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  1. D

    this bothers me

    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/un-urges-rim-to-compromise-on-data-sharing/article1693847/ big brother has been here for a long time and is getting stronger. it doesn't matter whether govt. is left or right the people who own it want more control.
  2. D

    This Guy Predicted The Mortgage Meltdown

    you can quote the deficit as a per cent of gdp all you want - it's the accumulation of debt that has the usa screwed. bush had eight years to do something about it and he was a total failure to the extent that he made things worse and got out just in time to not look so bad as far as some are...
  3. D

    This Guy Predicted The Mortgage Meltdown

    if cutting taxes would straighten this out how much should taxes be cut? americans don't want to understand that it isn't taxes that are too high; spending has been too high for decades. the credit card was taking the abuse but now it's maxed out. the usa is in no way exceptional - all the...
  4. D

    This Guy Predicted The Mortgage Meltdown

    yeah you got it straight. two stupid, unnecessary, unwinnable wars pushed the american economy past the tipping point. if your lower tax rates are required to increase revenues i think you better put all taxes to zero because you're going to need infinite revenues the shape the american...
  5. D

    This Guy Predicted The Mortgage Meltdown

    http://www.marketwatch.com/story/reagan-insider-gop-destroyed-us-economy-2010-08-10?reflink=MW_news_stmp becoming a more commonly held belief.
  6. D

    Medora through to Minot...

    bootbarn.com my son just got a pair of justin's from there. knew the size and item number he wanted and saved over $100 from buying local. not necessarily a good thing but the way she goes.
  7. D

    Russian weather

    you don't suppose putin and friends loaded up on long futures and calls before they made the announcement do you?
  8. D

    trickle up economics

    seems to be having some good effect over there. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/broken-europe/the-maintenance-of-hope-germanys-secret-to-recovery/article1659177/
  9. D

    Why is haiti so poor?

    you'll also find evidence of american meddling to get aristide overthrown. accepted the cia did not want a democratic govt in haiti.
  10. D

    What da ya bet

    hell bmr if this board is any indication he has a lot more white friends too. who cares? i still don't see how racism makes things better.
  11. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    that's right it is about balance and you can go to haiti where a few are very wealthy and everyone else is truly destitute. if you believe the statistics wealth in america is becoming more concentrated as well. why doesn't the tea party rail against that or are they a tool of the wealthy? the...
  12. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    read it - inequitably low would mean the tax system is redistributing wealth. i've said before you need some socialism to make capitalism work i.e. roads, fire depts, infrastructure, etc. if someone is getting more benefit they should be paying more taxes. taxes redistrubute wealth or...
  13. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    of course tax increases have a chilling effect on economic activity and also make the economy less efficient but inequitably low tax rates for higher income brackets only serve to concentrate wealth and that is also economically inefficient. in the end the money for government spending has to...
  14. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    only cutting spending solves overspending. cutting taxes is not a cure. every tax cut has the immediate effect of lower revenues in the hope of increasing revenues down the road. sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn't but in the meantime the budget shortfall gets bigger.
  15. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    i don't spout anything. i observe and comment. if all american governments for the past thirty (some say forty) years have been overspending i guess there aren't many fiscal conservatives in america.
  16. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    who said i'm a liberal? other people but certainly not me. you guys like to hang labels because you think it sets you on the correct side. if anything i'm a pragmatist.
  17. D

    Definition of "Racist"

    the usa will cease to exist before it becomes postracial. way too much history.
  18. D

    Shirley Sherrod.... Typical Racist Nigga

    it's the intent behind the use and some people are way to obvious.
  19. D

    It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

    no it isn't. it's decades of overspending and pretending tax cuts have some sort of magical elixir effect. the usa is broke and will have to clean up its act. consider this: what if what the right considers to be the ills afflicting the usa are wrong? they spout the same old propaganda that...
  20. D

    Shirley Sherrod.... Typical Racist Nigga

    i just find it remarkable that a thread with the title of this one can be on here. says a lot.