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Jersey Lilly:

That was a hoot :lol: :lol:

I am sorry, but I had a great laugh at your expense, and a much needed one at that!

I don't know what your wedding traditions are down there, but up here at the bridal shower, attendees tell funny stories about you or your husband (in my case my hubby, since this I'm not originally from here)---that would be a good one to tell about her if you do stuff like that!!!

Again, thanks for the chuckle....


PS I asked Haymaker but forgot to ask you, are you near Kerrville??
Next Ranchers. Net Get Together has got to be at Shotgun Willie's in Rapid City. The largest gun store in South Dakota-lots of interesting calibre's to observe.
Northern Rancher said:
Next Ranchers. Net Get Together has got to be at Shotgun Willie's in Rapid City. The largest gun store in South Dakota-lots of interesting calibre's to observe.

NR, you must be thinkin' of checking out some 38 specials, or a pair of Magnums of some sort???? :shock: :evil: :twisted: :lol: :D
You never know with those thngs just gathering dust lol. I actually convinced some friends of ours that it was a gun store-man did the lady half chew me out when they got back from holidays. I went on quiite a cultural tour of Rapid City that day lol.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Oh all right, aint like I haven't told my "in person" friends about it.

Amanda was oh maybe 8 or 9 years old. We'd takin a "family trip" to walmart. We started shoppin as usual made our way around through the health and beauty aids, on to automotive, passed the sporting goods, where Mr. Lilly drifted off.

This is long about the time Thongs became all the rage...n I aint talkin them one's that goes on ya feets. :oops: I'd wondered, just what's so spectacular bout em?? So here me and amanda were...driftin thru the womens unmentionables.....when I spied me one of them thangs....uhh thongs....
Our oldest was with his dad in the sportin goods. I looked around..no one around to watch....I shopped a lil....looked at a few...then found the one I was gonna "take home and try" (Was still thankin to myself, no way, aint gonna work) Anyway, I put it in the basket....up underneath somethin that was already in the basket, ya know just dont want that layin right out on top of all yer other stuff for the whole world to see.
We waited a lil bit, for Mr Lilly and Jr to show back up. Finally here they come, when what do I hear in a rather LOUD blonde lil girl child voice........."Daddy Daddy !!! Mama's buyin stripper pannies, mama's buyin stripper pannies!!!!" Just as I turned to tell her to Hush her mouth.........I see she's got em in her hand.....wavin em in the air above her head!!!!! :mad: Mr Lilly is a good 3 or 4 isles away, still comin...Amanda will not give em to me....Like two lil kids fightin over a toy....I'm tellin her give em!!!! And just what do you know about strippers anyway...yer only 8 years old?!!!! I'm tellin you it was like the NBA the manuevers she used to keep them outta my reach.....course by that time there's several elderly women shoppers driftin around...all lookin in our direction. Mr Lilly finally got to the basket, and asked me what was goin on, I told him, just thought I would give this thang a try.....but now I don't know so much about that, since amanda seemed to think it was such a big deal.....Mr Lilly said...well it is somethin to get excited about dont ya thank??? Finally got it back in the basket, stuffed down under neath the rest of my shoppin....but I coulda choked her, right then and there in the store if it hadn't been so funny.

So how did the thong turn out? Was it worth the money? :D :) :-) :lol: :wink:
Holy crappers.......I go off line for a bit and miss a wack of juiiiicccy stuff.
Haymaker in his long johns....Did you buy any of the magazines later?
Miss Lily your thong story to funny...sorry but it was.
Reminds me of when I must have been about 4 years old (in the early 40's) and one warm summer morning my younger brother Lyle and I crawled out the back window of the bedroom without any clothes on. We were used to going barefoot. We were out in the backyard a ways, Lyle was closer to the house, when up the road with a team and hayrack is Mr. Jensen, who lived about 2 miles away. Lyle ran back and in through the window, and I hid in a little turkey house.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
I"m about 3 hours from Kerrville to the east.
I seen that you'd asked him if he was near kerrville, are you planning a trip there?


Next year the National Red Angus convention will be in Kerrville (in Sept. I can't recall the dates off the top of my head)--I've been through Kerrville going from San Angelo to San Antonio on a judging team in college. Beautiful country and I can't wait for the trip!!!

Great story, Jersey Lilly. Thanks for coming clean and leveling with us. See, that didn't hurt, and being honest is always the best policy. And honestly, that was hilariously funny. :wink: :shock: :-) :D
katrina said:
This one was this Sunday... I was going to call Cal. I didn't know his number so I dialed imformation. The lady very kindly gave me the number. I dialed away... Ring, ring, answering machine..... So I say Hey this is the Rosbud renegade and give me a call back...... Anyway two hours later I get this phone call.
I go "Hello?...... This man says is this the rosebud renegade? And I go yes...........He says who is this??? And I say who is this??? And he says Alfred.......And I am thinking this is Cal pulling a fast one on me sooooooooooo.... I say Alfred Who??? He says Alfred soandso...I soon realized IT WASN'T CAL................I was so imbarrassed... He goes.... Now really who is this.... So I say listaen mister I dialed the wrong number and you want me to tell you who I am??? I'm not that blonde.... He says Okay... Who was you trying to call and I say Cal........... This guy Alfred bust out laughing and says I know him let me get his number for you..... I politly say thank you and we hang-up........ :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Perfect!! The little ol' ladies are probably making up gossip about me now, but what the hay! :lol: :lol: That's plum hilarious!
Big Muddy rancher said:
Guess Haymaker and rancher aren't the only ones with "Stripper panties". :cowboy: :cowboy: I needed two cigarettes after that story. :wink:

Yup,but rancher and me got em to try ta do a lil tradin,Miss Tam makes you wear yours :shock: :shock: :shock: ...............good luck...PS I heard she had you so hen pecked,you molt twice a year.
This could've been alot worse I suppose. 7 yrs ago I was at a nursing conference and our company doctor decided to have a spiffy evening affair for all our attendees. So I got all gussied up in a red dress and heels about to leave my hotel room but made one last quick stop in the bathroom then grabbed purse and left.

Near the elevator a man and his wife passed me and I caught him looking back at me but his wife yanked on his arm. Now I'm not the type that turns men's heads so in a bit that had me wondering. I caught a look at myself a bit later in a mirrored wall and here my skirt hem was hiked up clear in the back caught at my waist like a bustle with underpants below.
The weird thing is, if I'd been wearing a bathing suit there would have been much more exposure but it wouldn't have been nearly as embarassing :!:
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Well......ya know what Gretchen Wilson says
Something like... you can buy the same damn thong at WalMart for half price, and still look sexy... :D
nr said:
This could've been alot worse I suppose. 7 yrs ago I was at a nursing conference and our company doctor decided to have a spiffy evening affair for all our attendees. So I got all gussied up in a red dress and heels about to leave my hotel room but made one last quick stop in the bathroom then grabbed purse and left.

Near the elevator a man and his wife passed me and I caught him looking back at me but his wife yanked on his arm. Now I'm not the type that turns men's heads so in a bit that had me wondering. I caught a look at myself a bit later in a mirrored wall and here my skirt hem was hiked up clear in the back caught at my waist like a bustle with underpants below.
The weird thing is, if I'd been wearing a bathing suit there would have been much more exposure but it wouldn't have been nearly as embarassing :!:
You know, you could have just as easily turned this into another thong story. :)
Cal said:
nr said:
This could've been alot worse I suppose. 7 yrs ago I was at a nursing conference and our company doctor decided to have a spiffy evening affair for all our attendees. So I got all gussied up in a red dress and heels about to leave my hotel room but made one last quick stop in the bathroom then grabbed purse and left.

Near the elevator a man and his wife passed me and I caught him looking back at me but his wife yanked on his arm. Now I'm not the type that turns men's heads so in a bit that had me wondering. I caught a look at myself a bit later in a mirrored wall and here my skirt hem was hiked up clear in the back caught at my waist like a bustle with underpants below.
The weird thing is, if I'd been wearing a bathing suit there would have been much more exposure but it wouldn't have been nearly as embarassing :!:
You know, you could have just as easily turned this into another thong story. :)

Kind of puts to mind the song:
"I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see
If I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me.
You were cute as you could be standing looking back at me
And it was plain to see that I'd enjoy your company........." :-) :shock: :D

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