but on the plus side all the cheap cows that I purchased over the last 2 years will more than offset the difference in income I lost on the calf runs in the fall for the next 7-10 years.
beentheredonethat said:
JD6320 said:
beentheredonethat said:
The Canadians were witheld from the highest end of the cattle cycle during record prices. That's good enough for me.

Yes we missed the top end of the market,but on the plus side all the cheap cows that I purchased over the last 2 years will more than offset the difference in income I lost on the calf runs in the fall for the next 7-10 years.

you still have no market for your culls and no real export market. Good luck, I hope you find 4 more.

Actually we have the U.S. Market now and I would think some of the packers will switch to cull cows looking for the best profit margin. "Find 4 more", I don't think that would be beneficial to anybody.
Sounds like somebody is a sore loser. Now back to making hay.
As I'm posting this the poll is 71% in favour of the packers. But don't forget the added capacity and the improvements that the Canadian farmer has made also.

But I wonder how RCALF feels about the packer concentration and profits that have been realized since March 07th. They may not have closed the border initially, but they were the main instigator on March 07.

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