Two names came immediately to mind. I was at The Cowboy Hall of Fame and another museum in Oklahoma City. In the Charlie Russel Museum, there was a rifle with quite a nice etching on it, but what really impressed was when I read the story behind it. He was at a camp and engraved this steel with a pocket knife by the camp-fire light. Now that's talent, making something beautiful outta minimal tools.
Second was really jogged by a print I finally saw by Tim Cox. It shows a couple out for a ride that day taking a break, his head on the lap of the ladt, dogs in background. It's entitled "As Good As It Gets." Reminds me of how good the alone times are with my wife. Story behind it is he created it as a wedding gift to his Son and Daughter-In-Law. What a treasure. I think there were only 956 of these and this is the only one I've seen for sale. Dealer had a $550 price tag on it. He said he was never able to get any before, but anoither dealer went out of business and they had to return these. The guy had sold the other 3. Maybe i shoulda bought it, but telling my wife how I want this print because f how much our alone times mean to me convey as much, I can also buy a lot of Roses with the $550,