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About ten years ago I went to Hawii with some friends. Went to the beach with my swim trunks and boots on. Did'nt know till we got home when a friend showed me a picture I had my trunks on backwards with the strings hanging out. No wonder I did'nt pick up any chicks that day. :oops: :oops:
Oh that just reminded me of another one............This was a Longggggggg time ago, back in the day of bikini's. We had a trip to the beach planned the kids were little, and always excited about gittin there. I'd gone shoppin and bought me a brand new bikini...tried it on..it fit ok....
The afternoon we got there, soon as we got our luggage sat down in the hotel room the kids went to hollerin...lets go to the beach!!!! So I got their bathin suits out and told em to git em on...didnt take em very long. I went to put mine on......got the top on fine.....
Put the bottoms on, and low and behold, somethin had shrunk when I washed it!!!! One hiney cheek refused to stay tucked in!!!!.....I called Mr. Lilly in there n told him...Look at this!!!! this ain't the way it fit when I bought it.......he started laffin, and said, "Didn't yer mama ever teach you that the tag goes in the back?" (knowin full well she did cuz I'd been teachin my kids that since they was old enuff to git dressed by themselves)
Yeap sure nuff.....there it was.................the tag...........hangin outta leg hole..............NO WONDER IT DIDNT FIT!!! :D
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Oh that just reminded me of another one............This was a Longggggggg time ago, back in the day of bikini's.

Don't tell me the day of the bikini's is gone :???: :cry: - what are they wearing ( or not wearing) now on the beach :???:

back :lol: .................never mind
passin thru said:

back :lol: .................never mind

Reminds me of Barry Manilow's famous songs:
"He Wears the Thongs That Make the Whole World Sing"
"Maybe the Old Thongs Will Bring Back the Old Times"

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