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  1. R

    Rodeo on the Reservation, Part One

    looks like alot of fun, soap!!! also looks like one hot, dry, dusty son of a gun of a day!! Hope ya found some shade and kept cool!!! :D :D :D :D
  2. R


    things that make ya go "awwwwwww"!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
  3. R

    another beautiful day on the o'dell

    temps got into the mid 50's and the sky was beautiful....coming home with the daughter, I could not help but stop and take a few pix of the new babies...well...at least the ones that would stop running long enough for the camera to "click"!! :lol: baby "Hope"!!! remember Anne??? Well, this...
  4. R


    Pretty baby!!!! Best of luck in keeping him going, randiliana!!!! :D :D :D
  5. R

    Bull and other pix

    Come on over ANYTIME, mrsgreg!!!! We'll give ya all the mountains you can handle!! :lol: :lol: The funny part about the pix of Flint "sledding" was.......NO SNOW.....NO SLED....NO PROBLEM!!! The kid is just a natural born DAREDEVIL.....NOOOOO idea where he got that from :roll:
  6. R


    BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  7. R

    Bringing Cows Home...Photo Story

    You definitely have the eye behind the camera!! thanks for sharing with the rest of us!! Are you getting any of the storm that is ripping around your way??? Heard that most of eastern colorado is pretty shut down!! Better batten down the hatches and wait her out!! Best of luck to you and yours...
  8. R

    Working Heifers

    that blue sky just serves as a reminder that not all sunny days are WARM days.....especially for those of us up north!! Cowboyup and boys are moving the cows in to the corrals this morning and gonna be preg-testing tomorrow! Have half the county coming to help....sure wish you and sw could be...
  9. R

    cows and the oil patch (not for those with a weak stomach)

    I second that!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. R


    Look at all that tall, green grass!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Downright pretty!!! :wink:
  11. R

    2nd to Beef

  12. R

    Very Pregnant Fall Cows

    that first pix looks like any number of females I have known who are "ready to pop"......bovine and human...got that look that says "don't mess with me!!! I am simply NOT in the mood!! Can't tie my own shoes and my back is killing me!!!"" :lol2: :lol2:
  13. R

    Photos: Hard grass country/cattle

    now THOSE are some healthy looking bovine!!! Good job and kudos to you and mr. fh!!! Man, what I would give for a few of those nice looking windmills on our place!! How are you folks getting by in this nasty fire season??? Smoky/hazy around your area????
  14. R

    Photos: Hard grass country/cattle

    I hate these old computers we have at work....cannot seem to get your pictures to come up...will have to try again later when I get home!!! :cry: :cry:
  15. R

    Missing Cattle Rancher in Manitoba

    sending prayers that they find this man and can put this to rest!!! How very, very sad!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
  16. R

    Jinglebob's small branding

    Hey, JB...don't forget us in may and early june when we do our brandings!! Could always use some more good hands and it looks as though you have a few you could "loan out"!! :wink: :wink:
  17. R

    Branding Sunday!!

    hmmmmm.......am scheduled to work on sunday, but lord knows I have plenty of "sick time" coming to me!! What a better excuse than a branding to call in "dead"!!! :D :D
  18. R

    FYI - Off a PETA site

    delicious...nutritious...tastes like chicken!!! :shock: :shock: Just kiddin'....long day and I simply could not help myself!!! :wink: :wink: :wink:
  19. R

    Here We Go Again.........................

    not to change the subject ( :wink: :wink: ), but that sure looks like awful pretty country you are in....did not know it was so...."hilly"!!! :wink: :wink:
  20. R

    weaned calves (pics)

    nice-sized calves, Alabama!!!! Verrrrrry nice!!! :D :D